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Helix6 18-09-2018 01:39 PM

Question about TF.s behavior
Hi everyone,

since last time we met and had such a passionate night and day together with my TF, we discussed a bit after that and went through some amazing synchronicities then he cut off (he is still scared of sync when it happens).

Its been one month now...
i noticed than when I go online on Facebook he immediately gets OFFLINE :icon_eek: like in seconds ...
It happened several times.

I didn't try to talk to him...it's like he tries to avoid me whereas I don't try to go to him since then, because I respect his distance and know I cannot force him to feel and let me in by now.

How do you understand this ??
Does he try to escape from me ? What makes him so straight after one month of silence ..?

jro5139 18-09-2018 05:06 PM

It sounds to me like he is just not ready. Probably best to do your best to stop obsessing over him and what he is doing. Concentrate on yourself and your life. It is an escape in a way, avoidance instead of talking to you about whatever the issue(s) may be. But like you said, you can't force him. Sometimes all you can do is do your best to move on.

ssdm1 18-09-2018 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by Helix6
Hi everyone,

since last time we met and had such a passionate night and day together with my TF, we discussed a bit after that and went through some amazing synchronicities then he cut off (he is still scared of sync when it happens).

Its been one month now...
i noticed than when I go online on Facebook he immediately gets OFFLINE :icon_eek: like in seconds ...
It happened several times.

I didn't try to talk to him...it's like he tries to avoid me whereas I don't try to go to him since then, because I respect his distance and know I cannot force him to feel and let me in by now.

How do you understand this ??
Does he try to escape from me ? What makes him so straight after one month of silence ..?

Be careful thinking this way. You have no way of knowing why he gets offline.

I say this because it was part of my own journey. I used to look at my twin's actions and think they had to do with me, when in reality it had absolutely nothing to do with me. That was part of my lesson to stop thinking negatively, to stop looking at other people's actions and thinking it was about me. It never was!

Keep your vibration high. Be patient, one month of no contact is not that long on this journey. Keep positive. Concentrate on your life and the good in it.

Helix6 19-09-2018 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by jro5139
It sounds to me like he is just not ready. Probably best to do your best to stop obsessing over him and what he is doing. Concentrate on yourself and your life. It is an escape in a way, avoidance instead of talking to you about whatever the issue(s) may be. But like you said, you can't force him. Sometimes all you can do is do your best to move on.

Hi Jro5139,

Yeah you're right...it seems he is still in a resistance mode. Doesn't accept all that happens. But I'm a bit worried for him as he is currently in strong Kundalini physical symptoms and do not take care of him as it is required in this state. Still looking for medical explanations...
Also I think he knows I'm attached to all that in a certain way and he puts me off as he probably considers me as the cause of all this **** happening lol. He desesperatly tries to recover his old life and patterns.

As you say I should better focus on my own path and move on as it is a sign for me to focus on myself (and knows that it will have positive consequences on him too as we are ONE).
I've done all I could for now and I don't even feel going back to talk to him.
The door is open...now he gets the ball in his hands.

Helix6 19-09-2018 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by ssdm1
Be careful thinking this way. You have no way of knowing why he gets offline.

I say this because it was part of my own journey. I used to look at my twin's actions and think they had to do with me, when in reality it had absolutely nothing to do with me. That was part of my lesson to stop thinking negatively, to stop looking at other people's actions and thinking it was about me. It never was!

Keep your vibration high. Be patient, one month of no contact is not that long on this journey. Keep positive. Concentrate on your life and the good in it.

Hi !

Yes you may be right.
I was just stuck lately because it seems that when I went online on Facebook he was online and suddenly went offline. It happened several times, like he doesn't want at all to deal with any of my presence/image right now lol.
He was so confused a few months ago when starting to have Kundalini stuff.
Last time we'met he had severe ear ringing (me too) when we were together. We really are'in this push-pull dynamic as often described : we get VERY close and then he cuts off during weeks or months. Each time we go a bit closer but he withdraws immediately after before to come back slowly...

I like your philosophy. Even if it is frustrating, I don't feel abandoned or sad this time. I have a full trust in Universe and Divine Timing. I strongly believe if he is the one, my real TF, we will reunite.
And it seems that Universe want us to unite like soon...
I was almost dating a guy before meeting him last time but he manifested at this precise moment ; it's like each time something draws me to him (or him to me) when I try to "forget" him for a moment.

Helix6 19-09-2018 01:24 PM

Badaboooom...it just happened again !!

I was already online for a while. He just appeared online and after less than 2minutes he disappeared...

A few months ago he used to appear normally "online" for long time even if we were not talking (for example when I was at work).

So it seems that he really tries to avoid me like plague lol. Otherwise I don't understand why he would each time appear online and goes off in a few secs each time I'm online.
I quickly checked : normally it's written "active X minutes ago" when you are not active anymore.
But I checked his activity, the "active" status doesn't appear at all whereas he was active just a few minutes ago.
So might mean he just turned off the active parameter status when seeing me.

I talked with another friend prior to that and it's written "active 35 min ago". And basically for all my fb friends appearing online.
When I check for my TF its written nothing. But he was active 5minutes ago... Means he probably intentionally disactivated the visibility of online status.

The fact is I don't even try to talk to him...lol
I just wonder what could make him avoiding me like this as we didn't talk for one month. Maybe Universe sending other signs to him lol.

Tortoise Walks 19-09-2018 04:21 PM

Just an idea... maybe he can sense your “watching/analyzing him” energy and also reading into its effect on you. Maybe every time he goes online you are too and that feels *too much*. Could make him uncomfortable... if you are connected beyond 3D interactions I believe our mental/emotional states can definitely affect how receptive and open we are to each other. In all our interacting over the years SC has not yet reached out to me when I was in a place of anxiety over him. I feel my energy would repel him and it seems to be accurate thus far. I don’t usually talk with SC but we do sense each other and visit quietly online... where we sit with presence... or just pop in for a minute... kind of like you’re seeing... meaning maybe... i’ve not dissappeared. But i’m also not really available or open at the moment.

maybe take a break from looking for him online if it’s generating so much thought and not helping you (or maybe him as well) feel calm and peaceful. And sink back into a 5D connection until the peace is restored and you feel attuned and reveptive to each other again.

I sometimes feel a need to disconnect... to allow myself to let go of any anxiety that i stir up inside over needing/depending on that “online presence” for confirmation vs. just enjoying it as it happens and centering back to the connection felt in my heart. That’s where the sweetness is for me anyway... the online stuff for me is kinda like training wheels until I’m confident in my own feeling/sensing about the connection. I dont always have to watch so closely. It seems like sometimes SC takes breaks himself...

Hope that helps,


Helix6 19-09-2018 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by Tortoise Walks
Just an idea.... maybe he can sense your “watching/analyzing him” energy and also reading into its effect on you. Maybe every time he goes online you are too and that feels *too much* Could make him uncomfortable... if you are connected beyond 3D interactions I believe our mental/emotional states can definitely affect how receptive and open we are to each other.

Wow wow wow...!! This resonates so much !! Thank you for this.

Indeed, I told myself once that...it was strange that often I connected and he seemed to have connected at the same time EXACTLY (I checked it because he was not active few min before) and it happened lot of times at any time of the day..so no logic or regular stuff here.
And I totally agree with what you are saying as I think also that as the same vibration frequency/energy we have the same ideas/momentums at the same time....
We have such telepathy when together (or not) !! Its like a FULL permeability between our minds !! The same idea/sentence pops up in one's mind and the other beats the other in a sec by sayin what the other was thinking. Also I noticed the exact same tastes/phobias...this is crazy!!
I guess he is actually completely overwhelmed by all that: experiencing strong Kundalini awakening (as mine is really gentle and on the long path in comparison) since we'met back a few months ago after years of separation...even if it tries to find logical explanations for all I know on a deep level he feels very very confused and it's like an earthquake in his beliefs system. I know he needs time.
Every sounds *too much* these last weeks for him because he gets ALL THAT at the same time. The last sync that happened scared him again. Lol
Something that couldn't simply be another coincidence. Each time it happens he runs away. Makes me smiling and scaring him. Lol :)
He just needs time.

Your message makes me feel so in funny mood and optimistic :) :) thank you so much !!

I reached this point where again I feel so confident and trustful. I started to talk with him on higher self plan during some dreams. First I thought it was just a projection/desire from my mind because it was during a separation time lately. But I discovered after that I made kind of premonitory dream...because the scene happened Almost exactly like in my dream 2 weeks after. We were hugging tenderly in the bed and talking about our common parental issues. So I guess it was an anthentic exchange that was REAL. This is so fascinating. Realizing that you are NEVER separated from the other out of this 3D matrix.
So I can only have faith and trust in Divine Timing.

But it seems that this Divine timing requires emergency as the Event is getting VERY close (be careful on October/November weather/earthquakes events)...
Things will start to get mad on Earth (crazy weather).
I have in mind a new hurricane coming soon and an earthquake stronger than everything we have known until now.

But no fear...everything will be at its right place at the good moment. Those who are ready will be protected.
From what I understood, starseeds/lightworkers/TFs will open the Path.
That's maybe why some TF are thrown into sudden Awakening (like in his case) whereas they seem not ready at ALL (he still says he doesn't believe in God...). I guess it a purging prior to receive light codes and stuff before to Ascend.

So thank you again for your message. It gives me so much hope and good vibrations !!
It helped a lot.

Bless you and everyone here ! Xx

Helix6 19-09-2018 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by Tortoise Walks
take a break from looking for him online if it’s generating so much thought and not helping you (or maybe him as well) feel calm and peaceful. And sink back into a 5D connection until the peace is restored and you feel attuned and reveptive to each other again.

I sometimes feel a need to disconnect... to allow myself to let go of any anxiety that i stir up inside over needing/depending on that “online presence” for

Yes I Will definitely follow this like you all suggested me. :)
I keep having positive vibrations these times (confirmed by lot of sync and mirror hours).
I will try to focus the energy better on me. Knowing this will automatically also affects him in a good way too.

Love to you all !

Helix6 20-09-2018 05:13 PM

I found this on the web:

Twin flames also often share the same dreams and communicate telepathically in the dream state and it is not unusual for the twins to have had reoccurring dreams of one another prior to meeting. Equally many twins, such as I, have developed a psychic connection with their twin flame before meeting them physically and have been aware of the other on some level since their earliest childhood.

Goes with what I said previously !

Furthermore, the lives and daily events of the twin flames are often filled with synchronicities and unusual parallels. Whatever passes through one mind also passes through the other, in one way or another, and so the twins often find themselves reading the same books, sharing interests, liking the same music etc. These parallels often happen without any traditional knowledge of what the other is doing and can be as simple as one twin suddenly receiving the inspiration to cook many elaborate dishes only to find that the other was doing just that during that same time. As an example, when my twin immersed himself in his new job for a Japanese company, I signed up to study Japanese at University, and when he attempted to adopt a child, I instantaneously became an advocate for adoption – something I had never been involved with in the past!

Totally goes with what you said Tortoise Walks and what I use to experiment with my twin !
This is mesmerizing. :)

We also know that we are picking up on our twin when we feel overwhelming emotions and feelings which seem to come out of nowhere. We might burst out crying for no apparent reason, or feel intense anger or happiness, want to laugh out loud etc. It is important to get to know ourselves so that when these emotions hit us, we are able to simply recognise them as coming from our twin – and let them go lovingly.

I also experiment that. Today I felt really empty and bad for a couple of hours without any explanation. I felt anger also and powerless. Then it went away as fast as it came.
But I don't Know if it is feeling my twin's emotions or just mine releasing with the purging process...?
Anyway, it might be the same as we are One. My inner work resonates with his inner work to find balance. :)

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