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Simon Karlos 24-03-2011 07:22 PM

The Power of TRUST
The spiritual path is one in which one makes monumental discoveries about the self; discoveries that forever change how life is seen through the lens of perception. Questions such as "Who am I?" and "What is my true purpose?" become increasingly revelant to the conscious seeker of Truth. Some may test-drive many practices and many faiths in order to find their way, their sense of belonging, while others find that they enjoy having no clearly defined path at all, rather perceiving that the inner essence of all religious and spiritual faiths is the same. Fewer still have gleaned that everyone, all persons, are on a spiritual path, and that whether one is consciously aware of this or not is irrelevant to the fact. For everyone, however, no matter what their beliefs may be in regards to that which may be called "spiritual," there is a major human lesson that is at the heart of every decision, and that is the lesson of TRUST.

At the the root of the power of trust is the power of attention, focus. This is also called the power of choice, the power of decision. This is such a tremendous power that is often overlooked, even by many who have declared themselves to be spiritual. The power of attention abides by the law of perception (which many know as the "law of attraction"), and this law of mind is unwavering in its equality for everyone and all things. No one can escape the effects of his own mind, his own consciousness, while holding his attention upon anything and therefore making a choice to focus on that particular thing, even if largely unaware that he is doing this as his attention is held upon a subject. He could be watching something on the news, listening to a friend in a conversation, or even daydreaming or thinking about something that happened, is happening or will happen, as far as he interprets the events of his life. As his attention is held upon a subject, he is allowing energy to flow through him and literally create the very thing that he is focused upon and may believe to be objective to him. Even if he is fairly aware of this law of perception, there is a far subtler aspect of this law that may escape his attention, and that is the constant perpetual creation of his personal reality, whether he is "consciously" and deliberately focused on it or not. He could be fast asleep and there would still appear within his personal reality to be a physical world, although he is not consciously thinking about it. He may be "lost in a dream" or in deep, dreamless sleep, unaware on a personality level of his personal physical existence. His bed doesn't suddenly vanish from under him when he falls asleep at night! Why doesn't it? His personal reality is really not created and maintained from his "conscious" waking state personality, but rather from his Higher Mind or Higher Self, which is the organizer or manager of his beliefs and manifestations.

Our man in this example goes to sleep and awakens each morning with a basic level of trust that his world will still exist when he returns to it from sleep. And so there is a primal sense of trust that he has known since birth (and even before), that his physical existence is somehow supported and maintained by some invisible force that even he doesn't normally think about or question--yet it is there. Almost no one ever questions whether his world will "be there" for him upon awakening. It is simply taken for granted that it will be, and rightfully so. He doesn't have to believe in a personal or impersonal God, or have any clearly defined "spiritual" beliefs. The fact remains that there is a basic level of trust and faith that he operates by on a daily basis, 24/7, in sleep and during the day. He may even cheat himself with pseudo-spiritual talk such as, "The only thing I know for certain is that nothing is certain," which is a popular cliche copied directly from pop culture. He DOES know certain basic things for certain, and one of them is that he exists. That cannot truly be denied by anyone, for to deny it is to prove that you DO exist, for it takes someone to exist in order to be able to "deny" it.

"I exist." "I am." This a basic level of trust inherent in all of creation. All things, even a subatomic particle, has a FELT-SENSE of existence, of I AM-ness. It doesn't have to have the mind of a philosopher and come up with backwards philosophies such as "I think, therefore I am." You are not "thinking" during dreamless sleep (that is, as the "you" that you most identify with as your waking-state personality), but yet your physical body doesn't cease to exist when you are in this state of consciousness (or "unconsciousness" one may call it). Someone can be awake watching over your physical body while you are deep asleep in dreamless sleep (and this "someone" is your "Higher Self," but let's suppose a friend or spouse is watching your body), and it will still appear to "be there." There is an inborn intuitive sense that the body is taken care of while you rest. That is a basic level of trust. One may inquire "Who am I?" and even state that his physical existence is an illusion--and he would be right--but there is still an apparent "I" that can question its existence and make such a statement. You can conceptually strip away the body identity, its world, and its beliefs, and arrive at a pure sense of "I" or "I AM," and yet you cannot truly deny that you are aware of your existence.

One may say, "But I may die in my sleep," or "I cannot be certain that I will be here a week from now," but these are just false denials of one's own innate sense of existence. Existence simply IS, and it exists forever NOW, and there's no use in harboring such unproductive "what-if" thoughts, because the fact is that you have lived your entire life up to this point with a basic level of intuitive trust that your existence would continue--and it has always proved to be so. You went to sleep, awoke, and there "you" are. The "you" that you and others perceive is not the pure "I AM" that knows that it exists, but nevertheless the sense of being alive has always been with you for as long as you can remember. This is trust. This is your power. You are certainly free to imagine yourself to "be" whoever and whatever you want to be, using whatever labels you feel comfortable or uncomfortable with, but there is still a naked sense of "I" that observes these choices without judgment. This Pure I AM is your Higher Self, and it can also be said to be beyond the personal Higher Self, stretching to an Impersonal I AM. You can awaken to this pure sense of Being in meditation. (Remember, it takes "being" or "existence" in order to declare "non-existence," therefore contemplating non-existence is silly, unless if by "non-existence" you clearly mean Non-physical Reality.)

Where you place for attention and sustained focus is where you place your trust. If your sense of trust (your predominant focus) is on "me" and "you," "us" and "them," "mine" and "yours," then your consciousness is still weighed down by the gravity of mass human consciousness, and you are perpetuating the illusion of suffering and separation, to whatever degree. This is not a judgment, for the author here is too transcending this consciousness on the one hand, and on the other is acting through an inspired sense of sharing concepts which some may find beneficial to their own personal awakening from the dream of the "little I." Any concepts that you may find useful through resonating with them, use them. Any concepts that you disagree with in any way you can simply disregard and not find disharmony with in your mind. For all here are precious and valued as such by the consciousness that flows through these words, however distorted the concepts may be through the human vessel. You are loved unconditionally, regardless of differences in perception, and you can trust that this is so. :smile:

You are asked here not to trust in WORDS nor in any "messenger," but to trust in the eternal validity of your soul. You know that you are worthy of your beliefs, and that your beliefs are valid to your own experience. You are so advanced in your understanding that you KNOW in your heart that it really doesn't even matter what "others" may think, because you have your own beliefs that you are comfortable with that work for you. You may be one who says, "I don't have beliefs," or "I don't have spiritual beliefs," but respectfully we (and I) find this laughable, because a belief is just a thought, and no human can exist as a human without having thoughts. We know of no master who has ever achieved this as a constant state! Even your personal Higher Self has thoughts, although only loving ones. So, just like the I AM knowingness that you have, you also know intuitively that thought is absolutely vital to your human experience, for this too is an aspect of trust. It is worth contemplating as often as you can in your experience that you are worthy of your ability to think and formulate thought processes and decisions. If you question anything, try questioning if your thoughts feel "worthy" of YOU. Meaning, "Are my thoughts flowing in alignment with my pure sense of Being, of existence, or are my thoughts rebelling against Who and What I AM?" YOUR spiritual worthiness is never in question, and in fact there is no such thing. You are Spirit (however you define it), and you are never unworthy of your own Spirit-u-al nature, for "spiritual" means "Spirit-you-all." You are ALL Spirit! We ask you for a time to permit yourselves to forget about differences in beliefs, and join in this FELT-SENSE of brotherhood/sisterhood/unity that you have co-created in this beautiful forum of yours and ours. Who are "we?" We are YOU, projected into a form and message that speaks not to the intellect but to your I AM-ness. "We" is simply another illusion, but one that is used by this consciousness to convey a sense of community, for it is a sense of collectiveness (or collective reality) that your world seems to abide by. Old divisions are melting, o humanity! This you cannot escape. Trust in your sense of Who-You-Are, and however you define "you" is perfectly fine and ever-changing. Be at ease. We end this message in honoring You. :color:

Orbie 24-03-2011 10:25 PM

Hi, just wondering who is the we you refer to?

Simon Karlos 24-03-2011 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by Orbie
Hi, just wondering who is the we you refer to?


Originally Posted by SimonKarlos
Who are "we?" We are YOU, projected into a form and message that speaks not to the intellect but to your I AM-ness.

"We" is my Higher Self in conjunction with what some may call Christ Consciousness, representing the "higher collective human consciousness." :color:

Orbie 25-03-2011 11:29 AM

Ah.... :icon_eek: :redface: bugger as we say in the UK when expressing something we cant put words to....:wink: .... ok, next time keep it shorter so it matches my concentration span, plus another excuse - I've started a cold .... **** yeah it was too long for me, I did my best, I tried to keep up, but hey problem solved thanks!!!:D

Simon Karlos 28-03-2011 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by Orbie
Ah.... :icon_eek: :redface: bugger as we say in the UK when expressing something we cant put words to....:wink: .... ok, next time keep it shorter so it matches my concentration span, plus another excuse - I've started a cold .... **** yeah it was too long for me, I did my best, I tried to keep up, but hey problem solved thanks!!!:D

Deep appreciation, Orbie! Very welcome.

Spiritlite 28-03-2011 02:48 PM

beautiful post, trust is so awesome and powerful.

BlueSky 28-03-2011 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by Simon Karlos
The spiritual path is one in which one makes monumental discoveries about the self; discoveries that forever change how life is seen through the lens of perception. Questions such as "Who am I?" and "What is my true purpose?" become increasingly revelant to the conscious seeker of Truth. Some may test-drive many practices and many faiths in order to find their way, their sense of belonging, while others find that they enjoy having no clearly defined path at all, rather perceiving that the inner essence of all religious and spiritual faiths is the same. Fewer still have gleaned that everyone, all persons, are on a spiritual path, and that whether one is consciously aware of this or not is irrelevant to the fact. For everyone, however, no matter what their beliefs may be in regards to that which may be called "spiritual," there is a major human lesson that is at the heart of every decision, and that is the lesson of TRUST.

At the the root of the power of trust is the power of attention, focus. This is also called the power of choice, the power of decision. This is such a tremendous power that is often overlooked, even by many who have declared themselves to be spiritual. The power of attention abides by the law of perception (which many know as the "law of attraction"), and this law of mind is unwavering in its equality for everyone and all things. No one can escape the effects of his own mind, his own consciousness, while holding his attention upon anything and therefore making a choice to focus on that particular thing, even if largely unaware that he is doing this as his attention is held upon a subject. He could be watching something on the news, listening to a friend in a conversation, or even daydreaming or thinking about something that happened, is happening or will happen, as far as he interprets the events of his life. As his attention is held upon a subject, he is allowing energy to flow through him and literally create the very thing that he is focused upon and may believe to be objective to him. Even if he is fairly aware of this law of perception, there is a far subtler aspect of this law that may escape his attention, and that is the constant perpetual creation of his personal reality, whether he is "consciously" and deliberately focused on it or not. He could be fast asleep and there would still appear within his personal reality to be a physical world, although he is not consciously thinking about it. He may be "lost in a dream" or in deep, dreamless sleep, unaware on a personality level of his personal physical existence. His bed doesn't suddenly vanish from under him when he falls asleep at night! Why doesn't it? His personal reality is really not created and maintained from his "conscious" waking state personality, but rather from his Higher Mind or Higher Self, which is the organizer or manager of his beliefs and manifestations.

Our man in this example goes to sleep and awakens each morning with a basic level of trust that his world will still exist when he returns to it from sleep. And so there is a primal sense of trust that he has known since birth (and even before), that his physical existence is somehow supported and maintained by some invisible force that even he doesn't normally think about or question--yet it is there. Almost no one ever questions whether his world will "be there" for him upon awakening. It is simply taken for granted that it will be, and rightfully so. He doesn't have to believe in a personal or impersonal God, or have any clearly defined "spiritual" beliefs. The fact remains that there is a basic level of trust and faith that he operates by on a daily basis, 24/7, in sleep and during the day. He may even cheat himself with pseudo-spiritual talk such as, "The only thing I know for certain is that nothing is certain," which is a popular cliche copied directly from pop culture. He DOES know certain basic things for certain, and one of them is that he exists. That cannot truly be denied by anyone, for to deny it is to prove that you DO exist, for it takes someone to exist in order to be able to "deny" it.

"I exist." "I am." This a basic level of trust inherent in all of creation. All things, even a subatomic particle, has a FELT-SENSE of existence, of I AM-ness. It doesn't have to have the mind of a philosopher and come up with backwards philosophies such as "I think, therefore I am." You are not "thinking" during dreamless sleep (that is, as the "you" that you most identify with as your waking-state personality), but yet your physical body doesn't cease to exist when you are in this state of consciousness (or "unconsciousness" one may call it). Someone can be awake watching over your physical body while you are deep asleep in dreamless sleep (and this "someone" is your "Higher Self," but let's suppose a friend or spouse is watching your body), and it will still appear to "be there." There is an inborn intuitive sense that the body is taken care of while you rest. That is a basic level of trust. One may inquire "Who am I?" and even state that his physical existence is an illusion--and he would be right--but there is still an apparent "I" that can question its existence and make such a statement. You can conceptually strip away the body identity, its world, and its beliefs, and arrive at a pure sense of "I" or "I AM," and yet you cannot truly deny that you are aware of your existence.

One may say, "But I may die in my sleep," or "I cannot be certain that I will be here a week from now," but these are just false denials of one's own innate sense of existence. Existence simply IS, and it exists forever NOW, and there's no use in harboring such unproductive "what-if" thoughts, because the fact is that you have lived your entire life up to this point with a basic level of intuitive trust that your existence would continue--and it has always proved to be so. You went to sleep, awoke, and there "you" are. The "you" that you and others perceive is not the pure "I AM" that knows that it exists, but nevertheless the sense of being alive has always been with you for as long as you can remember. This is trust. This is your power. You are certainly free to imagine yourself to "be" whoever and whatever you want to be, using whatever labels you feel comfortable or uncomfortable with, but there is still a naked sense of "I" that observes these choices without judgment. This Pure I AM is your Higher Self, and it can also be said to be beyond the personal Higher Self, stretching to an Impersonal I AM. You can awaken to this pure sense of Being in meditation. (Remember, it takes "being" or "existence" in order to declare "non-existence," therefore contemplating non-existence is silly, unless if by "non-existence" you clearly mean Non-physical Reality.)

Where you place for attention and sustained focus is where you place your trust. If your sense of trust (your predominant focus) is on "me" and "you," "us" and "them," "mine" and "yours," then your consciousness is still weighed down by the gravity of mass human consciousness, and you are perpetuating the illusion of suffering and separation, to whatever degree. This is not a judgment, for the author here is too transcending this consciousness on the one hand, and on the other is acting through an inspired sense of sharing concepts which some may find beneficial to their own personal awakening from the dream of the "little I." Any concepts that you may find useful through resonating with them, use them. Any concepts that you disagree with in any way you can simply disregard and not find disharmony with in your mind. For all here are precious and valued as such by the consciousness that flows through these words, however distorted the concepts may be through the human vessel. You are loved unconditionally, regardless of differences in perception, and you can trust that this is so. :smile:

You are asked here not to trust in WORDS nor in any "messenger," but to trust in the eternal validity of your soul. You know that you are worthy of your beliefs, and that your beliefs are valid to your own experience. You are so advanced in your understanding that you KNOW in your heart that it really doesn't even matter what "others" may think, because you have your own beliefs that you are comfortable with that work for you. You may be one who says, "I don't have beliefs," or "I don't have spiritual beliefs," but respectfully we (and I) find this laughable, because a belief is just a thought, and no human can exist as a human without having thoughts. We know of no master who has ever achieved this as a constant state! Even your personal Higher Self has thoughts, although only loving ones. So, just like the I AM knowingness that you have, you also know intuitively that thought is absolutely vital to your human experience, for this too is an aspect of trust. It is worth contemplating as often as you can in your experience that you are worthy of your ability to think and formulate thought processes and decisions. If you question anything, try questioning if your thoughts feel "worthy" of YOU. Meaning, "Are my thoughts flowing in alignment with my pure sense of Being, of existence, or are my thoughts rebelling against Who and What I AM?" YOUR spiritual worthiness is never in question, and in fact there is no such thing. You are Spirit (however you define it), and you are never unworthy of your own Spirit-u-al nature, for "spiritual" means "Spirit-you-all." You are ALL Spirit! We ask you for a time to permit yourselves to forget about differences in beliefs, and join in this FELT-SENSE of brotherhood/sisterhood/unity that you have co-created in this beautiful forum of yours and ours. Who are "we?" We are YOU, projected into a form and message that speaks not to the intellect but to your I AM-ness. "We" is simply another illusion, but one that is used by this consciousness to convey a sense of community, for it is a sense of collectiveness (or collective reality) that your world seems to abide by. Old divisions are melting, o humanity! This you cannot escape. Trust in your sense of Who-You-Are, and however you define "you" is perfectly fine and ever-changing. Be at ease. We end this message in honoring You. :color:

What resonated with me in the first part is yes we must not have to be consciously creating to create. If so, I have failed because I find that I cannot make myself be present or consciously aware of what I am doing for very long.
I also liked what I think you were saying that unconsciously we go to bed trusting that we will wake up. Nice.
I also like how you said that we can trust that we are loved unconditionally regardless of our differences of perception.
Very nice post Imo and I honor you and your energy of humility and oneness and respect for all aspects of spirituality as comes across in your eloquent words.
Blessings, James :smile:

Internal Queries 28-03-2011 03:05 PM

i have an excellent imagination so i don't trust myself to be able to discern what is real and what is delusion. i tend to take it for granted that whatever i imagine i'm perceiving is skewed by my desires, fears and predjudices. i don't trust anything that goes on in my head and it's a frustrating conundrum since all i have are my perceptions.

Gracey 28-03-2011 03:16 PM

great read, thanks for sharing.

Simon Karlos 28-03-2011 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by Spiritlite
beautiful post, trust is so awesome and powerful.

Deep appreciation, my friend. :wink: Bless you.

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