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MyJourneyHasBegan 13-09-2017 04:59 AM

Money gone missing
Hi all,

I have posted about this briefly in another thread but it has happened again.

So a few months back i noticed that a large amount of money has gone missing from where i was hiding it. I work from home so im always around and no one ever comes to the house.

It sometimes feel like there's another "presence" in the house, not all the time but every now and then. I get not bad vibes from it.

So the first time it happened i know exactly how much there was and have not use it for any reason but it could be that i misplaced it, or counted wrong ( unlikely but it was the most "logical" reasoning). So after looking everywhere for the money i gave up.

That was a few months ago, so today when checking some money was missing again. Its always a portion of the money. After what happened the first time i record the date and current amount, and check every week. So i know 100% that the money is missing and i have not used it!!!!

I'm so upset and feel so defeated, i dont know what to do? There hasnt been anything weird happening in the house, only weird thing was the trumpet noises early morning but thats about it.

Could i be sleep walking and hiding a portion on the money somewhere? Or is it something supernatural?

It feels like my lifes a circus and this is kinda the last straw

Any advise/help would be much appreciated
love and blessings

loved48 13-09-2017 02:52 PM

Maybe you have a little pack rat took it for nesting. Me personally, I do not believe it is supernatural. Are you the only person that is ever at your house?

MyJourneyHasBegan 13-09-2017 04:27 PM

Cant be as its only a portion of the money and the rest is still neatly folded. Its me and my partner but he didnt touch it as its our savings, i know this for 100%.
While searching i noticed that a piece of jewelry has gone missing. I hardly wear it as its special occasion kinda jewelry.

I know it material things but the jewelry was a gift from my partner and the money well, we work hard for it.

No one ever comes to our house, we havent been living here long so havent gotten any visitors.

Im trying to look for logical reason as to what is going on here, i mean this is ridiculous :(

Snow Goose 13-09-2017 04:52 PM

I'm always saying I think I have borrowers in the house, things vanish, sometimes reappear in obvious places a little later.

I would recommend to post this on the faery, nature spirits part of the forum see if anything interesting comes up

Little Creek77 16-09-2017 07:42 PM

There is someone in the house taking the money. This is not paranormal.

Divine Consciousness 17-09-2017 06:07 AM

What you need to do is show emotion of anger on this incidence at the place you keep money. This if paranormal case wikll help you from further theft.
Paranormals are very sensitive and care of our emotion towards them. you search whole house mat it placed somewhere else.

Brucely 20-09-2017 02:17 AM

Get a trail camera, its meant for catching wildlife but essentially works as a cheap security camera and starts recording when it detects movement. $150 and batteries can last 6 months

MyJourneyHasBegan 20-09-2017 08:58 AM

Little creek- its just me and my partner living here and its 100% not him cause hes always working, plus the jewelry thats missing was a gift from him so..... but we've found out that it might be someone in the area. We literally never have any people over. I dont want to go into too much detail for privacy reasons. The person/s we suspect, have been sneaking into our home whenever i go do groceries so they've been watching us. Things that are been taken are the least obvious things that i will immediately notice is missing . I am so angry and upset for 1) they've been going through me person things 2) its only my things missing .

Anyway we will be getting extra security and cameras. Part of me kinda hoped for something paranormal at least i would get my stuff back.

Chrysalis 22-09-2017 07:34 AM

Seems to me that this is happening only in the physical. Just to be on the safe side and to help catch the culprit, I'd change all the locks on the house (including the garage) and set up cameras as had been suggested. As for jewellery, I'd file a report for stolen property with the police and check all the pawn shops I could find. Thieves tend to take the quick and easy way to get money.

Blessings to you.

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