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-   -   Dream of Pyrite and Amethyst but is more than just this (https://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=126283)

Bubbles 13-11-2018 01:34 PM

Dream of Pyrite and Amethyst but is more than just this
Lately I have some very strange dreams... I am not sure why I am writing this post here, I mean I could go on 'Dreams' sub-forum and ask nicely for an interpretation, however I am not even sure if it's about that.

Soon/already started, going into a new wave for me where I am doing many things, productive work + health, change/fix circadian rhythm, becoming morning person etc etc and finally taking care of my finances, all sounds and seems promising ; think of new year resolution vibe, now you get it.

I decided that I might get a Gold Sheen Obsidian either sphere or just a bracelet to accompany me. I already have an amethyst on my desk and it keeps me focus on what's important and no cravings for "artificial stimulation like alcohol etc". Next, I even thought that maybe a Seraphinite would be a very interesting addition, I'll still get a bracelet of that, there's something about that stone that's very intriguing.

Last night however, in my dream, there was this low table~ in a way I knew that there is where someone was supposed to be burned for some reason... made no sense why, I just knew. Anyway, I saw there on the ground there was an amethyst double point wand and then I also see this Pyrite sphere on the ground/earth, I pick it up, I know what it is exactly, then I put right back... I put myself over the person that was on the table I don't know why... and after that the dream moves on with other things.

I wonder, why did I dream of the Pyrite? Could it be a better help than the Obsidian at this point? I never read much about it until now and it seems it might be ideal as well for what I have in mind (2nd/3rd chakra purposes).

I am not sure what I am asking here, just wanted to post it here. You can ignore or reply, what do you think dreams of crystals is about. But I really didn't study Pyrite or look at it often, quite interesting how my subc. picked this one up! Hmmm...

Lucky 13-11-2018 03:06 PM

I've had many dreams of stones. Mostly I'm shown amethyst, but also labradorite and citrine. I haven't been able to find a labradorite as pretty as the one in my dream but I still remember exactly how vivid the rainbow sheen was on it. The citrine point I was shown in another dream was on the bottom of a sea bed filled with crystals...it was an incredible dream. I went to the crystal shop the next day and they had one citrine point but it was a lot smaller than the one I saw in the dream. I bought it anyway, saged it at home, put it in my bra and went to visit my baby nephew. I set up a crib for him that day and was bending over a lot, forgetting I had the crystal on me. My sister found it in the baby's crib the next morning. I gave it to her to wire wrap it and hang it for my nephew..I guess it wanted him more than me!

I think when I'm shown certain crystals in dreams it's a sign of what area I need to focus on or which chakra. Maybe it's the same for you?

Bubbles 13-11-2018 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by Lucky
The citrine point I was shown in another dream was on the bottom of a sea bed filled with crystals...

wow, were you swimming, were you at the bottom of the sea in your dream? either way this sounds magical.


Originally Posted by Lucky
I bought it anyway, saged it at home, put it in my bra and went to visit my baby nephew. I set up a crib for him that day and was bending over a lot, forgetting I had the crystal on me. My sister found it in the baby's crib the next morning. I gave it to her to wire wrap it and hang it for my nephew..

:happy6: lololo... hmm... real citrine or heated amethyst? if it's citrine then that baby will grow up with its energies and become a powerful human!


Originally Posted by Lucky
I think when I'm shown certain crystals in dreams it's a sign of what area I need to focus on or which chakra. Maybe it's the same for you?

Hmmm... might make sense actually. I do follow some of Carl Jung's interpretation of dreams and nothing is meaningless. I think there is definitely something about what you said, thank you.


Hmm... what this man says here, exact timestamp https://youtu.be/UbcOyhdz5qY?t=293 next few seconds, this is exactly what I was looking for in the gold sheen obsidian and seems pyrite 'might' be suited better. Maybe I read long ago about Pyrite properties, right now I am in need of the exact type of energies of manifestation, completeness, push through, persist etc, so my subconscious remembered that and showed me the Pyrite sphere. Interesting, it was on the ground on earth, I lifted it and put it back but also thinking in that very moment of my dream that I'll get back to it. I'll get gold sheen obsidian bracelet and I might get a pyrite sphere although I really didn't had it in mind, but maybe I should listen to this dream as a sign, not as a prophetic sign, but as a sign from my subc. Still have time to think until Black Friday xD

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