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ragdoll 03-07-2021 06:00 PM

Someone I'm supposed to marry?
The dream started nonsensically like any other dream. I was in some sort of mud-race with some vehicle. However, I wasn't dressed for it, so I went to a gift shop and tried to find clothes but couldn't find any.

Then, I was in a kayak kayaking on the ocean in La Jolla. I was by myself on a kayak but there were others kayaking. I saw the shadow of a whale swimming underneath and I was waiting for it to come up but it didn't. It was a big grey whale. The ocean turned into a river, where a seal had caught a rabbit. A guy on the shore tried to take the rabbit from the sea lion, but then the sea lion tried to eat the guy's dog. I told him to let go of the rabbit if he wants to save his dog, so he did.

This is the part that seemed much clearer to me. Then, all of a sudden me and my family were being led to a chapel that was built on top of a mountain/cliff looking over the ocean. I think it was in san diego. It was called a chapel but looked like a residence. One of my sister's said it was a weird chapel. The front had a glass sun room full of plants. Inside were waiting chairs and ottomans. Apparently my sister was getting a second wedding, and we were just all waiting for it to start. While I was waiting against like a support beam, some guy came up to me and stood next to me.

I did like I would to any strange guy trying to get close to my personal space uninvited. "Um, excuse me?" I looked who it was and dream me recognized this person, but IRL me doesn't know who they are.

He was a few inches shorter than I am, bald, a bit chubby, but nice and pleasant looking. I was like, "Oh, its you!" We talked like we knew each other forever (I still have no clue who this person is, never seen him in my life). We talked and I guess we were supposed to get married. Like destined to get married.

However at some point, we heard police sirens, and this guy hid under an ottoman. Everyone was looking for this guy, and he had done something innocuous (forgot what it was) that isn't even a crime. I kept trying to get him to get out from under the ottoman, but others in the house were like he has to stay there or the police will get him and you will never see him again.

Any thoughts?

Ciona 03-07-2021 06:26 PM

I don't know you so please take this with a grain of salt, but there is a possibility that this gentleman may be your animus as per Jungian psychology.

Notice how he knows how to protect himself in the situation, even from you. You already know him.

The animus mediates between the conscious and the unconscious in a female, as per Jungian psychology.

True Angel 19-07-2021 04:43 PM

The idea that comes to me is that the man may be your Spiritual Guide OR a member of your soul group on the other side.

Just a few symbol interpretations that came to mind:

A wedding is some sort of union or in this case, a reunion (a 2nd wedding or renewal if vows).

A chapel denotes something spiritual or of the spirit.

The waiting room is where you wait, of course. [In waking life, are you waiting for someone or is someone waiting for you?]

Trees represent knowledge, learning and growth.

Glass and windows represent a clear view inside and/or out. How you or someone view the world beyond you or close to you.

Your sister appearing in the dream may represent an aspect of yourself. Or her presence is symbolic for BRIDE.

A bride may denote a willingnesss to devote yourself to some union or pairing.

Did you mention a mountain? It denotes your aspirations and level of spiritual growth.


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