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dutchiexx 10-07-2016 08:22 PM

how does one channel?
well, i have discoverd and experienced many things like, countless lucid dreams, astral projection, seeing auras.
not much left for me to physicly experience.
i am now curious about channeling, how do i do it?
how do i know when im doing it?
will i feel anything?
will it be subtle?
will i clearly hear or see things?
would it be more effective for me to just communicate with other beings while astral projecting?
i will not lie, the main reason i want to learn this, is so that i can mess with people, im thinking maybe if i can make a person realize that there is something going on that they dont understand, like, leave them with no doubt what so ever, then maybe people will become more open minded and be interesting in learning things in this subject.pretty much wanna raise awarness by completely mind fk'ing people :)

MaryMagdaQueenofQueens 10-07-2016 08:41 PM

Channeling is a practice that should be respected as the beings you channel should be there for you healing process the betterment of humanity and you should respect them. I would not suggest learning to channel for the purpose of "messing with people"

Perhaps you should try some soul searching yourself, maybe theres something you could work on yourself, instead of being so intent on changing others.

My best wishes, and utmost respect are intended in this message, please see that through the bluntness.

My regards dear soul friend
journey on

dutchiexx 10-07-2016 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by MaryMagdaQueenofQueens
Channeling is a practice that should be respected as the beings you channel should be there for you healing process the betterment of humanity and you should respect them. I would not suggest learning to channel for the purpose of "messing with people"

Perhaps you should try some soul searching yourself, maybe theres something you could work on yourself, instead of being so intent on changing others.

My best wishes, and utmost respect are intended in this message, please see that through the bluntness.

My regards dear soul friend
journey on

hmm, i see, how ever, the sole purpose of me learning to channel is not just for kicks, i have done plenty of soul searching, and i am now happy with myself as is.with the way this world is as of now, people are being programmed to think a certain way.any talk of aliens from other planets or anything super natural is usually treated as taboo, a crazy persons ramblings.
they are programmed to be closed minded, they are programmed to be self centered, to be fascinated by material objects.
people are forced to work jobs so they can pay rent and bills, to survive.we are really not given any other choice.
people literally are forced to work there entire lives.most have comes to terms with this and have accepted this as a way of life.
i dont agree with how the world is.
if a person can just show that there is more to this life then what you think and see in front of you, and that there is a better way to live life, then the world would be better off.

if people continue to worry only about themselves, and not be interested in changes others, then this will become a endless cycle, at the rate we are going, us humans are gonna end up destroying ourselves and our planet , so instead of trying to change myself, i want to change the way others think, its very flawed and will only inflict damage upon our selves.
someone has to change the self destructing thinking patterns of others, if no one changes, the world will always be the same.

so yes, i do want to mess with people, not for kicks, but to raise awareness,
the best way to open a persons eyes is to completely mind fk them, this will direct there attention to the things that matter most.
you can sit all day preaching to crowds about your beliefs, but at the end of the day, most people will not give a second thought about anything you said.
they simply wont care.if you demostrate your believes and prove them, then more people will give more thought to what your teaching.
so yes, i want to change others, nothing wrong with trying to change the way someone thinks, if its for there benifit.

Rozie 11-07-2016 02:30 AM

I understand what you are saying and people are becoming much more aware but that has to come from inside. They have to see for themselves and watching you channel is not going to do it. Actually that is demonstrating weird behavior and the information that comes through is not accurate. They are stories and some are more useful then others. I channel but not not like I am reading from a script. I refuse to do that in front of people.

My point is, that demonstrating that ability is not going to get you any more credibility. People don't care. If you can give them an experience that they have themselves then that can get their attention. Witnessing you levitating and walking on hot coals while singing the theme from Spongebob Squarepants backwards is not going to make the kind of impression you want to make. I have experience with this. People don't care about what you can do unless you can show them how to do it.

dutchiexx 11-07-2016 02:49 AM


Originally Posted by Rozie
I understand what you are saying and people are becoming much more aware but that has to come from inside. They have to see for themselves and watching you channel is not going to do it. Actually that is demonstrating weird behavior and the information that comes through is not accurate. They are stories and some are more useful then others. I channel but not not like I am reading from a script. I refuse to do that in front of people.

My point is, that demonstrating that ability is not going to get you any more credibility. People don't care. If you can give them an experience that they have themselves then that can get their attention. Witnessing you levitating and walking on hot coals while singing the theme from Spongebob Squarepants backwards is not going to make the kind of impression you want to make. I have experience with this. People don't care about what you can do unless you can show them how to do it.

lol hold on, wait.

if someone walks up to you, starts discribing one of your sibling that has passed away, started recalling detailed, specific events and memories that you shared with your sibling, discussed impossible to know info with you, then told you that you can learn whats going on and do it yourself.would u not be interested?would u atleast be aware that there is more to this life then you currently understand, that are things greater then whats presented to you? if so, then job done, the goal is raise awarness.

again, the goal is not to just fk with people, or try to get people to do it themselves, my goal is to just raise awarness, i want to get stuff like this commonly known and believed.
just as common as our planet orbiting the sun.its just a known fact.i want astral projection, channeling, remote viewing, lucid dreaming to all just be commonly known and accepted, doesnt mean a person has to learn how to do it, but after i mind fk them, ill offer to teach for free f course.if they want to learn, then i want to teach them.simple.
think of how this world would be if spiritual knowledge was commonly know.

if anything, whether or not i learn to channel doesnt matter, ill still raise awarness by demostrating ap. i think channeling would be easier though

Rozie 11-07-2016 04:06 AM

That's what I said. If you give them the experience for themselves, then they will believe.

I thought channelling was thought of as bringing messages through from angelic beings. In otherwords, teachings.

Discussing passed on siblings is mediumship..Technically.

To tell you the truth, that's what I do. I show people how to do it. I don't demonstrate my abilities because nobody really cares. I know this from experience and not from making it up.

Spiritual knowledge is becoming much more individualized and awareness is increasing exponentially. It has to be that way if we are going to survive. That is the plan.

What you need is guidance, and I think that is what you want. Guidance can speak to you and educate you. Is that what you call chanelling? I don't call that chanelling, I call that communication. It is also useful in personal ways as well as knowing who to work with and what they need to know but it is not an easy path. It requires great sacrifice.

dutchiexx 11-07-2016 08:38 AM


Originally Posted by Rozie
That's what I said. If you give them the experience for themselves, then they will believe.

I thought channelling was thought of as bringing messages through from angelic beings. In otherwords, teachings.

Discussing passed on siblings is mediumship..Technically.

To tell you the truth, that's what I do. I show people how to do it. I don't demonstrate my abilities because nobody really cares. I know this from experience and not from making it up.

Spiritual knowledge is becoming much more individualized and awareness is increasing exponentially. It has to be that way if we are going to survive. That is the plan.

What you need is guidance, and I think that is what you want. Guidance can speak to you and educate you. Is that what you call chanelling? I don't call that chanelling, I call that communication. It is also useful in personal ways as well as knowing who to work with and what they need to know but it is not an easy path. It requires great sacrifice.

my idea of channeling is communicating with beings that are considerd spirits, humans who have passed away, higher being from higher dimensions ect..

i found i can teach until im blue in the face, but people will still not fully commit to these beliefs, you can try to teach someone, but if that person is closed minded and thinks such things are non sense, they will remain skeptical, but if you show them, make them have no doubt what so ever, then that would make teaching them easier, simply because they will know its legit.you cant go up to someone and be like " hey, let me teach you how to astral project and talk to dead people"
i think you have to prove it to them first before they want to learn.

MaryMagdaQueenofQueens 11-07-2016 06:09 PM

It sounds dangerous what your talking about. It sounds like a recipe for confused unbalanced people, getting scared away from spirituality. It happens all the time when you introduce people who aren't ready to arts that are to powerful for their awareness. and when people start fearing this lowers the awareness of the planet..... You can't force people to believe. We are here for a purpose. Our very own.
You want to fling undeniable evidence at people..... theres a reason ascended masters never did that. Its not aloud. Free will is real and we all must find this "freedom" ourselves. You can help others by being a loving guide, but to thrust "undeniable evidence" at them is unfair. When a person is ready to make the journey they will listen to you as a teacher.... Until then they will scoff at all of your "abilities" as "insanitys" Focus on yourself You are the only person you can truly change. Be a good example for others. I know all about the state of this world, and how we are in slavery of minds, but you know, I'm not going to scare people away from me, or force them, I am going to love them and help them heal.
You say youve done so much but didnt mention meditation, balancing yourself or chakras, maybe you should check that stuff out

Melahin 11-07-2016 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by dutchiexx
they are programmed to be closed minded, they are programmed to be self centered

Energy always centers in itself, so it is by nature self centered and close minded. This is what we all abide to whether we believe it or not.

If you wish to bring peace into the world you have to be peace. If you wish to bring love into the world you have to be love. If you wish bring beauty into the world you have to be beauty. What I am saying is that what you are is what you bring into to the world, if you are frustrated with something overcome the frustration in yourself. Trying to change others comes from an understanding that the world is not perfect the way it is, that reflects back on yourself, that you find part of yourself not perfect because: you are the world. So I agree maybe it is time for some more soul searching. So practice on channeling your true being by opening up to your heart. When you have an understanding of what goes on in that process, then you'll also inherently understand how you channel in general.

The thing is that when you are peace, then others will find peace in you. When you are love others will find love in you. When you are beauty others will find beauty in you. Then by just being yourself you will bring the peace, love and beauty into the world you desire. Be the very thing you want life to be.

MaryMagdaQueenofQueens 11-07-2016 08:25 PM

Melahnin, Absolutely, I agree with every thing you have said....

Dutchie, I came back to offer you an idea which may be beneficial to your desire to change the world. Perhaps the healing arts is where you belong.
Learning to become a channel for divine love is a wonderful thing, and its still channeling!! Healing arts, like Pranic, or Reiki, or a kundalini based energy work are beautiful ways to transform ourselves inside, and out into becoming wonderful balanced loving people, and once we reach our potential and become strong in this work, we can then give it to our brothers of the planet, the planet itself, and even the experiences going on around the world. You can love every one, and raise the vibration of the planet, and feel the difference in yourself..... These arts of letting "god" or love flow through you to others, becoming a beacon or a channel of light, are truly rewarding and I am sure would give you the satisfaction you desire, since you seem to have a drive to heal the world!
Best of luck, and just an idea of course!

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