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idkusername 28-10-2018 02:51 AM

Why does every chance to see my TF never work out?
Hello Everyone,

I haven’t been on this forum in a LONG time. I’ve done a lot of growing and changing and have kept myself busy. I’ve learned to place my twin flame fate into the hands of the universe and not to worry about it, but of course, it’s always going to be at the back of my head sometimes. I’ve grown and found new relationships — friends and romantic ones but the romantic ones are never that deep, just flings but I like that and I’m ok with that. My life has been pretty good. I found out my TF was going to be in town in a month or so and I never really gave it a second thought, of course I care but I just didn’t have the energy to worry about — till now. I figured if the universe wants to put him in my path, it’ll happen. Lately, I’ve been trying to see if I can travel 3 hours to the function he’ll be at, I thought I had the opportunity to see him, but I don’t. It seems like everytime he comes down to my country (he lives in a different country), the universes does EVERY thing possible to keep me from seeing it. I understand that separation is a part of the whole TF concept and what not but I feel at this point it’s a bit ridiculous. I’ve learned to accept & just let fate and the universe do what it needs to do but it’s just a bit fustrating and confusing. I know we will cross paths when time is right but I thought the time is right - now. At this point, after the amount of chances I missed that could of been, I don’t really care that much but it’s just frustrating. It feels like the universe is almost teasing me at this point & testing me. Of course, I know that I also have to take action to have something happen and I can’t just let the universe do all the work but everytime I try to make something happen, it never works out. Has this happened to anyone else?

ssdm1 28-10-2018 03:56 AM

Yes and my twin only lives 20 minutes away.

I was going to see him at a mutual friend's, but it got canceled. Was supposed to meet him for lunch, but I woke up sick and had to cancel. Was supposed to see him today and he's sick. The one weekend we both had open, I had a business trip moved to that weekend and I'll be out of town. Then he'll be out of town.

Very frustrating. I've learned to not get excited about seeing him. We do talk and text but it's been many months since we've seen each other.

Akira 28-10-2018 04:47 PM

Yes, it's happened to me too.

We live in different towns, but we can get to each other. However something just happens to keep us apart - road accidents, someone gets ill, transport cancellations, you name it. In fact even twins that are together experience it. My friend is a twin and her and her twin live together. However his job takes him away for months on end - 5 months away and then he gets to come home for a month. However the last time there was a storm, so he was stuck and they couldn't get their month together.

It's just the way it works - acceptance is the answer.

Inika 28-10-2018 05:57 PM

maybe its the intention of what you wish or want to happen that is read energetically. there is still a resisting somewhere. still a control vs surrender conflict.

you'll work it out. more time. souls eternal so no need to rush.

and how aware of you of his progress internally? if you meet, you may meet at an ego standpoint which could delay internal progress longer. so it may not be the right now moment for this to happen.

doordie 29-10-2018 02:22 AM

You seem to be a bit angry at the universe. But what about your alleged twin flame? Is he taking steps to see you? Maybe it's not the universe, maybe it's the lack of authentic desire to see you on his part?

ForgedInFire 01-11-2018 12:11 PM

What does the "universe" got to do with this? it merely reflects the internal state to an outside projection that we can observe.

I think a more accurate question to ask is why do so many women blindly obey the dogmatic twin flame religious cult teachings and blame everything on outside sources for an internal problem? These women manifest these things..not the universe.

Cosmic Joe 30-08-2020 08:35 PM

Is there actually some mechanism that prevents twins from coming together at certain times?

RedBasket 29-09-2020 11:39 AM

Hello idkusername,
I remember you from long ago. Nice to see you here again. What you write makes so much sense to me. Personally, I believe in divine timing and I believe the universe always brings us what we can handle and what will be most helpful to us at that moment in time. So even if we think we are ready for/heading toward a big encounter that will set in motion the big union, maybe the universe is bringing your twin or the possibility of connecting to your twin up to set into motion some correction for you (or both of you) that will ideally take place before the big union. Sometimes what you need to learn from the "encounter" doesn't need to happen face to face. Sometimes the quasi reconnection just brings you in contact with a photo of your twin or a detail or uncovers some block in you that needs healing. Then the "touch and go" encounter is a success, even if it is not what you are hoping it will be. The universe is always making things happen for you and if you miss the turn or miss the exit, it will keep rerouting you.

Aldous 22-10-2020 11:40 PM

A number of people in this thread joined this forum in 2016. I joined after I started talking to my twin by email starting in May 2016 after 38 years of no contact. Is there anything about the year 2016 that would be any different for twins?

Aldous 24-10-2020 01:58 AM

Very strange

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