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coelacanth 01-07-2016 03:33 PM

Can animal souls be walk-ins?
I believe there are some animal souls out there that are, in some way or another, more evolved than those of some humans. Anthropomorphic animals and humans with animal traits have also been a huge part of our history (see the Egyptian gods, the berserkers, the shapeshifters of various Native American folklores). Do you think some humans might eventually receive walk-in souls from animals?

desert rat 29-11-2016 01:22 PM

There is Jason the horse, but as I understand he was born in to his current life. I am not sure a animal would have the skills to just step in to a human life, or a human would have the skills to step in to most animal lives.

bartholomew 17-01-2017 12:12 AM


Originally Posted by coelacanth
I believe there are some animal souls out there that are, in some way or another, more evolved than those of some humans. Anthropomorphic animals and humans with animal traits have also been a huge part of our history (see the Egyptian gods, the berserkers, the shapeshifters of various Native American folklores). Do you think some humans might eventually receive walk-in souls from animals?

It is essential that the soul be able to sync with the brain of the host form. Most of the time a human soul does not fully join with the form of the infant until three months or less before birth because the new brain must be fully formed and ready. It is noteworthy to say here that this event is commonly known by the mother to be. She is very aware of subtle changes. She knows. She knows because her soul is party to the joining.

On Earth it is not possible for animal and human souls to interchange for any reason. They simply are not compatible. A human soul requires a highly developed brain and a body that will facilitate such intelligence. An animal soul requires a brain which is stronger in other areas. Animal and human souls do have one thing in common. Each of them is controlled by a master group of souls who oversees the process of incarnation. It sometimes happens that a human child is stillborn because there was a problem with synchronization causing the process to be aborted by those who direct. In a particular period of Earth history there were attempts to blend together the forms of both animal and humans for particular reasons but these were unsuccessful. The souls were not allowed to merge. The artistic depictions referred to are representative of vague memories of much earlier times when human beings attempted such things.

There are exceptions though. On some other worlds which are far, far distant from our planet animals do exist which are much more capable than ours here on Earth. Because of the habitats available the brains of these animal like forms were allowed to evolve and are adequate to the needs of human souls. These essentially are human hosts which would closely resemble what we call animals. There are always reasons for such things though. These include planets which are unsuitable for human forms as we know them but which are suitable for particular types of animals. These are not the rule. These are exceptional. In one case specifically we find a world which is mostly oceans. On this world forms which resemble fishes are host to human souls. On that particular world it was decided by the controllers that this was a proper thing to do. Another world is inhabited by human souls in bird like forms. Sometimes a soul in a human form here on Earth will remember such times and express them. The stories that we sometimes hear are based in realities.

No matter the physical world the reasons for incarnation require a host which is capable of providing a form adequate to to the purpose of the soul. Human souls must be able to use the form to advance it's plan for living. If this cannot be done it must go elsewhere. No Earth animal forms are such. They are all inferior to human soul purpose. On Earth no human soul has ever inhabited an animal form. It has not been allowed for reasons which are given above.

note: During the long evolutionary process on Earth ape like forms changed slowly until they arrived at the point where the brains were sufficiently complex. This process was directed by the master groups who were responsible for setting the stage for us. Then human souls began to incarnate into them. For several periods there were overlapping of forms which were very similar but not the same in a spiritual sense. These events are remembered in many religious scriptures in colorful stories suited to the capabilities for understanding which we then possessed. They were not literally correct because we could not have then understood them. It was the beginning of humanity on Earth. There were many such attempts in different times and areas of the Earth but finally these found success. We are, in general terms, aware of this process. There have been three such periods on Earth that found particular success. We are now in the fourth.

We have and continue to help our animal brothers to advance. Animals benefit greatly by becoming domesticated. This is by design. Please remember though the general prohibition of allowing animal souls to inhabit human bodies or human souls to inhabit animal bodies. Neither of these would suit any creative purpose.

keokutah 17-01-2017 07:49 AM

Yes, it happens all the time.

And IMO animals are way more advanced than humans....

shoni7510 17-01-2017 10:32 AM

Dolphins are the most itelligent life form in that they use 20% of their mind while humans use 10% maximum but I cannot imagine a dolphin soul walking into a human being or vice versa

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