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Light lady 04-11-2016 07:14 PM

Why can I not stop eating chocolate?
Evening all,

I have got a slight addiction to chocolate, and I also have reflux at the moment. I know the chocolate if making the reflux worse but I can't stop! Any suggestions on what I can do (other than get a grip!!)
Thanks :)

Tobi 05-11-2016 01:41 AM

I like chocolate too, and yes there is something about it which can be addictive. It's not just the sugar. Now if there are no bad effects there's no harm done. Chocolate will generally not do any harm,. so long as proper food is eaten too! Chocolate can actually be beneficial!

But with reflux....that's different. You've identified something that makes it worse. So the only thing I can suggest is to cut it out.
Or...carry on eating it and take reflux meds!

Your choice.

But if you go a little while without chocolate and find some other sweet stuff like Halva, sesame snaps, dates, carob raisins, etc instead to eat -you'll find that it won't take long to stop thinking of chocolate.

Also if you want to stop eating it don't stop eating healthy carbohydrates and fats (so long as they suit your digestion) because you will keep good energy eating them, and won't feel so much craving for chocolate as an energy boost.

Light lady 05-11-2016 01:51 PM

Hi Tobi,

Thanks for replying. I do take reflux meds, but I still get the reflux :(. Other than the chocolate I have a really healthy balanced diet and I eat really well, I just can't stop with the chocolate. Xx

knightofalbion 05-11-2016 02:05 PM

Milk chocolate is not good for you.

Plain chocolate is actually quite healthy, in moderation.
The downside to chocolate is the high sugar content - and sugar not only wreaks havoc with your teeth and system, it is also the most acidic of all foods.
Also, the higher the cocoa content, the richer it is.

I wonder if carob chocolate might be better suited to you? I must confess I've no idea of sugar content, though I'm sure 'you' can get healthy versions.

TheGlow 05-11-2016 02:15 PM

You are quite likely magnesium deficient.

Light lady 05-11-2016 05:05 PM

I take calcium magnesium every day though, and have regular Dead Sea salt baths?

Originally Posted by TheGlow
You are quite likely magnesium deficient.

Squatchit 05-11-2016 05:43 PM

Hi Light Lady

That's a bummer - chocolate is so yummy! :hug2:

A few years ago I went on a strict 3-month healthy eating regime. This meant no chocolate. Instead, I snacked on dates.

Good luck - I hope you find a satisfactory alternative. :smile:

TheGlow 05-11-2016 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by Light lady
I take calcium magnesium every day though, and have regular Dead Sea salt baths?

I would still check the dose is high enough and absorbable.
I take 500mg daily. Most people won't need that much but a staggering amount of the population 90% in North America is mg deficient and it doesn't show in blood tests because your body will just pull it from your bones.

Chocolate craving is a sign and guess what is in antacid chews magnesium.

Light lady 05-11-2016 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by TheGlow
I would still check the dose is high enough and absorbable.
I take 500mg daily. Most people won't need that much but a staggering amount of the population 90% in North America is mg deficient and it doesn't show in blood tests because your body will just pull it from your bones.

Chocolate craving is a sign and guess what is in antacid chews magnesium.

That's interesting. I'll have a look at the dosage.
Thanks :). Xx

Tobi 06-11-2016 01:32 AM

What almost always gives me acid indigestion is wine. Especially when connected with food -any kind of food. For me, wine does not go with food.
So I don't drink it. Simple. Or if I ever do (rarely), I drink it without food, and eat food on its own!
I think if you've found something that plays havoc on your digestion, then a sensible thing is to stop eating it.

Try Halva. Try other sweet things. They might suit you better. If you get into the other stuff, you probably (?) won't crave chocolate. Try it!

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