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Altair 16-01-2021 11:24 PM

Thank You
A thanks to the founder(s) of yoga.

A thanks to all the teachers that helped me learn about yoga and develop my own path.
A thanks to all the great people I have met over the years and practised yoga with.

Thank you yoga practice for making me discover myself and accept the feelings I tried to imprison, and accept my shortcomings.

I am truly grateful.

(feel free to add your thanks and share what yoga has given to you).

LibbyScorp 26-01-2021 07:32 AM

This is lovely.

Thank you, fathers and mothers of yoga for your unwavering dedication. For giving us the ancient texts to study. For giving us all this gift. The tools of connection through breath and movement.

Thank you, instructors for inspiring me to push past the limits of my mind, to take care of myself and for the reminders to accept where my body and mind are at in the moment.

Thank you to my friends and family for allowing me moments to teach them what I know and for listening to my rants, reading my poetry and looking at my art involving yoga. I go through phases and my people always back me up and encourage me to make my goals come true.

Thank you for the yoga communities. Festivals, classes, workshops and forums. Places where we can all nerd out and feel the elevated consciousness together.

Thank you, yoga for being there for me through all transformations lifting me into new chapters. For helping me recognize the beautiful simplicity of life, the gratitude in my heart, energy surging within as well as without and the power of self connected to all that is.

Something that started off as naive exercise turned into a lifetime of learning. Forever a student awakening the soul in a human experience.

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