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Native spirit 29-08-2019 11:24 PM

Paranormal investigator is deluded
Well I have heard it all now. A paranormal Investigator and his partner. bought a porcelain Doll.in the hope of trying to attract Demonic Entity to enter the Doll.
they use the Ouija board every day he doesn't say a prayer or use protection when doing this. the doll has started saying things he says its pocessed by a demon called ZOZO.
her two sons aged 10 and under are getting woken up at night and are frightened.
the story is in the paper today saying doll is pocessed .
I have never heard anything so stupid in all my life,the things that have come through the Ouija board have been enough.
I know this story is true because I know the people involved not personally but I know them well enough.
the boys grandmother is my neighbour.
I have told her they are playing with fire here what they are doing is reckless and stupid.


Lynn 30-08-2019 01:33 AM


I have so heard such stories and them been called in to clean up the mess that they have made.

I do feel that items can hold an energy to them, I have worked with furniture and other items where the previous owner has a connection in spirit to them. Thus why cleansings are used before you bring something in.

I would never try to use a doll or anything in that matter to put a dark energy into, this is just stupid as you never know what door your going to open. I am so not a fan of the boards having used on once with a really bad experience that was enough for me. Yet they are sold in retail stores.

I have to agree that they are opening to things they are so not ready to understand or take on.

I am not a fan of dolls, I feel that as they are hollow they can hold an energy within them.

I bless that they do not open to what no one can close.


Native spirit 30-08-2019 09:14 AM

i agree Lynn I have told the grandmother what they are doing is dangerous. she then told me the demon has attatched itself to the boys mother.
if social services find out she could loose the kids.
but her partner says he has it under control. so I have told them don't call on me to cleanse the house after


NoOne 30-08-2019 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by Native spirit
i agree Lynn I have told the grandmother what they are doing is dangerous. she then told me the demon has attatched itself to the boys mother.
if social services find out she could loose the kids.
but her partner says he has it under control. so I have told them don't call on me to cleanse the house after


Hi Native Spirit,

Very important info there. A lot of people fall into the trap of attracting this particular demon. I've also encountered him in the past, inadvertently and/or naively, not really knowing who or what he was. He is very powerful, much more powerful than people who play around with him realise.

He is better known under his ancient Sumerian and Hebrew names, which signify his origins as a wind demon and leader of the fallen ones. I won't reveal his name(s) publicly, because just saying it out loud will summon him, instantly. Suffice to say, he was the "protagonist" of the Exorcist Movie and makes an appearance in the book of Enoch.

He has the power to forcefully remove your soul from your body and take you to the underworld. I know this from personal experience. He was also the occult power behind the Nazis and the Holocaust. He still controls many modern Neo-Nazi movements from the background with the same aim as always.

I know most people would have a hard time believing any of this, but I can assure you, this is real and very serious.

BigJohn 02-09-2019 03:27 AM


Originally Posted by Native spirit
i agree Lynn I have told the grandmother what they are doing is dangerous. she then told me the demon has attatched itself to the boys mother.
if social services find out she could loose the kids.
but her partner says he has it under control. so I have told them don't call on me to cleanse the house after Namaste

It is amazing the qualifications some investigators don't possess.

Native spirit 04-09-2019 09:33 PM

In my opinion they should be Licenced to do that type of work.he is ignorant and doesn't know how dangerous this is.


BigJohn 06-09-2019 07:11 AM


Originally Posted by Native spirit
In my opinion they should be Licenced to do that type of work.he is ignorant and doesn't know how dangerous this is.

One person I know gets rid of ghost, demons, etc.
One woman went to her for advice. She told the woman that she had 'demons' in her house and the only person who could get rid of the 'demons' was her. The woman agreed that she should go to her house and get rid of the 'demons'. She got rid of the 'demons' and to make sure they were all out of the house, she went over and opened a window so as to make a way for the 'demons' to leave. As she opened the window, her hand slipped, broke a glass panel and cut her hand. Being she cut her hand, she morphed the story that it was the 'demons' who put her hand thru the glass. With a little bit more morphing, the story got changed that it was the 'demons' grabbed her by the seat of the pants and tried tossing her out the window. One person questioned her by saying "You already got rid of all the 'demons', so where did these 'demons' come from?" She paused and claimed the 'demons' came out of the woman's husband.
One story lead to another story and another story.
The woman, under her direction, finally got rid of all of her 'demons'....
She divorced her husband!


Dargor 06-09-2019 11:00 AM

This reminds me of the movie ''Annabelle Comes Home''.

BigJohn 07-09-2019 04:37 AM


Originally Posted by SlayerOfLight
This reminds me of the movie ''Annabelle Comes Home''.

I suspect some 'investigators' use movies like as training tools.
The woman I mentioned, learned most of what she knew from such movies.

Shivani Devi 07-09-2019 05:22 AM

How could you ever license someone to do something that hardly anybody believes is real anyway?

Even on the Ouija board box it says "for entertainment purposes only".

Why is it only the ZOZO demon that comes through the Ouija board? With all of the demons out there, one would assume others would do likewise...or is it more a case of "monkey see, monkey do" and hysteria and fear takes over from that point?

I am not downplaying, criticising or saying that I don't believe. It is just that I have pretty much watched enough paranormal investigation shows to see these "investigators" running from their own shadow just for the ratings.

These guys don't need a license, they need to be fearless! Not running in the opposite direction and screaming expletives as soon as they "hear footsteps"..I mean, I have always wondered what part of a ghost would be dense enough to knock, walk audibly or scratch people?

I would be there, camera rolling, going "is that the best you've got"?

If I had a haunted doll, I would be placing a static night vision cam on it 24/7 going "move, dammit" and if it did not, I would probably just throw it in the trash.

From what I know about demons, they won't possess something or someone unless there is something in it for them besides just scaring the pants off people because they really cannot be bothered with our immature species anyway.

However, just take a look at how many "haunted doll moves" videos there are on YouTube:


If I bought a "haunted doll" and it "moved" and I ever decided to put it on YouTube, it would be there with about 10,000 other videos, of which 99.9% of them would be hoaxed or staged somehow to be entirely bogus.

What this world needs is some tangible, irrefutable evidence...a full bodied apparition caught on a full spectrum camera and not just a grainy, blurry, night vision shot of an almost imperceivable "mist" caught at a distance of like 50 feet away... just saying.

I am not a skeptic, but if these ghosts/demons want to make their presence known, they should be more forthcoming with the documented proof and put "paranormal investigators" out of business, or else I just simply have no time for them just mucking around and hiding in the shadows.

I often have fantasies about starting up my own paranormal investigation team...but I would be TOO fussy about who would be in it...and they would need to be skeptical tech experts...bent on justified debunking with logical explanations.

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