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Shivani Devi 19-04-2020 03:35 AM

The Archetype Of The Lone Gunman
I have it in mind to write an article and, as usual, it is just a lot of disjointed ideas floating around in my skull without any way to "connect the dots" even though I fully realise they all connect somehow.

After World War 2, the "Technological Revolution" began in earnest as man discovered (was given) every conceivable way of using and harnessing the whole EMF/RF spectrum for his own selfish benefits.

There were experiments using Microwaves for subliminal programming (The Frey Effect) back in the 1940's and 1950's which lead to adjustments being made to Project Paperclip and the establishment of Project Looking Glass - trying to find people with natural "remote viewing" and PK abilities and if such did exist, to breed them or find the expressed genetic sequence in order to replicate it in the laboratory.

I have spent many years doing ITC research...to use my gifts to actually ride the waves of these EMF flows and troughs to measure what "background noise" arises when our conscious awareness isn't "tuned in" to any specific channel or frequency...much like how our conscious thoughts can also become habituated to a well-worn concept if the "radio dial" is left in one place for long enough (too long) and not being given any opportunity of "free roaming" thus forever changing the "playing field" so that the establishment of a different kind of awareness can result...ITC research was, for a long time, part of my own spiritual practices.

So, what am I trying to say? Certain sectors of mankind have had the ability to communicate with others using "background radiation" for quite a while now. We think/believe them to be "ghosts" or "spirits" or "demons" coming through on our electronic devices... how about a select group within Silicon Valley or maybe some pranksters within the CIA going "hey, let's throw a spanner in the works of this "Matrix" thing and see how many "psychic dudes" we can get to sit up and take notice of it?

Of course, this means that parallel dimensions and alternate realities exist...for those we call "Extraterrestrials" come from there and not from a planet in a distant Galaxy far, far away...but from holes/portals which have been created in our own ionosphere...and which have now been expanded through the use of chemtrails (with carbon & silicon nanoparticulates) and with the rollout of the 5G network...thus turning the upper regions of the EMF spectrum into one giant wormhole..with information being stored in entangled neutrinos.

Over the past few months, we have witnessed conspiracies being more than just "theories" anymore..but the game that is being played out right now goes way beyond the irrelevant economic, political or public health "crisis" that our planet is facing right now...we are, as a species being primed and conditioned for something way, way bigger than that... something the Government has known since 1952..when another Government project was started which went by the name of "Bluebook".

Often I have been tempted to dust off my old P-SB7..my digital recorder..my "Shack Hack" and just ask one simple question...."what the f* do you WANT from us?" ...but each time I am moved to do so, I always think better of it..I don't enjoy being "played" after the bloody fact by a race I haven't trusted since they were known as the "Annunaki"...."genetic modification and immunising the herd against any notion of "rights" or "liberties" is what we DO...here, have our 'calling card'...it's on us.

Anyway, that's all I have to say right now, but there's much more of it...one thing about that "blue pill"..you need to keep taking stronger and stronger doses of it to build up one's "immunity" against all the bulls*.

Take care in these weird times.

Shivani Devi 19-04-2020 05:30 AM

Okays, so here's what I know.

H.G Wells refered to them as "Morlocks" in his novel 'The Time Machine" and they do what they do... promising Utopia to the citizens of a planet, in exchange for their "life force" but not necessarily their life...they are a parasitic species with great technology which mankind abuses to its own destructive end, every time he has been given it.

We fail the test every...damn...time!

I always found out why it is that I seem to be totally immune to all the "dehumanizing" going on....well, except for the notion there was ever any "liberty" to be had outside oneself and the Love they feel for their God anyway...but I digress (and feel happy to have done so).

JosephineB 19-04-2020 06:13 AM

Good luck with your article. I agree with you re primed and conditioned.

I've not read The Time Machine book, watched the two films. The Eloi were peaceful weren't they?

ant 19-04-2020 06:33 AM


Originally Posted by Shivani Devi
I always found out why it is that I seem to be totally immune to all the "dehumanizing" going on

Natural essence.

Some are born to live in this experience,like an anchor.

Nothing to learn,it's been done before.

Shivani Devi 19-04-2020 06:35 AM


Originally Posted by JosephineBloggs
Good luck with your article. I agree with you re primed and conditioned.

I've not read The Time Machine book, watched the two films. The Eloi were peaceful weren't they?

...and of course you know the weird thing right?

About 10 minutes after I posted the article which I did finish...in the very opening post...I got a notification from Google Account Services.."we just need to know if the email *insert my email address* belongs to you...please confirm/deny" ..what about that red box up the top "pi$$ off?" You want me, I am here in cyberspace....let's go.

.....yeah, it's just your way of telling me that the "tracking app" is only a formality...I understand that now.

You want me? Come get me. :hug3:

ant 19-04-2020 06:41 AM

^Google update 31st of March

Shivani Devi 19-04-2020 07:24 AM


Originally Posted by ant

Ah, I see...my browser is tracking cookies through my security center's ANTI "virus")....yeah, "keep your content safe...from everyone else except for us".
I shall be looking into it and thanks.

ant 19-04-2020 07:50 AM

Roll with the punches.

IF i was conspiracy theorist,i would question why google updated during a pandemic.

JosephineB 19-04-2020 07:54 AM

:duckie: :duckie: Go seems to be working well with me atm.

ant 19-04-2020 08:15 AM

^duck duck emits the punches.

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