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Tobi 05-04-2020 06:32 PM

I have coronavirus
I am posting this to hopefully help some people not to be so afraid.

I know it is not the same for everyone. Everyone has the potential to react in their own way to this infection, But I bear in mind that I am bordering on being in a "vulnerable" group because of my age, and having had some weakness health-wise for a couple of years now.

But obviously those with respiratory weaknesses; asthma, COPD or other serious illnesses shoud be very careful and keep in touch with health services.

So this is what is happening to me. It has been no fun, but it is live-able just about and I am improving.

I never imagined I'd catch it. I live remotely, hadn't had physical contact with anyone for over a month, only briefly had dealings at more than 6ft distance with delivery drivers who brought groceries, dealt with my groceries hygienically, and always washed my hands after having gone out for a walk, or received and dealt with deliveries.

But I made a few small mistakes. I forgot to re-bag some vegetables that came in my last order 22nd March. Those packs were forgotten, and just put into my refrigerator because the delivery came late at night and I was tired. I thought I'd get away with it. I was wrong.

On Thursday in the afternoon I devloped horrible bitter cold chills, and could not get warm. My body temperature was bordering on mild hypothermia. Outside it was quite a warm day!

Then my temperature shot up, and I noticed breathing tightness and a harsh cough. I immediately started taking immune support herbs and drinking many hot drinks (herbal teas, regular teas. For some reason I had no desire for coffee.)

The first 24 hours I more or less fasted (had zero appetite) I took spoonfuls of honey with garlic cloves and pieces of ginger, and drank so many hot teas. I had no desire for cold water either!
I waited for my appetite to call the shots, and only ate what it told me it wanted....slices of orange, a few black grapes, green grapes, honey.
On the second and third days I was able to eat a small bowl of lentil soup as well as some fruit.

The fever was pretty low-grade for the first couple of days. On the third day it spiked and went quite high that evening for hours. I didn't let it freak me out. I was pleased in a way to see the immune system doing what it was born for. It was fighting the invader!
I did not take anything to bring the fever down. It was still at a "safe" level for an older adult.
But I did all the time continue to take the immune support herbs.
I slept a very long time and had bizarre dreams. Fever dreams, which are quite natural at a time like that.

This morning the fever had gone -for now at least, and my normal appetite returned. This is only the fourth day. So I know I can't take anything for granted but it does seem like a slight positive change in the course of the illness.

I will continue to "aggressively rest":D and take the herbs, drink lots of hot fluids, eat easy-to -digest healthy foods (cooked), kept warm, not bathed or showered (had wet wipe-downs instead with something lightly scented) let my appetite tell me what it needs and not force it to eat what it doesn't want, and get as much sleep as possible, ignoring the clock.

For me it hasn't been pleasant, but hasn't been terrifying either. I hope for at least some of us, that mght help us to be a little less afraid if it happens.
Although I do know -as I said before -one size doesn't fit all, so be careful and monitor symptoms hour by hour.

Wishing you all well. And stay as safe as possible! :hug3:

Here is a YouTube video made by a doctor, on how to safely deal with grocery items coming into the house:

inavalan 05-04-2020 07:03 PM

Quick and easy full recovery! :hug3: :hug2: :hug:
Thank you very much for sharing.
PS: Have you been tested?

Tobi 05-04-2020 07:20 PM

No, it's not over yet. I am aware of that and am being very careful.
They are only testing acute respiratory hospital admissions, but I got a remote consultation with the NHS and they confirmed my symptoms fitted the profile precisely and gave me instructions on what to do.

Spiritually, I have learned so much in the last 4 days. I have learned quite a few things about Love.

I had been inclined to treat myself as a bit of an "island". I hadn't noticed. I was always willing to give out help to others who asked me for it, but a bit closed off perhaps...to opening my vulnerabilities to others, and receiving their help!

I always had to "stand strong" for everyone....well how silly!

The incredible and most moving flood of care, support of all kinds, and genuine loving kindness that came in to me from every single person I know, in everyday life and remotely, brought me to tears, and profound gratitude.
Those kindnesses have been -not just gestures, and "get well" wishes, but genuine offers of "call me day or NIGHT if you need my help".

Such amazing lovely people. Who do genuinely love me. Even those who have argued with me perhaps in the past! LOL!
Bless their Souls. It has made these days feel almost like a blessing. These days will always be in my "box of happy memories! !

inavalan 05-04-2020 07:34 PM

Thank you again for sharing, Tobi!
Quick and easy full recovery! :hug3: :hug2: :hug:

ant 05-04-2020 09:31 PM

Hello Tobi,

There are times when writing is cathartic but writing about your symptoms,does not help.

It only magnifies when given attention in thought form.

Put your mind elsewhere and focus on other things.

Take care and sending best well wishes.

Flexi-Girl 06-04-2020 12:44 AM

Hi Tobi

I too had the virus, and am just now getting over it. Hang in there and like you said, get lots of rest. I am putting out lots of healing energy into the universe for you. Please feel free to PM me if you want to talk. :hug3:

BigJohn 06-04-2020 04:53 AM

Tobi, I send you not just my love but also healing energy.

Flex-Girl, I am sending you the same.

Both of you will be in my prayers.

Hopefully, we will all be able to look back on this time period and be happy we survived.

BigJohn 06-04-2020 05:13 AM

Keep in touch..........

Dargor 06-04-2020 08:57 AM

Be well and quick recovery.

JosephineB 06-04-2020 09:13 AM

Hope you get well soon Tobi.


They are only testing acute respiratory hospital admissions, but I got a remote consultation with the NHS and they confirmed my symptoms fitted the profile precisely and gave me instructions on what to do.

^^^Do these remote diagnosis get added to the overall figures of confirmed cases I wonder.

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