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~Lioness~ 15-07-2020 09:57 PM

Holes in the aura and advice needed
I used to have holes in my aura from a psychic vampire that was a lot stronger than she even knew.

She nearly killed me. I had 6 car wrecks over a 2 year span. She would possess my body and mess with my chakras. She put holes in my solar plexus that, 12 years later, are barely beginning to function and feel better. She made me manic I don't know how besides the possession and whatever spell check/hex she put on me. I'm sick of it. I used to be happy and healthy, brave and full of optimism and joy. After 12 years of being drained of my own energy, I'm exhausted, and life is too hard.

What do I do to be like I used to be?

BigJohn 16-07-2020 04:51 AM


Originally Posted by BlueSkiez
I used to have holes in my aura from a psychic vampire that was a lot stronger than she even knew.

She nearly killed me. I had 6 car wrecks over a 2 year span. She would possess my body and mess with my chakras. She put holes in my solar plexus that, 12 years later, are barely beginning to function and feel better. She made me manic I don't know how besides the possession and whatever spell check/hex she put on me. I'm sick of it. I used to be happy and healthy, brave and full of optimism and joy. After 12 years of being drained of my own energy, I'm exhausted, and life is too hard.

What do I do to be like I used to be?

As for your Solar Plexus Chakra, I would wear bright yellow clothes in that area, sleep between yellow sheets and drench myself in yellow light.

lomax 16-07-2020 09:46 AM

First of all,you have to diagnose the situation properly.That means,you have to know for sure what's going on,in order to fix it.

When the inner immune system kicks off,automatically parasites move in.This can be the cause of energy drain (as you said),unhealthy style of life,drug abuse,and plenty of other stuff.

If you feel you have to work on your solar plexus,take care of your stomach and liver.NO processed foods,chemicals etc.

Fatimasque 17-07-2020 05:45 PM


God bless, and God help.

I imagine that major cleansing is one of the first orders of business.
Salt bath daily for a week or so. make sure you stew in for 20min minimum.
Go in with intention to remove the bad energies from this experience out of your energy body. if you have access to essential oils, use them. rosemary, sage, sandalwood, frankincense, eucalyptus, rose, patchouli, geranium.. any of these will do, though they target different chakras, it doesn't matter, as I assume the hex is taken over much of your energy body. helping one, helps others still.
do a mix of scents you like maybe, that appeal to you. trust your feelings when you smell them, more than what the lit says.

research other cleansing methods, see what appeals to you. burning incense, sage, what have you. I burn frankincense daily at home. its one of my favorites.
exercise too, cardio. drink lots of water.

oh and do a major cleanse of your home. I mean, spring cleaning type.
energy can also become stagnant and sticky. if its been six years, than many of your items have the memory of this negative energy. recycle it out. chuck what you don't need out. move around and recycle the energy of your home.
the items you keep will create new memory and energy because you re-introduced yourself to their utility. other things can go.
cleansed home, helps the self cleanse better.

Fortify yourself. a will and body that is strong heals faster, and has higher immunity from attack.
practice meditation with intention to 'return to yourself'.
so this is bringing back the parts of you that were usurped by the other energy. 'call these back to you', and they will know their way home.
- Think of your sense of self, your confidence,
- think of the people who you love, and people who love you. fortify your sense of self with the knowledge, connection, and sensation of this love. feel the love. (love is the best for energy fortification)
- higher love also works best. so if you have faith, or a connection with a divine source, then open yourself up to that connection. me, I love to imagine that my creator made me as I am, and loves me the way he made me.

- if faith is part of your life, then increase your prayers, whatever is their form.
- have patience during all of this, and source your patience from the faith that your divine creator will care for you and answer your prayers.

- if you don't have a deity per se, then see it this way. energy follows intention. so if you believe it, it will happen easier. its a placebo affect, but placebo works.

3. Disempower the power
- review this person in a new perception of weakness. very often we amplify the power of our oppressors ourselves, and give it to them.
think of it this way. the master is only a master because of the slave. if the slave can dis-recognize masterhood, it then weakens or ceases.
- this person may be strong. but they are still only human. and humans are weak, fallible, imbalanced, etc. fetch in your mind this person's weaknesses, let them become smaller and smaller to you. (the end of that line of thinking is pity towards this person, the kinder end is sympathy)

Then also disengage yourself from the person she has hexed.
"I am a new born man". "The man hexed died and is finally resting now"
(only do this after mid or after cleansing, the cleansed home is a part of this too)
This man has no past. this man has no memory. this man has love in his life.

seek good people. reflect the world's good energy back into yourself.
nature too. but I would suggest people, because that interaction is dynamic and forces your perception to 'see good' therefore 'believe in good' therefore 'attract good'.
charity is always a good way forward. it doesn't have to be grand, it doesn't have to be monetary too, it could be charity of time. or charity of your strength, or charity of your knowledge.

get healing if it is available to you.
go to the house of worship meaningful to you.
if there isn't one, go to one anyway and observe people in worship.
feel that prayer. let their emotions touch you. not their thoughts.
(not sure if this is possible or available during covid times where you are)

it may also be good for you to understand why you were so penetrable in the first place. so seek therapy, and work on your issues, and the defense mechanisms you've built to your detriment.. these are the causes of our weakness, and our weakness lowers our immunity and makes us susceptible.

I wish you best of luck. I hope you find kindness to forgive this person too.
this will be powerful to your healing from their harm.

Love and Peace

Demy 21-07-2020 07:17 AM


Originally Posted by Fatimasque
research other cleansing methods,

oh and do a major cleanse of your home.

If I may contribute from my rather weird reality:
1. Welcome white fire into your life.
White or, if feel better with it (easier to imagine) yellowish.
A few times a day, or at least in morning and before sleep, flood your house with white fire. Visualise it on walls, floors, ceilings. Feel it cleanse the house.
In the evening, before bed spend a bit more time on your bedroom and bed.
Talk to yourself that "this fire cleanses all evil and all darkness. white light wins with all enemies and all opposition. white is from God and God always wins..." etc.
If you are sensitive enough to identify them, or already know where bad energy is, flame it. Not once, not twice. This can take weeks and months. Be persistent. Even when on a couch watching TV, and you have a advertisement break, focus on a different room and a specific location and... burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrn.

2. Use white cement (mental, mental cement!).
Whenever you feel a bad place in house, it may be a doorway/vortex. so block it and any others with shiny, white, angelic cement. Do it regularly. Same or similar invocations. Keep blocking and closing. weeks and months.

3. If you see these things working, you can add "angelic paint", that is used to cover all surfaces of the home. Shiny, good, clean, God's paint. Sometimes easier to do than cementing:
a. cement is better for the doorways/vortexes, as it is hard and tough;
b. paint is easier to distribute mentally, as our subconscious may have a "logic issue" with drippy cement, but... drippy paint is 100% OK for our weird minds, and they also "agree" that it is easier/faster to spread.

4. If you feel that fire works for you, then take the next step(s):
#1: burn any visitors.
Note - most demonic entities (or those from the dark realities) are COLD, so hot fire is better. Feel it melting them, see it. Enjoy that.
#2: burn things inside you.
Anything dark you find, memories, images, faces, experiences, burn them. Take away their energy, make them passive, nullify them. Some may take mooooooonths to destroy.

Welcome to my reality :icon_eek: :icon_eek: of fire, cement and paint. DIY defensive magic, for the initiated self-made home improver, hehehe.

one-light 23-07-2020 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by BlueSkiez
I used to have holes in my aura from a psychic vampire that was a lot stronger than she even knew.

She nearly killed me. I had 6 car wrecks over a 2 year span. She would possess my body and mess with my chakras. She put holes in my solar plexus that, 12 years later, are barely beginning to function and feel better. She made me manic I don't know how besides the possession and whatever spell check/hex she put on me. I'm sick of it. I used to be happy and healthy, brave and full of optimism and joy. After 12 years of being drained of my own energy, I'm exhausted, and life is too hard.

What do I do to be like I used to be?

I research auras over the last few years, at one time it was my specialist subject.

1, how do your know your aura was damaged? some people can see them as can cameras.

2, how do you know your aura and health was damaged by another? Auras can get damaged in hospital during surgery, also medication, drugs, and poor mental/physical health...

I'm just interested to know how you know...

Sappheira 22-02-2021 12:11 AM


Originally Posted by Orion_Lion
I used to have holes in my aura from a psychic vampire that was a lot stronger than she even knew.

She nearly killed me. I had 6 car wrecks over a 2 year span. She would possess my body and mess with my chakras. She put holes in my solar plexus that, 12 years later, are barely beginning to function and feel better. She made me manic I don't know how besides the possession and whatever spell check/hex she put on me. I'm sick of it. I used to be happy and healthy, brave and full of optimism and joy. After 12 years of being drained of my own energy, I'm exhausted, and life is too hard.

What do I do to be like I used to be?

First you would need her gone from you, you call on your spirit guides or angels of heaven like Archangel Gabriel to help cut ties with her, and help you heal.
Or you can find a pranic healer who can help you heal and cut ties. Someone like that woman should have her abilities sealed up. Your guides or the Archangel of heaven would be able to do that.

~Lioness~ 22-02-2021 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by Sappheira
First you would need her gone from you, you call on your spirit guides or angels of heaven like Archangel Gabriel to help cut ties with her, and help you heal.
Or you can find a pranic healer who can help you heal and cut ties. Someone like that woman should have her abilities sealed up. Your guides or the Archangel of heaven would be able to do that.

Hi , I do agree with you on the point that she should have her abilities taken away. If they haven't already been taken away? Usually that stuff gets sorted out.

My chakras are more in balance these days.

Miss Hepburn 22-02-2021 09:47 PM

I'm impressed with each of your answers posted here, guys!

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