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bartholomew 04-04-2020 06:24 AM

A Little About Reincarnation
This thread attempts to tie the idea of reincarnation together, to bind it to the dynamic of the galaxy as we note from our vantage point here on Earth. It's a long story, one that blends both esoteric and exoteric astrology in a synthesis of reality that, generally, transcends our ability, or at least tests the limits, of comprehension. In simple terms the forces external to the solar system influence our world, it's evolution both physical and spiritual, through the mechanism of creative centers. Here I refer to mature stars. Each of these is "informed" by a great being (god) which expresses in accordance with a larger plan the understanding of which is far beyond the ability of any human mind. But these do not operate severally.... rather in groups. A single star is capable of a limited band of creative energy only, so.... groups of these combine then focus in their efforts. From our perspective in this solar system we note these as constellations. We then identify and tabulate effects as they come to us both directly, through our planets which further modify or through our sun which, too, has a spiritual center. Think of it another way. The gods from afar are directly aligned, combined with our local god. Have we ever heard of the sun god? Or how about the "son (sun) of god? Both these expressions remind us of the universality of this knowledge. And now the next step...

OK so what's this to do with reincarnation? As we cycle through the required lifetimes we need be exposed to all of the available astrological influences. This, in addition to the range of Earth racial types as modified in every possible way. As we live we swim through an ever changing scenery which assures the wisdom born of experience that is so vital to the purpose. And then we graduate (ascend and resurrect).

These influences are relatively fixed in our scheme of things but our local system moves along steadily with respect to our galactic center. At times then we note the changes of the ages. This is what it's all about. This constant variation insures we have maximum opportunities. Now the part which applies more directly to the Earth today. We are in the midst of such a change. Aquarius is not yet firmly in place. During a change there is spiritual disruption. That which is mature prepares to shift to higher awareness while that which is immature is prodded, influenced towards an understanding which will shake it's foundations. And what do we see now? We find those human beings who feel the influences for the first time waxing with great strength, expressing idealism. What else? We find those who are more advanced doing two things. They allow that new spiritual influences bring out the worse and then the best in humanity. It is our inclination to misuse new abilities. This is the way humanity has always been. This is the reason we find supposedly advanced beings "failing", "revolting against authority" generally straying from their paths. These happen because of the polarity of the Earth. We immersed in seas of division which are preordained. We stand in a stance of tension. Shall we go left or right? Meanwhile those more advanced human souls who have previously met and passed these tests are fully aware; they have clear vision. These busy themselves working, behind the scenes, to mitigate the harm done by others. And humanity in general? This larger group of souls incarnate are shaken to their limits.

The global disruption that we now experience is symptomatic of the aforementioned external forces. And how will we react? Are we aware enough to note the slight shirt upwards in frequency that will be ours after it passes? And this is precisely what will further enhance those who are to come.

To make better sense of all this we need only remember the reasons for us being incarnated in the first place. We are here to learn but mere knowledge is not that which sets us free. No. When we leave the human realm behind we take with us only the stores of wisdom gained. A soul can learn without taking on a physical body but it cannot become wise. Only on the lower planes, a solid physical world such as Earth, is it possible to meet and overcome the adversity which has as it's child, wisdom. At any given time on Earth most of humanity is of the lower order, most of those who have grown have left for new post human adventures in other places. And the process of creation of new human souls continues. This is the reason for the seeming discord of humanity.

Those human beings who have advanced to the point that they have a working understanding of eso vs exo will find that they are better able to navigate the stormy seas such as those existent during the "shift" of an age change. This has always been the case but now we find that because of instant communications that "authority" has more difficulty with the masses. This phenomena is not to be taken lightly.

The spirituality of the last century was focused on lower activities such as "messages from the other side". Today's version is embodied generally by the new age movement. Here we find much talk of such arcane topis as ascension. These models are both moderated by the less changeable, the more moderate practice of established religions. In this way everyone is served and humanity moves forward.

Perhaps the reader will find agreement with what is given above.

Thanks for reading....

hazada guess 04-04-2020 07:06 AM

Thank You for posting that Bartholomew.

bartholomew 04-04-2020 07:39 AM

You're welcome and thanks for taking the time to read it.


Originally Posted by hazada guess
Thank You for posting that Bartholomew.

Baile 04-04-2020 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by bartholomew
The global disruption that we now experience is symptomatic of the aforementioned external forces.

Thank you bartholomew. Speaking of things astrological, I look at this from another one of the twelve perspectives.

The global disruption that we now experience is symptomatic of forces in play as a result the activities of human beings.

Bob said "Things are gonna blow" and "A hard rain's a-gonna fall. (Doom and gloom guy that Zimmy, wow!:) That's what's happening. We are over and over again reaching critical mass, and each time the resulting outcome is worse than before.

The human collective has become sick in its soul with consumer avarice. Oil and agricultural corporations are allowed to rape the planet because consumers want the freedom of being able to jump in their car anytime, drive anywhere, for cheap. Buy cheap phones and TVs. And because consumers want the freedom to eat processed whatever, and consume as much as they want, without thinking about the health consequences, and the burden their lifestyle places on the health system and ecological system of the planet.

As many as I like! More more more!! That's what avarice is, unconscious soul greed, it's the perfect descriptive word here imo. Our sickness cannot hold, things fall apart and have been for decades. And now this time, it isn't just polluted streams and dead oceans, it's people dying and everyone else stuck inside their houses, no money to spend, and no stores open anyway. Cause and effect, that's the bottom line here. We did it to us. We are poisoning the world, and are killing ourselves in the process.

When things return to normal -- there will be a vaccine in the next months -- who's going to change their lifestyle? Their thinking? Their outlook? Typically, what happens is the world returns to normal, with a few souls waking up in the process. Although this one is much scarier, a global fear that will quite probably shake a good many more souls in their I, this time, maybe. I'm always hedgingly hopeful. :hug3:

Baile 04-04-2020 01:45 PM

The world will explode! Bob said that, not sure about things are going to blow though. Anyway, it seems to me that regardless of which external (spirit) forces are at work, and knowing what those forces are, the spiritual task I think is to look inward and take account of this physical realm, and what we are doing to it, and how each of us must take conscious and moral responsibility for the way we live. Which you bartholomew speak to as well.

Miss Hepburn 04-04-2020 03:45 PM

''To make better sense of all this we need only remember the reasons for us being incarnated in the first place.
We are here to learn but mere knowledge is not that which sets us free. No.
When we leave the human realm behind we take with us only the stores of wisdom gained.
A soul can learn without taking on a physical body but it cannot become wise.
Only on the lower planes, a solid physical world such as Earth, is it possible to meet and overcome
the adversity which has as it's child, wisdom.

At any given time on Earth most of humanity is of the lower order, most of those who have grown have left
for new post human adventures in other places.
And the process of creation of new human souls continues. ''

Very nice. :)

bartholomew 04-04-2020 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by Baile
The world will explode! Bob said that, not sure about things are going to blow though. Anyway, it seems to me that regardless of which external (spirit) forces are at work, and knowing what those forces are, the spiritual task I think is to look inward and take account of this physical realm, and what we are doing to it, and how each of us must take conscious and moral responsibility for the way we live. Which you bartholomew speak to as well.

Interesting Balie, Bartholomew sees things from perspectives both near and distant. One thing he keeps saying or implying at least is that we humans tend to misuse things at first but then later make adjustments. He reminds me that "at any given time most folks on the planet are spiritual beginners, very young souls". This, as if to not excuse but to explain why we tend to be so often a little too self centered. Through it all I remain optimistic though. There are less visible forces that moderate. How to proceed?

bartholomew 04-04-2020 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn

''To make better sense of all this we need only remember the reasons for us being incarnated in the first place.
We are here to learn but mere knowledge is not that which sets us free. No.
When we leave the human realm behind we take with us only the stores of wisdom gained.
A soul can learn without taking on a physical body but it cannot become wise.
Only on the lower planes, a solid physical world such as Earth, is it possible to meet and overcome
the adversity which has as it's child, wisdom.

At any given time on Earth most of humanity is of the lower order, most of those who have grown have left
for new post human adventures in other places.
And the process of creation of new human souls continues. ''

Very nice. :)

Bartholomew keeps coming back to this theme as though we should be reminded. Whenever I am thus prodded I find myself wishing to know more. Patience, James. God isn't through with you yet... .... :cool:

freebird 04-04-2020 05:24 PM

Hello James/Bartholomew

What do you think would happen to a skeptic (someone that would refute the soul) after death?

Hypothetically, what would happen to someone who would like to be dead and gone?

bartholomew 04-04-2020 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by freebird
Hello James/Bartholomew

What do you think would happen to a skeptic (someone that would refute the soul) after death?

Hypothetically, what would happen to someone who would like to be dead and gone?

One of the reasons we are always met by friends is to help us to adjust to the fact of our having just left the physical body behind. There might be disbelief or even anger. When any of us pass we are met and then we find our place in the lower heavens, the astral and lower mental, where we stay until we are sorted out. This is where the fabled judgement happens. Then we pass again, this time moving to the higher end of the mental plane, the home of souls. Here the landscape is different. We are still in the Earth's heavens but higher, less substantial they seem. We no longer look around us and see the familiar Ethereal Earth. By this time most of us have made the necessary adjustments and we understand. We still have freedom of choice. Those who remain skeptical or he who still wishes he was dead might take a little longer to adjust. They are not left to their own devices though. They are not abandoned. They will feel an impulse... an idea that they are not yet home. Sooner or later they yield to this. And their guide again appears with a smile. We are encouraged, never forced.

Much can be learned by reading accounts of NDE's. The skeptic will meet friends and family as the guide awaits quietly while the religious believer may meet a well know figure from his or her own set of teachings. It is our guide who arranges how we will be met. NDE reports seem to always agree on one thing. The person would rather not come back but does anyway because of what is now realized. Does it seem odd that when we are here we are bid take things on trust but after passing we know more? Why can't we know more now? This is just another aspect of the inherent divisiveness of the lower planes. This is the reason the Earth has religions. They are needed.

Those who die in a state of agitation such as from a drug overdose will require more specialized care by the guide. This is given them. Those who die in anger will need time for it to abate. Those who die knowingly, joyfully, will guide themselves and move rapidly home. The average person dies in stages while advanced souls need no such adjustments.

Of them all suicides are treated differently. They, too, are met in compassionate manner but later when they realize it they are prepared to return almost immediately to try again, to finish up. But this time they have a bit more wisdom.

A last thought is this: In the spiritual worlds, even near to the Earth, we are sorted out according to vibrations. Thus those who pass in an emotional state cannot ascend further until they realize what is needed. This is why guides are so important. On the plane of souls emotions are very subdued. Souls are more mindful than emotional. The very highest sub plane of the astral is known to us as the seventh heaven of tradition. Here is the land of the golden light of those who are senior enough to leave the Earth but who choose to remain, in service.

Sorry for the long answer. It seems Bartholomew always has a lot to say.

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