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Shivani Devi 26-05-2017 12:09 PM

Lung Detox - Influenza, Asthma & Emphysema (COPD)
Greetings. As I sit here tonight, I am suffering from a chest infection which no amount of Olive Leaf Extract or vitamin C is helping in any way.

I started to look on the internet about herbs and various methods to help lung complaints - I was also a very heavy smoker for 20 years and smoked everything, basically and now I am paying for it. I quit smoking 5 months ago, but the toxic buildup is starting to loosen and the mucous is incredible, causing a lot of pain.

Anyway, after not getting very far on the internet, I put myself in the hands of my 'universal shamanic healers' - my ancestral spirits with a 'so, what do I do now?' and this is the answer they gave:

1. Eucalyptus Oil + Himalayan Salt lamp.

Place the salt lamp and humidifier with eucalyptus oil inside on a bedside table and sleep with them both on all night.

2. Rhizome crops.

Turmeric, ginseng, ginger and sweet potato.

Take Turmeric and Panax Ginseng tablets and make ginger tea (chai) without any sugar or milk - make it very strong with ginger and cloves.

Give up dairy, sugar and bananas because they are mucous forming.

3. Allium crops -Garlic and onions.

These help break up mucous and act as a natural antibiotic.

4. Mustard seed oil - rubbed on the chest and back and taken internally can heat up the system and relieve the symptoms of a chesty cough.

5. Vitamin C - best in chelated form and in megadoses of up to 2000mg per day.

6. Drink plenty of water - boiled, filtered water - up to 12 glasses a day or 3 litres daily. This helps break down mucous, keeps the body hydrated and expels toxins.

7. Any highly aromatic herb - thyme, sage, oregano and basil - don't skimp on these when cooking and try to use fresh herbs. make your own herbal tea and sweeten with a bit of Manuka honey.

8. Capsicum, jalapeno and chilies - can clear up mucous, heat the system, is great for pain relief and makes breathing a lot easier.

9. Chest expanding exercises and gradual deep breathing - breathing through a straw is good...going to the ocean and breathing in all that natural ionised salt air:

10. Chair yoga - side stretches whilst sitting like trikonasana & backward bend:

This is what was shown to me and I thought I would share it or just post it while it was fresh in my mind.

Tobi 27-05-2017 12:28 AM

This is a really helpful post Necromancer. I have been an advocate for herbal treatments for many years and know that they work well.

Walking also helps (so long as the illness allows outdoor walking) I think that is not only because breathing is better when gently exercising in the fresh air, but the whole circulation/lymphatic system is stimulated. But of course that would be less helpful in a polluted city environment.
I have found diesel fumes far more offensive to the body than even tobacco smoke.

Chest 'percussion', with slightly cupped hands, and then deliberate coughing will also help clear the chest of mucus build up. This is particularly effective after steam inhalation. It's important to keep the lungs as clear as possible regularly during congestion or an infection.
I hope you wil get much better soon.

Shivani Devi 27-05-2017 11:21 PM

Thank you, Tobi.

Yes, chest percussion is another really good thing and thanks for adding it.

Walking is also great, but it's good to do that out in nature, like bushwalking or walking by the ocean to get in all those negative ions.

Also, swimming is good too, if you can swim as it takes the weight and gravity off and leaves you feeling less tired.

Once again, I thank you.

Tobi 28-05-2017 12:07 AM

There are a few other herbs also which are helpful for lungs. I thought they would add to the list:
Mouse Ear
Liquorice Root (this is pretty brilliant but counter-indicated though if there's high blood pressure)
Angelica Root

I have also personally found Red Clover to have a loosening effect on chesty mucus.

Uma 28-05-2017 12:45 AM

I am all for natural remedies but pneumonia is serious and needs a chest x-ray to confirm it. I had lung pneumonia as a child confirmed by x-rays and needed antibiotics to clear it. The damage was permanent and thereafter I got bronchitis very easily through my adult life. People can die of pneumonia.

If it isn't either of those or anything else that needs allopathy, a soothing thing to try is a mini-sauna treatment - just fill a bowl with steaming hot water (you can add eucalpytus to it) and put a towel over your head and the bowl - breathe it in deep with your mouth open (this is also great for cleaning your facial pores btw) and coughing up mucous.

I also love Tiger Balm - full of powerful stuff (link) rub it on the spots that feel the most clogged or sore. It's both heating and cooling at the same time. It works great for nagging coughs that keep you up all night.

Plenty of sleep with warm heavy blankets and a hoodie to keep your head warm as well, as this is probably related to a cold.

These have all worked for me.

dream jo 04-12-2017 11:13 PM

i get ths infesct 2 i do im wors if i get flu jabb i do
i seam 2 get mor infescsn i do
wen i dnt get it i do get infsctn but less thn i wud wen i ddi get flu jab
i no iv mor thngs wong n w im in my 40s
but havin pets is a grt hlp it is
its why my dad livd lngr thn he did coz of my cat lucy nw thy bth 2 gethr
nw iv 2 cats i no pele its got 5 cats feal betr thy thy wear

dream jo 04-12-2017 11:14 PM

i lk my dad bad smokin in y hom i did
im goij 2 by no smokin siens jut 2 warn epepel no smookin 2 protc t me my 2 cats frm smokin

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