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a4u 27-03-2011 05:34 PM

The meaning of Deja Vu.
Does anybody know what Deja Vu means? What is the meaning behind it? What is the reason for it?

Any personal experiences you might like to share involving Deja Vu?

I am asking because I would like to see what people think of it, and because I can't really make sense of them at all.

Thank you :smile:

Summerland 27-03-2011 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by a4u
Does anybody know what Deja Vu means? What is the meaning behind it? What is the reason for it?

Any personal experiences you might like to share involving Deja Vu?

I am asking because I would like to see what people think of it, and because I can't really make sense of them at all.

Thank you :smile:

For me, deja vu are signposts that I planted before this incarnation to let me know that I am on the right path. Sort of a serendipitous happening to give me a bit of a jolt to let me know that I am following the path.

LadyVirgoxoxo 27-03-2011 05:48 PM

For me I tend to have deja vu after I experience something. As in, I'm done experiencing it then afterwards while I reflect on it I feel that I have experienced it before the experience. Does that make sense lol?

beth 28-03-2011 11:32 AM

For me, deja vu are dreams that are trying to come to the surface.

grazier 28-03-2011 03:09 PM

The translation of Deja vu is 'Seen before'/

It is a wierd feeling of having been somewhere, done something or known what is going to happen, from a forgotten experience.



Nemetami 02-04-2011 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by Summerland
For me, deja vu are signposts that I planted before this incarnation to let me know that I am on the right path. Sort of a serendipitous happening to give me a bit of a jolt to let me know that I am following the path.

I also believe this. I do remember having seen it, not just the dejavu feeling, but actually the image of either dreaming it or having set it before life. And I also know the consequence, which are usually negative, but when it turns out to be ok and nothing happens I know I am on the right path.

Deusdrum 02-04-2011 09:41 PM

I once had a deja-vu for what was close to an hour. It was weird like i was just observing myself, or watching a scene. Like it was someone else just on auto-pilot. It seemed like one big long deja vu anyways. I enjoy my deja vu's. I tend to think they are meaningful in some way or other, i'm not sure which. Maybe it is a parallel dimension thing. Or a clue we are on the right path (going according to plan maybe?)

Here is Philip K ****'s idea of what Deja vu is. Tell me if it sounds familiar. ;)
Keep in mind this was from 1978..

Perspective 03-04-2011 12:14 AM

I love deja vu!
I'm not sure why it happens... I've also thought it was an indicator that I'm doing good. (Hey, we can use all the encouragement we can get, right? :smile: )

They say that it may be one hemisphere of the brain somewhat delayed from the other.

I just read something interesting... kind of along the lines of that clip, Deusdrum.


Spiritual Root Causes Behind Deja vu:

30% Similar experience in past &/or past life
20% Misc.
50% Tuning Fork Phenomenon... which is...

Every living and non-living object emits frequencies that contribute to the aura surrounding it. In the case of humans, frequencies are emitted from all of the comprising bodies, i.e. physical, mental, intellectual and subtle ego. The emission and receiving of these frequencies becomes even more pronounced when a person is meditating and thoughts are focused.

The tuning fork phenomenon relates to when the frequencies of a person’s mind temporarily match the frequencies of minds of other living people or subtle bodies in the afterlife.

The frequencies of our mind don’t match with everyone and, as a rule of thumb, they would match with 1 out of every 100 million people. In other words, frequencies of our mind would match with some 65 people out of the 6.5 billion people on Earth. The number would be higher for the subtle bodies in the afterlife because of the larger number of them present in the subtle regions. These people are not soul mates in any way; it is just that in that particular experience their frequencies of mind matched. They then have a notion that they have witnessed or experienced a new situation previously when in actuality it is someone else’s experience.


münchen444 03-04-2011 02:16 AM

Hi a4u,
I’ll add a few of my thoughts’ to the others, here…
Déjà vu has been an interest to science for a long while. One of the more popular scientific theories, today, is that there is a sort of temporary mis-communication between various parts of the brain (scientists seem to home in most on the parahippocampal cortex and its right-hand man the hippocampus regarding this) causing those brief few seconds of feeling we’ve been somewhere or experienced something before, when we know (or believe) we haven’t. One can Google Josef Spatt + déjà vu for more information, if they’re interested.
There are other very interesting scientific theories for this, too. It’s all really fascinating and helps keep our egos in line, I think.
As for me, I’ve been able to pick through those déjà vu experiences I’ve personally had which I believe may well be answered by the above or another scientific theory. However, there have been other instances of something akin to déjà vu happening to me where I am left believing something more is going on. The word “akin” is key, here, because though these experiences were very similar to déjà vu, there were a few noticeable differences occurring within me at the time, namely: the experience was drawn out for much longer than the typical déjà vu experience of a few seconds, and also that I just knew something extra-sensory was being triggered within me. Interestingly enough, in these cases, I was able to verify, in various manners, several of them as being of an unclear/extra-sensory origin, not just parahippocampal, hippocampus and co. failing to see eye-to-eye...

Which was both creepy and exhilarating, to say the least.
So I truly do believe there is more than meets the eye with at least some déjà vu experiences, but I think having an active knowledge on what science is theorizing on such is beneficial, too -- just so I can compare sides to reach what I feel is a well-informed deduction of a my own strange experiences. That is how I process such, however. Other people have their own ways, which is fine and am finding interesting to read, here.

Sarian 03-04-2011 05:38 PM

I have dejavus frequently. I've never understood them myself...Like Ladyvirgo, I experience it after the incident. It causes me to stop in my tracks with a wow, I did that before, but I didn't...did I sort of feeling. It could be something I did, something someone said to me, or I said, heard, place.

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