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-   -   if you are spiritual do you go to heaven hell or the spirit world (https://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=141262)

mario32 22-08-2021 05:52 AM

if you are spiritual do you go to heaven hell or the spirit world
if you are spiritual do you go to heaven hell or the spirit world like jim jones do you think that guy is in hell or in the spirit world

asearcher 22-08-2021 06:34 AM

I think you go where your inside level takes you. To my understanding there are different heaven set ups. Hell - I have no opinion as for now if it exist . I have experienced what I think could be some set up place in the lower realms. Spirits can get stuck too, does not mean they are bad. Could carry over negative feelings such as shock from trauma, dissapointments, bitterness, grief, trauma from the death scene, memory loss, some part of the person's mental illness could make it more confusing, but that is only temporarily. Then there are those beings who know who or what they are, or seem to be, and wish to be there (lower realms), they can drain energy from you if you are in a vulnerable state, you can be vulnerable while sleeping when getting into a specific state, if your own aura carry something of negative experiences, they have to hook up to something. It is as if you are a train and going somewhere and they simply jump on top of the train, on the ride for free.

I'm a person having both positive feelings and negative feelings and I don't always view the negative feelings as something bad but just as valuable as the positive ones. We humans have a way of pushing down negative emotions such as shame, humiliation but I say bring it up to the surface and work on it, even if it is really painful, and then you can see the real cause behind it. In the root of it there is the bigger picture. And then you let it go and it no longer weigh you down.

It is not up to me to say (write) where Jim Jones go, so I have to leave that one unanswered. I don't have the big picture.

I think everyone who is prepared for life after death if you are spiritual, and/or religious or gotten the knowledge else where, should hopefully not get confused or stuck but know what to do in case the tunnel of light and, or if a loved one who has gone to the other side previously dont show up to you (does not mean it has not shown up. Communication is telepathic to my experience and from what I have read). You have abilities as spirit.

I have personally met, been invovled with people to claim they are religious and what not, and few of them are not people I would say are "good people". It is a danger to think you are better and more good than anyone else. I have frankly seen a priest be abusive to another person that I considered very much a good person. So to me someone who says they are religious or spiritual does not automatically tell me Oh, you're good then. It could be someone who is 100% an atheist who is really good to it fellow human beings and what not. And just look at those priests out there in history who abused children, they got to that position because it was attractive to them with power, social position. So one has to look out and really judge beneith the surface what kind of person you are actually dealing with.

Lorelyen 22-08-2021 11:41 AM

You're spirit anyway. The earthly body is just one phase of it, maybe an extreme, depending how your beliefs unroll anyway. The way you live your life here will either refine you or at worst, do nothing. To me, that's what 'spiritual' practices aim at: refinement.

As a gnostic, that earthly phase will one day pass. I have no useful words for what's left after material death because the "I-ness" of me will have gone but whatever emerges will return to the spiritual arena.

(Some people here call that "I-ness" the ego which is a misnomer to me as it's a process that augments as the seconds pass. A well-known occultist said 'every moment of every day is of [occult] importance to you. It depends on how you assimilate what you take in from it.')

Altair 22-08-2021 12:55 PM

If like Lorelyen says there is no more I after death, than it's anyone's gamble what will happen and it will be completely random. There's a sense of self that does this or that, and if that I is death after the body ceases to function than whatever survives after death will not bear any responsibility. Interesting.

DesertRose 23-08-2021 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by mario32
if you are spiritual do you go to heaven hell or the spirit world

Are those the only three choices we have? Can I choose something else? :angel9:

Lorelyen 23-08-2021 04:47 PM

Scorpio Rising: Of course. How about Bermuda?

Altair: If like Lorelyen says there is no more I after death, than it's anyone's gamble what will happen and it will be completely random.

Interesting to speculate. When you physically die presumably your physical senses cease as the means of exercising them close down so it would be impossible to experience anything earthly. Whether they overlay some kind of non-physical senses I don't know.

Even though the data repository in ones brain would switch off, perhaps the contents of the I does linger on and gets transferred to wherever.
Make sure your ethereal papers are in order!

peteyzen 13-09-2021 03:56 PM

When you pass over from here, generally most people go to the astral plane. Its a spiritual plane that can appear like here but which is not material, its the next level up from the physical. You will go to the type of area you have `earned` through your behaviour on Earth(well karma you created really) There are horrible areas on the Astral and horrible people will go there, there are also heavenly areas, and lovely people go there. So you go to what you have earned. After a period of time usually 50-80 years you will die there and re incarnate back here for another cycle. Except if you commit suicide, then you tend to return very quickly.

ayar415 14-09-2021 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by peteyzen
Except if you commit suicide, then you tend to return very quickly.

You mean you get another chance to draw a better card if the one you are dealt with is lousy?

ocean breeze 15-09-2021 12:45 AM

You go to either Never Never Land or The Promise Land. Both are better than heaven.

PureEvil760 15-09-2021 08:05 AM

Heaven and hell are not places. Heaven is eternal reality and hell is when you are blind to it. Technically you're in hell right now.

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