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asearcher 23-06-2021 09:59 PM

Finally I found what I have wondered for years. It was a scene I did not dare to speak about, not even to my then boyfriend. I was afraid he would think I had had a hallucination, that I've gone crazy.

It was during love making when I suddenly when I opened my eyes saw beings, dark energy, and particurly one, it's hard to explain what they were, I could only see one head's clearly. I somehow think it was a he, his head, face, and he and they -the dark mist, shaping - was showing up behind my boyfriends shoulders, back. The one who's face I saw had it's mouth open as if breathing in something big time. I froze. I stared. I could not get a word out but I remember I thought leave him alone! He thought something had gone wrong. Asking me. Then just as quick as I had seen him or they - that energy - it went away.

It was the first and only time I experience something like that. Just because it happened during love making, when I tried to finally bring up the subject to someone who clearly saw itself as some expert in ghosts (not on this forum, somewhere else, other circumstances) I was automatically thought of as if I was some pervert and this was some sick fantasy of mine. I was not taken seriously.

I did not want to lie and just say Oh, one day I just happen to see...and not mention the circumstances. I have always thought it had to do with something with the state I or we were in. We had a long term loving relationship and a healthy, normal love life. I know I did not create this from a wish or imagination or what I saw was not true. I did not want it to be true.

I was so worried at the time. I remember I would while he was doing dishes touch my hand on his arms and on his back just to make sure I did not see or feel anything there. And I could not talk to him about it. And I wished I had.

This boyfriend was going through a grief and he was becoming addicted to alcohol. He had grief and anger in his past. I remember he told me when he was younger he use to have an anger management problem and he would go and talk to someone, still with me he was never abusive and he was never over the top with his anger during our fights. One time I remember he got really mad, but that was with someone else, not me. He would say to me that before (before us) he had had a pretty bad period where he had felt the blues.

The video the guy in it explains about spiritual attachment mention what I have been looking for so long that a spiritual attachment can happen during love making.Mentioned too are depression, anger, alcohol.

I think energies on the other side can influence and be drawn to us, drain energy. I hate to think he or they did that on the boyfriend and hope his spirit is free of it now.


Traveler 24-06-2021 03:04 AM

Have you read Robert Bruce's "Astral Dynamics". He talks about negative entities that can attach to people. He recommends a 'mega salt bath' with lots of salt to remove these negative attachments.

asearcher 24-06-2021 03:11 PM

Thank you very much, Traveler. I haven't read it. Sounds interesting.

I might have gotten a kind of insight in my own vision when he would later say he felt it as if someone, a devil, was on his back. The one he told this to thought it was a very disturbed thing to say. But those were his words that it was on his back and behind him. When I found that out I froze again and it brought back my memory. I never noticed anything paranormal events in our home.

I broke off all kind of contact with the then ex boyfriend who was by then a friend and nothing but (I had no romantic feelings left) when I moved into a home. It was for the sake of the then relationship I was in. And in this home I suspect he has visit during astral traveling. We never talked about these sort of thing, but he would several times tell me other things as if he knew things about me and knew my whereabouts without being able to know (where there were no windowns) and not giving me an explaination. If he did astral travel then maybe this is where it too could come from?

Thank you for the advice, mega salt bath it is! =)

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