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traceyacey12 22-08-2022 11:41 PM

Do you really need to be pure sort to speak to walk the spiritual path?
Hi everyone,

I have had spiritual experiences and am currently experiencing what I believe are ascension symptoms. However, I do enjoy rap music with lots of explicit lyrics and not-so-spiritual ideas. Why am I experiencing spirituality with this kind of sensibility? By the way, other than my music taste, I am mostly a good person lol (at least I think so.) I am empathetic and am kind and gentle and all that. I guess I just answered my first question but does one need to be sort of absolutely pure (not listen to the music I mentioned for example) to tread the spiritual path? Will my ascension be stalled while I clear this or can one ascend with these sort of interests?

Thanks for your help 🙂

JustBe 23-08-2022 12:00 AM

At the core of us all there is a beast to be tamed. Lol.
I love raw rap music, especially real to life story telling that speaks of real lives, going through real experiences. It’s an opener to places inside us that can break through barriers. Music does that. It evokes, memories, feelings, connections..
Spirituality is part of an interconnected relationship of you. Your creations work for you where you choose.

The spiritual path is not all airy fairy pure, it’s tough, it’s gritty, it’s hard and difficult too, depending on what life your dealing with.

Miss Hepburn 23-08-2022 01:15 AM

No, you don't have to be 'absolutely pure' to walk a spiritual path, imo.

To get to your destination or Goal* ...I mean, for the Door to really open it sure does help!! But I mean, pure, kind, compassionate,
forgiving thoughts and deeds...not the music you listen to. :)

(This isn't Non-duality so I don't want any guff from those guys about I'm already at my destination,
the Goal is linear thinking and there is no 'you' anyway, just Brahman
!! ):biggrin:

Bluto 23-08-2022 02:23 AM

I wouldn't worry about it. You're human. Rap represents an aspect of the human condition, and a viewpoint on some of the realities of a physical existence.

I've always loved prank calls, and listen to many prank call shows live and on Youtube. Sometimes the person being pranked will begin crying. But that's their limitation as a prankee, not mine as a listener. I've cried from others' actions through my life. That's part of the human experience, as is spiritual journeying.

It's all cool, these opposites can co-exist as a conundrum. The whole universe is a conundrum.

traceyacey12 23-08-2022 02:25 AM

Lol thanks ladies. I need some wholesome hobbies :confused:

A human Being 23-08-2022 08:20 AM

In terms of your interests, I don't think there are hard-and-fast rules about these things - it's whatever you feel drawn to, whatever you feel passionate about. Rap music's never been something that interested me personally, but if it helps you to open up in some way, I say embrace it. And then maybe at some point you feel like you've outgrown it, at which point you could say it's served its purpose (or maybe you never reach that point, who knows).

Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
(This isn't Non-duality so I don't want any guff from those guys about I'm already at my destination,
the Goal is linear thinking and there is no 'you' anyway, just Brahman
!! ):biggrin:

When I am King, the non-dualist dullards will be the first against the wall. Although they'd probably tell me there's no wall or something.

FairyCrystal 23-08-2022 09:33 AM

I remember I was wondering -and worrying- about the exact same thing years ago.
I could totally enjoy listening to for instance Rage Against the Machine "Killing in the Name Of"... The volume went up high, and I do mean high, hihi, when I listened to that.
And also with other songs, but that one in particular concerned me a bit because of the title. But then I thought, "Would it matter? I am enjoying the music, it makes me happy. How can it then be wrong?!"

The song means that much to me -still does- as it was the first one my son & his band did on stage way back when. Seeing my boy doing his first ever real performance, wow... Still gives me goose bumps!
That is why it means so much to me.

As for the rest, being pure, no you don't have to be pure to walk the spiritual path. No one is pure when they start walking it. You get more and more cleansed the further along you get as you purge, let go, and so on.
But don't focus too much on ascension. Sounds like you think in the end you will ascend, as in rise up to the heavens.
That is not what the process is about.
Ascension that is meant is getting to a high vibration while in a physical body on Earth. Creating Heaven on Earth.
So it's not about becoming energy only and rising up to the heavens. The goal of mankind is to have a high vibration AND live in a physical body.

As for the music... I hardly ever listen to music anymore as that means being exposed to the news 2x per every hour which adds up per day.
I don't want all that negativity in my system so at first I switched off radio during news, then back on. In the end I just forgot. Couldn't be bothered with it anymore.

We are human being, so don't expect nor demand perfection from yourself.
You could ponder why the rap music. Does it truly bring you joy & happiness -which would be okay- or is it something else it resonates with? Maybe anger or pain or... or... Any feeling or memory that isn't positive... If that's the case you may want to give it some thought.
Otherwise, don't worry about it.

Miss Hepburn 23-08-2022 10:47 AM

Thanks for the belly laugh, A human Being. :wink:

A human Being 23-08-2022 11:35 AM

Most welcome, Miss H. :laugh:

Originally Posted by FairyCrystal
You could ponder why the rap music. Does it truly bring you joy & happiness -which would be okay- or is it something else it resonates with? Maybe anger or pain or... or... Any feeling or memory that isn't positive... If that's the case you may want to give it some thought.
Otherwise, don't worry about it.

I was going to suggest this when I gave it a bit more thought, I think reflecting on it as Fairy says could definitely be a useful line of inquiry.

grape 23-08-2022 01:44 PM

Spirituality is different for everyone!!!! Is the content of rap music really so bad that it can’t fit into a spiritual lifestyle, or have we just been conditioned to think that way? I believe any interest can be spiritual as long as you feel you are living your purpose while enjoying it. Music is storytelling, and a lot can be learned from listening!

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