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Ravenwhispers 17-11-2019 09:01 AM

Personal inquiry 🙏🏻☺️
Curiouser & curiouser as I venture around this site. I’ve started lots of discussions . One that stood out was when I was speaking to someone about AP. I was talking about how difficult it is to AP with physical pain . They suggested self hypnosis but this not something I have any knowledge in so I’m quite intrigued to learn more . I’d love to explain my situation first for better understanding and if anyone has any advice that would be so helpful and appreciated..

I experience piriformis . Most days out of the week . Apparently this is fixable with physio , something I’m currently doing along with strength training for my minor muscles with resistance bands , yoga and stretching .

Before I continue I want to Make sure that I differentiate between what type of sciatica I experience . It feels the same as any sciatica but instead of the root coming from herniated discs in my back (which is more commonly thought of when someone says sciatica) Instead it comes from my sacroiliac joint region where my minor muscles groups that surround get inflamed and touch on the sciatic nerve .It causes pain and discomfort and also restless leg/back feeling. More often the symptoms occur in the evening when I’m laying down to sleep.

What brought me to my initial thread in saying It’s really getting in the way of my progress to have a successful AP. This is where someone suggested hypnosis as I mentioned above . I’m very intrigued to learn more about hypnosis . Given that I’m very determined to successfully AP and in the meantime am diligently putting efforts toward eliminating my sciatica in my daily life . I don’t want this to stop me from trying . I believe discipline is very important when attempting AP/AT/OBE. I just see this as a hurdle but no reason I shouldn’t be able to have a successful AP. I’m sure there are people who experience chronic pain but still manage to AP.

So given my scenario , if anyone could give me advice or has anything to say on the matter as to how hypnosis could help me I would love love love to hear from you . Whether or not anyone responds I want to thank you for your time in reading this either way . Love and light to you all - Raven Royalty

BigJohn 24-11-2019 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by Ravenwhispers
Curiouser & curiouser as I venture around this site. I’ve started lots of discussions . One that stood out was when I was speaking to someone about AP. I was talking about how difficult it is to AP with physical pain . They suggested self hypnosis but this not something I have any knowledge in so I’m quite intrigued to learn more . I’d love to explain my situation first for better understanding and if anyone has any advice that would be so helpful and appreciated.

Using hypnosis would be ideal for Astral Projection [AP].

For starters, start remembering how you felt while under the influence of mushrooms. Do you remember the pain disappeared?

Keep remembering. Remember beyond the pain disappearing. Feel the past experiences being relieved
once more. Feel the pain disappear so slowly. Feel no pain. Keep remembering. Enjoy.

sea-dove 28-12-2019 06:25 AM

Hypnosis certainly can help with pain. There has been some experiments done where they used hypnosis while doing major surgery instead of anesthetic.

NeutralMotion 11-07-2021 08:25 PM

(super late reply) my personal opinion/ 2 cents. You are your own worse enemy. By wanting to improve yourself is a good step to a better you. Either attempt to meditate/hypnosis yourself when you don't feel pain, or that it is in a lesser state. I include meditation into hypnosis, since it is a state of focus. Trance - to be focused and coherent of objective, induction - to be put into strong trance.

The 2 best ways for me to fall into my own hypnosis, is to look up at the edge of the room where your eyes are strained to look there. Count backwards from ten to one and bring yourself into further and further relaxation. Another method that works decent for me in the past is to look at the lines on one of my fingers, to focus on it, and let the rest of the world fade from me. Repetition over and over and over again. to bring yourself to your own state of peacefulness. If you have done mushrooms I'm sure you know that your mind set through that enjoyment is key. As your emotion be so important there, your focus, and also lack of focus, are key in hypnosis. focus on your words, on the rhythm of your breathing, on the other sounds you can hear. And focus on all the calm mellow peaceful words. bringing your mind down to rest. etc. I spent a ridiculous amount of time focusing on my mental health and attempting to guarantee that I could live the life I wanted. (I've used meditation/hypnosis to not get headaches. I just pretend they aren't real and it works most of the time.)

thecatsmeow 13-12-2022 09:00 PM

For what you are experiencing I would reccommend Quantum Touch Therapy.

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