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-   -   Do we really NOT have bodies on the other side? (https://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=11750)

Lovely 27-02-2011 04:35 AM

Do we really NOT have bodies on the other side?
I heard this idea from several people.
And I don't mean to upset or offend anyone's personal
beliefs. I just don't understand this belief and to be honest
I find it quite scary. Now I know our souls are just balls of
light. But don't we at least inhabit a body on the other side?
I mean if not what can we do there? With no body we can't
sing, see, hear, play piano, play a guitar, hug a loved one,
paint, draw, pet an animal, smell, dance, play sports, ride bikes,
talk, write ETC.
All we could do is think and maybe speak telepathically. That sounds
kinda boring. Especially because that's how we will spend all

I know we can't KNOW what happens when we die
(unless you have a NDE) but I just don't understand
what people think we do on the other side when
we have no physical body.
The thought we
don't worries me more than it should.

Shabda 27-02-2011 04:58 AM

yes we DO have bodies on the other side, several of them in fact, those that claim they are nothing but energy dont quite have it correct, not that simple nd the state changes with each new plane...the astral body is what many see as a ghost...

mattie 27-02-2011 09:57 AM

Varying Levels Of Physicality
Don’t let it be disconcerting that our souls are ‘just balls of light.’

As we progress dimensionally we become less dense physically. It is said that our awakening & ascension is progressively making our bodies less dense, even though it is unlikely that we will realize this as it is occurring. I think I recall reading Suzan Carroll’s discussion about this where she said by 7D or 8D we are pure energy. Carroll's site multidimensions.com has some very good information about this journey & the forms we have in the various Ds. By the time we get to the higher dimensional levels having a different physical form won’t be disconcerting, but the natural order of our energetic growth, just like we know that the natural growth of a human baby is to become a child, then adolescent, then adult.

When we are in other energy forms our awareness about our being will be just as distinct as our awareness is right now about our being. We just won’t be having the exact same physicality as we have right now, but similar forms that we can change more easily than we can right now. We will probably look back at those who are constrained by physical bodies & get a chuckle about how limiting that is, appreciating our newfound mobility!

We (self) are one aspect of a much larger energy field. This complete energy field is sometimes called the oversoul or soul group or our multidimensional SELF. From 7D we divide or step down our energies to be able to inhabit the lower Ds to have learning experiences that are unique to each D. We have many aspects. All of these other aspects are us.

Don’t let any of this worry you. It is a joyful journey & have complete confidence that we will have abundant help from our vast omnipresent spiritual team every step of the way in our energetic journey.

HalfaMan 27-02-2011 10:14 AM

Hi, just spotted this thread and its a subject that has greatly worried me as well.
The advice I got was that yes we do have a body, which resembles our current physical one but at a point where we considered ourselves to be in our prime!
This new body would look strange or unreal to us here and now, but in the spirit world it is just as normal as you and I are now.

See, I was worried that I would never be able to hug and kiss my wife again, seemingly when the time comes I will :-)

So, I hope that helps a little bit?

John Mortimer 27-02-2011 10:53 AM

Hi Lovely,

This is a very important question that many people have in the back of the mind but they don't want to think about it too much.

There is a much bigger picture that needs to be seen before any of the answers can come forth.

There is no distinction between what is physical and what is energy. Everything physical IS energy (and information).

The "physical" universe - including our physical bodies - is defined by an energy spectrum - a vibrational spectrum - ranging from about 3Hz, (that's 3 cycles per second), to about 1000000000000000000000 cycles per second. At the upper limit of the vibrational spectrum physicality breaks down.

Now of course, there is no reason why vibrations of even higher frequency cannot exist - and indeed they do. Our emotions, for example, are not physical. Emotions in fact represent a vibrational spectrum just like the physical spectrum. Just as our physical bodies are part of a larger physical universe, so our emotions are part of an emotional universe. In the original design of the material universe the Emotional spectrum began where the physical left off and went higher.

I am making a distinction between the "material" universe and the "physical" universe.... hopefully the distinction will be clear by the end of this post.

The emotional spectrum does indeed consist of vibrational frequencies higher than those that constitute the physical and they run to an upper limit where no more emotion is possible but the vibrational spectrum of thought begins... the Mental spectrum.

Beyond the mental spectrum is the Etheric or Identity realm, which is another spectrum of vibrations with an upper limit of frequency.

Everything up to this point is what I am calling the "material" universe. Just like yourself, the material universe has a Physical realm, an Emotional realm, a Mental realm and an Identity realm.

The vibrational spectrum continues beyond the material universe into the various levels of the Spiritual realm.

It is perfectly possible for us to have energy bodies that are not physical.
The term "energy body" can be applied to the physical body because our physical bodies ARE energy.
Bodies made from higher vibrational frequencies are no less real than the physical bodies we currently have. This leads to a point that contradicts conventional thinking at this time, namely that our sense of identity, our thoughts and our feelings actually sustain our physical body. Our physical body depends upon the higher vibrational aspects of our being. It is not - as is commonly supposed - that our thoughts, feelings & sense of identity are dependent upon the physical body, (especially the brain), and will cease if the physical dies.

You mentioned playing the piano. We bring music into physical being by:
1. Identifying ourselves as musical
2. Employing the mind and the emotions
3. Actually performing physical tasks such as playing an instrument or operating recording equipment

It is only a tiny fraction of the physical spectrum that is available to our physical senses. Part of what makes music so appealing is that it can be a means of transcending the limitations of the physical senses, even though it can be viewed as a sensory experience. Music comes from higher vibrational frequencies than the physical and it cycles back up... we can participate in that and experience the transcendence of the physical limitations.

Imagine then what is possible with music in vibrational frequencies that are higher and not limited by the physical senses!
This applies to all creativity - not just music. You can have energy bodies in higher realms that are not limited by physical sense. These energy bodies are every bit as real as the physical... so imagine what is possible with all of your creativity and co-creativity and expression and interaction beyond the realm of the physical!

starfish 27-02-2011 11:23 AM

everyone needs to change their clothes sometime, when their old ones become worn or when newer and more refined material become available.

in fact you don't have the same body you had - even a few months ago , because its a medical fact that all the cells have been replaced since then, as renewal in continuous.

ROM 27-02-2011 11:29 AM

We do have bodies, but aren't limited to one. We can alter our forms at will as befits us.

nephesh 27-02-2011 11:07 PM

Good question as I have heard people say both. Maybe it comes down to if you want to have a physical body you can but if you would prefer just to be a ball of light you can be that as well.

glenos 27-02-2011 11:20 PM

When you pop ya clogs if you have little or no knowledge of "spiritual matters" and are a very material type or a dodgey human then you are in the astral and closer to earth plane than those who are the opposite say. You will have a body, you will perform all of the things that you would whilst on the earth, and I mean all. You may not even realise that you are "dead" for quite a while. As you progress the need for a physical expression so to speak falls away and what you are, who you are, and the reward for your spiritual deeds on earth will no longer have this need nor want it. This state of being may take eons so pack some sarnies and a thermous flask..

pebble 27-02-2011 11:46 PM

I see spiritual beings and have not as of yet seen a body. All I see is the head. Who is to say that there are not some with bodies? I just haven't seen any yet.

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