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Sapphirez 05-11-2018 01:53 AM

Fruitarianism ♥
I believe now through my years of research that humans are designed to be frugivores/fruitarians and eat primarily fresh fruits and some young leafy greens.

I must say first that my main source for this information is a Dr. Robert Morse, but I hope that supporting a single person doesn't damage my credibility as I have listened to many people and used lots of resources to arrive at the conclusions I believe are the truth now. I also don't believe every single thing one person says, but most of what Dr. Morse says is I think verifiable reality and makes sense.

That being said let me try to share some key pieces of information.
First, unrelated to Dr. Morse you can find species comparison charts around the internet. I don't want to link any of the comparison charts because I can't verify 100% of the information, but some information is obvious or apparent just by looking. We most closely resemble other frugivorous creatures and not even herbivores as our bodies are not designed the same. We're not the exact same as any other species but as most know fruit digests the quickest and easiest, as long as nothing is obstructing that digestion which is a matter of simple food combining (and drinking water at appropriate times) and is one of the main issues of even a clean vegan diet.

What seems clear is that herbivores have much longer intestines than humans and other frugivores. herbivores have hooves and walk on all fours while we do not, and they also have more nipples than us. apparently our vision is able to see a wider array of colors than herbivores too. makes me think that it is interesting most species eat some type of green because that is in the middle of the spectrum and easiest on the eyes. but humans have trouble getting nutrition and nourishment from greens and vegetable matter especially, so the best greens for us are young tender leafy greens. So we and some other fruit-eating species have three color receptors (I found out there's this crazy mantis shrimp that has 12 and he does some outlandish sonic boom light explosion stabbing attacks and stuff omg lol) while herbivores usually have just two. the list goes on and coupled with the action fruits have on our beings it just seems logical we are actually fruitarians by nature. Afterall, most of us know that what the mainstream teaches is usually misleading.

Fruits are the most vibrant, highest vibrating, and have the strongest electromagneticism. Vegetables and other foods can have high frequencies too but are simply not as easy to digest, or as detoxifying

There is much to be said on this topic and I know I've went on a lot already so I won't cover everything but welcome discussion and challenges. If I don't have an answer I'd like to find one or speculate given what we do know.

I didn't want to share any of the comparison charts cuz I doubt their full accuracy, but here is a site with some and other interesting and thought-provoking information written


I've missed a lot so please let me know and feel free to share your opinion but don't dismiss facts and available information please. Lastly let me say many including Dr. Morse don't necessarily recommend an all fruit diet indefinitely due to the condition of the world we live in today. To begin it is absolutely important for detoxification and ridding the body of disorder as only fruits (and he is an ardent admirer and promoter of herbs which I agree with) are capable of accomplishing this so easily, but in a practical sense considering the 'vibration' of society and whatnot, if one were to constantly eat fruit they may find themselves floating away and unable to cope more and more with the deviation from humanity's intended nature and dwelling on the Earth here. makes sense right?

inavalan 05-11-2018 06:10 AM

This is what I know on the subject:

Fruits have fructose, which isn't metabolized by your liver, so it is worse than glucose. Eating more than a couple of servings of fruits per day is deemed unhealthy, causing diabetes and autoimmune diseases.

Gem 05-11-2018 07:27 AM


Originally Posted by Sapphirez
I believe now through my years of research that humans are designed to be frugivores/fruitarians and eat primarily fresh fruits and some young leafy greens.

I must say first that my main source for this information is a Dr. Robert Morse, but I hope that supporting a single person doesn't damage my credibility as I have listened to many people and used lots of resources to arrive at the conclusions I believe are the truth now. I also don't believe every single thing one person says, but most of what Dr. Morse says is I think verifiable reality and makes sense.

I very much doubt Morse (or any doctor or dietician) advocates fruitarianism.


That being said let me try to share some key pieces of information.
First, unrelated to Dr. Morse you can find species comparison charts around the internet. I don't want to link any of the comparison charts because I can't verify 100% of the information, but some information is obvious or apparent just by looking. We most closely resemble other frugivorous creatures and not even herbivores as our bodies are not designed the same. We're not the exact same as any other species but as most know fruit digests the quickest and easiest, as long as nothing is obstructing that digestion which is a matter of simple food combining (and drinking water at appropriate times) and is one of the main issues of even a clean vegan diet.

What seems clear is that herbivores have much longer intestines than humans and other frugivores. herbivores have hooves and walk on all fours while we do not, and they also have more nipples than us. apparently our vision is able to see a wider array of colors than herbivores too. makes me think that it is interesting most species eat some type of green because that is in the middle of the spectrum and easiest on the eyes. but humans have trouble getting nutrition and nourishment from greens and vegetable matter especially, so the best greens for us are young tender leafy greens.

Humans have no trouble taking the nutrients from leafy greens and other vegetables.


So we and some other fruit-eating species have three color receptors (I found out there's this crazy mantis shrimp that has 12 and he does some outlandish sonic boom light explosion stabbing attacks and stuff omg lol) while herbivores usually have just two. the list goes on and coupled with the action fruits have on our beings it just seems logical we are actually fruitarians by nature. Afterall, most of us know that what the mainstream teaches is usually misleading.

What science has discovered is repeatedly verifies by experiment, and eating fruit alone will not provide a human (or any ape's) body with all its essential nutrients.


Fruits are the most vibrant, highest vibrating, and have the strongest electromagneticism. Vegetables and other foods can have high frequencies too but are simply not as easy to digest, or as detoxifying

There is much to be said on this topic and I know I've went on a lot already so I won't cover everything but welcome discussion and challenges. If I don't have an answer I'd like to find one or speculate given what we do know.

I didn't want to share any of the comparison charts cuz I doubt their full accuracy, but here is a site with some and other interesting and thought-provoking information written


The site says fruit 'doesn't really contain sugar', but fruit contain a range of sugars including glucose, fructose and sucrose. Fruit also contains fibre, which seems to regulate the absorption of sugars somehow... and many fruits such as berries are low GI foods... so fruit is an excellent source of the range of sugar along and rich in micronutrients.


I've missed a lot so please let me know and feel free to share your opinion but don't dismiss facts and available information please. Lastly let me say many including Dr. Morse don't necessarily recommend an all fruit diet indefinitely due to the condition of the world we live in today. To begin it is absolutely important for detoxification and ridding the body of disorder as only fruits (and he is an ardent admirer and promoter of herbs which I agree with) are capable of accomplishing this so easily, but in a practical sense considering the 'vibration' of society and whatnot, if one were to constantly eat fruit they may find themselves floating away and unable to cope more and more with the deviation from humanity's intended nature and dwelling on the Earth here. makes sense right?

Gorillas are not frugarian. They are mainly vegetarian which includes fruit, leaves, shoots, nuts, seeds etc, and they eat a few grubs and insects as well. Chimps and bobobos are closer related to humans than gorillas, and are classified as omnivores.

Gem 05-11-2018 08:31 AM

I looked into 'Dr' Morse's credentials. He is not a medical doctor nor does have a legit PHD in any field. He's a 'diet guru' with no understanding of biological processes. He 'diagnoses' all ills as 'lymph system' and prescribes the same treatment, fruit and the herbal supplements he sells, to everyone.

He recommends his brand of 'detox kit' which cost 100 bucks a week for 14 weeks = 1400, and you purchase a book to go with that and there are a whole range of very probably bogus 'tonics' 'capsules' and 'heal all teas' for sale at around 25-35 bucks a bottle. One such product is called 'Happiness Capsules' and it contains a few normal everyday plant extracts in miniscule quantities - It's hocum, my friends.

Lucky 1 05-11-2018 02:19 PM

If you ask me Gem...calling it Hocum is being pretty charitable.

Sapphirez 05-11-2018 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by inavalan
This is what I know on the subject:

Fruits have fructose, which isn't metabolized by your liver, so it is worse than glucose. Eating more than a couple of servings of fruits per day is deemed unhealthy, causing diabetes and autoimmune diseases.

inavalan I was confused about the whole glucose fructose thing just a month or two ago myself.. having learned what the mainstream teaches that glucose is the body's ideal fuel involving the krebs cycle.. but guess what? the fructose in fruit is not the same as glucose because it is better. It gets into the body by diffusion! doesn't that sound magical? it doesn't require burden on the liver or other organs or creation of insulin to be absorbed and assimilated, it works by diffusion into cells. I have more to learn on this subject but was enchanted to learn of the existence of this diffusion phenomenon because it really does put things into a different perspective and show how superior fruit sugar is. besides that, Dr. Morse has healed thousands and thousands of patients in his career, including people suffering with the disorders you mentioned. but people have healed themselves without Dr. Morse too. He has been a health practitioner for decades and has stumbled himself throughout the years but now knows what works and makes weekly videos to answer people's questions and help anyone heal more easily

Sapphirez 05-11-2018 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by Gem
I looked into 'Dr' Morse's credentials. He is not a medical doctor nor does have a legit PHD in any field. He's a 'diet guru' with no understanding of biological processes. He 'diagnoses' all ills as 'lymph system' and prescribes the same treatment, fruit and the herbal supplements he sells, to everyone.

He recommends his brand of 'detox kit' which cost 100 bucks a week for 14 weeks = 1400, and you purchase a book to go with that and there are a whole range of very probably bogus 'tonics' 'capsules' and 'heal all teas' for sale at around 25-35 bucks a bottle. One such product is called 'Happiness Capsules' and it contains a few normal everyday plant extracts in miniscule quantities - It's hocum, my friends.

well since you mention the book that brings us to the simple fact that you've liklely not read it so how can you really speak on the matter of whether he's right or wrong if 1. you didn't read his book and 2. you haven't done subsequent research or experimentation to support your counter-arguments?

Of course he is not a medical doctor, do you honestly have no idea what that entails and how many are murdered and mislead by medical doctors every year and every day? Unlike medical doctors he has a high success rate of healing people. did you investigate how many people have actually been helped by him? bedridden MS patients begin walking because of his help and teachings. and yes he sells products and wrote a book (uhoh call the Better Business Bureau someone trying to help teach people wrote a book *gasp* did you call them? since you're so offended that he wrote a book that's for sale...?) He does have decades of experience, thousands of patients treated successfully, and other credentials that actually mean something and don't require jumping through evil mainstream fiery hoops. Look at his actual life accomplishments and credentials. You say he has no understanding of biological processes? That is entirely inaccurate and if you took a little time to listen to what he says and looked into it yourself you would find he is one of the only ones who understands and teaches about actual biological processes

Do you know anything about the 'lymph system'? Do you know anything about the immune system? Even mainstream murdercine is not oblivious to the immune system and the little they do teach about the lymph system shows that it is involved in the detoxification process of the body. Can you wonder why so many cancers involve lymph in the title or call for cutting it out and up? Please do a couple minutes of research into what the lymphatic system is and does and come back to me with what you've learned.

Considering we are all humans (and frugivorous species if you are open to researching that) why wouldn't we all be treated with the same modality? I wonder if you know anything about herbs or how mainstream medicine bases a lot of its prescriptions and otcs on them.. but they take them too far away from their natural state and they become toxic chemicals that cause death and all the sick side effects anyone with a tv can hear about during commercials. if you don't have a tv you can google what a random prescription drug or otc threatens to do to the body. and you can also look up the scientific studies supporting the healing efficacy of herbs, and fruit if you want. I can do it for you if you want just let me know.

and Dr. Morse sells herbal products because he has done the journey for us and found combinations that are effective and quality sources to get them from as not all retailers and resources are the same or worth investing in as I'm sure you know. If I was a practitioner I would want to find and create the best products for people listening to me because I wouldn't want them to be misled or waste money on inferior products. I don't make money at the moment and don't buy his products, I just take herbs that my fiance buys us from the sample wall of a health store because they seem cheap at just a few dollars or less for most ounce sized bags, but actually we're paying more because buying them in bulk or in stronger doses like Dr. Morse sells would be less expensive in the long run. and more effective surely but anyways I am still in the process of learning and healing myself. and you know what is free? The hundreds of videos that Dr. Morse has made for people. He sits there most weeks, sometimes multiple times a week, and answers questions that people send in and most of his videos are an hour or even longer. He does it because he loves to help and teach people and wants the truth spread around so people don't have to suffer. He is a spiritual man and cares more about that but knows how important it is for people to feel well while here and be able to lose the distraction of bodily pain and live a greater existence.

Green.Heals 07-11-2018 08:32 AM

Sapphirez, I think you are with the Gorillaz from 30BaD

Gem 07-11-2018 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by Sapphirez
well since you mention the book that brings us to the simple fact that you've liklely not read it so how can you really speak on the matter of whether he's right or wrong if 1. you didn't read his book and 2. you haven't done subsequent research or experimentation to support your counter-arguments?

I've done research and have a fair understanding of nutrition and biological processes of metabolism.


Of course he is not a medical doctor,

Nor is he a PHD, and titling himself Dr. is deceptive.


do you honestly have no idea what that entails and how many are murdered and mislead by medical doctors every year and every day? Unlike medical doctors he has a high success rate of healing people. did you investigate how many people have actually been helped by him?

I have see numerous testimonials.


bedridden MS patients begin walking because of his help and teachings. and yes he sells products and wrote a book (uhoh call the Better Business Bureau someone trying to help teach people wrote a book *gasp* did you call them? since you're so offended that he wrote a book that's for sale...?) He does have decades of experience, thousands of patients treated successfully, and other credentials that actually mean something and don't require jumping through evil mainstream fiery hoops. Look at his actual life accomplishments and credentials.

He doesn't seem to have any credentials. If so, what are they and what institutions did he obtain them from.


You say he has no understanding of biological processes? That is entirely inaccurate and if you took a little time to listen to what he says and looked into it yourself you would find he is one of the only ones who understands and teaches about actual biological processes

I listened to two of you tube videos and he obviously doesn't understand the lymph system, and can't seem to coherently explain anything about nutrition.


Do you know anything about the 'lymph system'?Do you know anything about the immune system?

You could explain them to me if you do.

[quote]Even mainstream murdercine is not oblivious to the immune system and the little they do teach about the lymph system shows that it is involved in the detoxification process of the body. Can you wonder why so many cancers involve lymph in the title or call for cutting it out and up? Please do a couple minutes of research into what the lymphatic system is and does and come back to me with what you've learned.

[quote]Considering we are all humans (and frugivorous species if you are open to researching that)[quote]

If the apes are anything to go by, we are omnivores.


why wouldn't we all be treated with the same modality?

The reasons are:

1) Our biological system has evolved to ingest plant and animal products.

2) Human beings live all over the world in a wide range of natural environments, including places like mountains, deserts, islands and cold climates which have very little vegetation or fertile soil. We survived and thrived by utilising the resources of diverse environments.

Thus the evolution of our species has necessitated a very wide range of dietary practice, which in turn allowed humans to inhabit all sorts of environments/climates. Prescribing a 'true human diet' is a fundamentally flawed concept.


I wonder if you know anything about herbs or how mainstream medicine bases a lot of its prescriptions and otcs on them.. but they take them too far away from their natural state and they become toxic chemicals that cause death and all the sick side effects anyone with a tv can hear about during commercials. if you don't have a tv you can google what a random prescription drug or otc threatens to do to the body. and you can also look up the scientific studies supporting the healing efficacy of herbs, and fruit if you want. I can do it for you if you want just let me know.

The primary problem with the medical health system is doctors are not well educated in nutrition. They take the Hippocratic oath, but don't abide by "let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food" (Hippocrates).


and Dr. Morse sells herbal products because he has done the journey for us and found combinations that are effective and quality sources to get them from as not all retailers and resources are the same or worth investing in as I'm sure you know. If I was a practitioner I would want to find and create the best products for people listening to me because I wouldn't want them to be misled or waste money on inferior products. I don't make money at the moment and don't buy his products, I just take herbs that my fiance buys us from the sample wall of a health store because they seem cheap at just a few dollars or less for most ounce sized bags, but actually we're paying more because buying them in bulk or in stronger doses like Dr. Morse sells would be less expensive in the long run. and more effective surely but anyways I am still in the process of learning and healing myself. and you know what is free? The hundreds of videos that Dr. Morse has made for people. He sits there most weeks, sometimes multiple times a week, and answers questions that people send in and most of his videos are an hour or even longer. He does it because he loves to help and teach people and wants the truth spread around so people don't have to suffer. He is a spiritual man and cares more about that but knows how important it is for people to feel well while here and be able to lose the distraction of bodily pain and live a greater existence.

I'm pretty sure he runs a scam with his 1500 dollar 'detox kits' and other supplements (it's common practice in the supplement industry). He is being deceptive about his qualifications so as to mislead people (which common in the nutrition industry). His approach has some success because he restricts all the processed junk with added sugar, high calorie/low nutrient content, and chemical additives - but he does not explain nutrition in terms of nutrients or biological processes in a coherent way. He rambles a vacuous narrative and does not display even rudimentary knowledge.

inavalan 07-11-2018 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by Sapphirez
inavalan I was confused about the whole glucose fructose thing just a month or two ago myself.. having learned what the mainstream teaches that glucose is the body's ideal fuel involving the krebs cycle.. but guess what? the fructose in fruit is not the same as glucose because it is better. It gets into the body by diffusion! doesn't that sound magical? it doesn't require burden on the liver or other organs or creation of insulin to be absorbed and assimilated, it works by diffusion into cells. I have more to learn on this subject but was enchanted to learn of the existence of this diffusion phenomenon because it really does put things into a different perspective and show how superior fruit sugar is. besides that, Dr. Morse has healed thousands and thousands of patients in his career, including people suffering with the disorders you mentioned. but people have healed themselves without Dr. Morse too. He has been a health practitioner for decades and has stumbled himself throughout the years but now knows what works and makes weekly videos to answer people's questions and help anyone heal more easily

Everyone of us should do whatever they believe to be right, and this is valid not only for diet.

In domains where we don't have personal expertise it is quite difficult to form an opinion about what / who is right, but we should apply common sense.

One of the sources for health recommendations I peruse is dr. Mercola.

He wrote several articles about fructose, and if you're interested, you could start with: Surprising Health Hazards Associated with All-Fruit Diet

This is its abstarct:
Ashton Kutcher recently disclosed he suffered pancreatic problems brought on by following an all-fruit diet adopted in preparation to play the character of Steve Jobs in the upcoming film “Jobs.” Steve Jobs died of pancreatic cancer in 2011

Fruits are loaded with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, which is why eating a small amount of them is fine for healthy people. However, many benefit by restricting their fruit intake due to its high fructose content

Research suggests fructose may have a particularly significant impact on pancreatic cancer, as pancreatic cancer cells have been shown to use fructose for cell division, speeding up the growth and spread of the cancer

As a general guideline, I recommend limiting your total fructose consumption to 25 grams of fructose per day. If you suffer with any fructose-related health issues, such as insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, heart disease, obesity or cancer, you would be wise to limit your total fructose consumption to 15 grams of fructose per day. This includes fructose from ALL sources, including whole fruit

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