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-   -   Could a past life explain why I seem to attract toxic relationships? (https://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=123986)

BelieveinLove1994 19-07-2018 04:56 PM

Could a past life explain why I seem to attract toxic relationships?
I've been thinking about my life and I realized I never seem to keep friendships. The reason is I tend to be drawn to people who are extremely toxic and constantly put me down. This has led me to be less open and having trouble trusting people. In my past romantic relationships, the person made me feel worthless and like I didn't deserve love. I don't have the money right now to do past life regression but I would really like to know if there's something that's holding me back and what I can do to fix it.

inavalan 19-07-2018 07:34 PM

No matter if your current predicament is caused by a past life or not, you still have to address it, and resolve it. It's good that you are now aware of a pattern. The next step is to resolve it, not to find its root cause.

If your situation is the result of a karmic balancing, the lesson of your life isn't to suffer, it isn't a punishment; it is the opportunity to positively resolve your situation.

Tomma 19-07-2018 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by BelieveinLove1994
I've been thinking about my life and I realized I never seem to keep friendships. The reason is I tend to be drawn to people who are extremely toxic and constantly put me down. This has led me to be less open and having trouble trusting people. In my past romantic relationships, the person made me feel worthless and like I didn't deserve love. I don't have the money right now to do past life regression but I would really like to know if there's something that's holding me back and what I can do to fix it.

I agree with inavalan, it doesn't matter much where in time your pattern originated from, this life or another.

What is important is that you find the emotional root of it. Others can not make you feel unworthy or undeserving if you wouldn't carry these feelings already in you. Other people merely mirror them back to you. So why do you feel like this? Why do you believe you are unworthy?

desert rat 20-07-2018 03:00 AM

You need to use one of the many methods of past life regression to see what is there , then let it go .

Greenslade 20-07-2018 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by BelieveinLove1994
I've been thinking about my life and I realized I never seem to keep friendships. The reason is I tend to be drawn to people who are extremely toxic and constantly put me down. This has led me to be less open and having trouble trusting people. In my past romantic relationships, the person made me feel worthless and like I didn't deserve love. I don't have the money right now to do past life regression but I would really like to know if there's something that's holding me back and what I can do to fix it.

Welcome to the 'real' Law of Attraction. In part you are attracting 'toxic' relationships but that's because of your vibrations. It's been said that if we don't learn the lessons they'll keep on repeating.

'Toxic' is your definition, that's the word you've used and that's your perception of them. Nobody makes you feel anything and I'd think this is really at the root of this, if they make you feel anything then you've essentially given away your power. What you're attracting is not a toxic relationship - although it might seem that way on the surface. What you are attracting is the 'lesson' for understanding that you need to work on your personal empowerment, that way they don't make you feel anything and it becomes a relationship to grow Spiritually from rather than 'toxic'.

Empowers 21-07-2018 07:06 AM

It's very possible to make the commitment and find the healing on your own. But besides accepting your past lives, which is how we heal things that are carried over, you must work on breaking your action patterns in this life time. If you hide in a box of same, you are not allowing yourself to experience different. In other words, review your reactions from these relationships and play them out differently in your head. Be willing to learn what you need to know from doing this because sometimes, with patience and commitment to accept what you find, you will have spontaneous learnings that can connect your whole life for you.

Speaking from experience.

linen53 21-07-2018 02:54 PM

I'd be curious to know your background. Childhood, family. Sometimes we don't have to reach back into past lives to find the culprit.

You simply need to make a stand. Surround yourself with positive people. Don't allow anyone to disrespect you. If anyone does, let them know you will not be treated like that. Why? Because you deserve better. I think you are coming to that realization and why you started this thread.

Illumin 22-07-2018 01:46 AM


Originally Posted by BelieveinLove1994
I've been thinking about my life and I realized I never seem to keep friendships. The reason is I tend to be drawn to people who are extremely toxic and constantly put me down. This has led me to be less open and having trouble trusting people. In my past romantic relationships, the person made me feel worthless and like I didn't deserve love. I don't have the money right now to do past life regression but I would really like to know if there's something that's holding me back and what I can do to fix it.

People are people in the end, some of them are a little rougher than others. But, they can be a positive part of life to you depending on how you use your experiences with them. Use your experience, how you felt and discover who you are and what your passions are. Once you know who you are, no one can change that. You might even find out why you bring such people into your life, and what you need to change, to change your life. Eventually, you will find others that share the same passion as you, that value you for who you are.


FallingLeaves 22-07-2018 04:15 AM

never mind

desert rat 22-07-2018 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by FallingLeaves
never mind

The words of Emily Litella , never mind .

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