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thespiritual1 17-06-2018 06:51 PM

Most religions lack spiritualness!!!
Islam, Christianity and many other religions lack spiritualness. They have all kinds of practices, like prayers, fasting, rules and orders, how to be good or bad, etc, but they do not make a person feel anything spiritual like a meditation would make us feel. I know there are many religions with good meditative practices but many religions have hollow practices like they just chant some religious words or offer prayer everyday like a machine. These religions are supppose to guide us in life and prepare us for the afterlife but I wonder if they do that. I wonder if the people who just habitually offer prayer and have fasts get any benefit out of it. Although they believe that they will be rewarded for this in the afterlife in the form of heaven. But still I wonder what benefit will it do them in this life or even in the next one. I think meditation and spiritual practices prepare us for the afterlife. What do you guys think?

inavalan 17-06-2018 09:15 PM

I believe that we should embrace our beliefs, while tolerating others', as long as those don't endanger or hurt us. We care too much what others believe, and try too much to convert them to ours, the right ones. Although it seems inconceivable, our cherished beliefs might be wrong.

Tomma 18-06-2018 02:25 AM


Originally Posted by thespiritual1
Islam, Christianity and many other religions lack spiritualness. They have all kinds of practices, like prayers, fasting, rules and orders, how to be good or bad, etc, but they do not make a person feel anything spiritual like a meditation would make us feel. I know there are many religions with good meditative practices but many religions have hollow practices like they just chant some religious words or offer prayer everyday like a machine. These religions are supppose to guide us in life and prepare us for the afterlife but I wonder if they do that. I wonder if the people who just habitually offer prayer and have fasts get any benefit out of it. Although they believe that they will be rewarded for this in the afterlife in the form of heaven. But still I wonder what benefit will it do them in this life or even in the next one. I think meditation and spiritual practices prepare us for the afterlife. What do you guys think?

I agree. That's why I have never been part of any organized religion. I suppose people find a certain sense of security in religious rituals, rules, and practices etc. It's okay if they need it but it's not for me.

I believe every person should invent their own prayers and rituals and ways to connect to God/their higher spirit, or whatever you want to call it for a sense of peace, love, and guidance. But that's just my believe and it might not suit others.

Busby 18-06-2018 11:37 AM

What I always enjoy, yes, enjoy, is when religious people and institutions start to fight and quarrel about money. There are also of course those official representatives of Churches of all kinds who prefer to look upon prestige rather than fighting ignorance and poverty as being the mainstay of their 'calling', where being called Doctor of Divinity, Bishop, Reverend, or whatever is preferable to actually going out into the world to help people.
In my small town with a population of 19,000 there are two churches and a couple of small 'sect' meeting places. One of the two 'proper' churches is a very smart, newly built RC complex of church, meeting hall, kitchens and parking spaces. The other is an old building in the style of a church as we know it and is a reformed or is a church catering for non-catholic. The Church in my country pays its servants - vicars and the like, a monthly salary that most family fathers can only dream of, not only that but the local community through taxes also supplies the vicars with a house. In my town there are three vicars. This church needed a new roof, at a tremendous cost - no problem - although the church is closed the whole week - open Sundays of course for a couple of hours as is the RC church in all its new architectural splendour.

Very few of the 19,000 inhabitants go to these churches. 1% would be 190 and that's about right for both buildings combined on a Sunday. Naturally it is difficult to see why one church/Church wouldn't suffice and use the saved money for those people (for example) who are sleeping on the streets. This sort of denominational separation is repeated all over the country as well as abroad.

Spirituality has indeed nothing or little to do with these institutions and these same institutions cater for people who seem not to know what principles are but who prefer to jump on any going band wagon.

Pagandell 18-06-2018 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by thespiritual1
Islam, Christianity and many other religions lack spiritualness. They have all kinds of practices, like prayers, fasting, rules and orders, how to be good or bad, etc, but they do not make a person feel anything spiritual like a meditation would make us feel. I know there are many religions with good meditative practices but many religions have hollow practices like they just chant some religious words or offer prayer everyday like a machine. These religions are supppose to guide us in life and prepare us for the afterlife but I wonder if they do that. I wonder if the people who just habitually offer prayer and have fasts get any benefit out of it. Although they believe that they will be rewarded for this in the afterlife in the form of heaven. But still I wonder what benefit will it do them in this life or even in the next one. I think meditation and spiritual practices prepare us for the afterlife. What do you guys think?

Have you been to a spiritualist church.

But yes I really feel with my heart wisdom what you mean, no feeling of awe and wonder.
No good vibes just doom and gloom. :D

Sangress 21-06-2018 12:29 AM

Most religions today were there to give obedience to the masses, they don't really give much enlightenment to the world. Even, most pagan religions today are reconstructed from christian historians. Spirituality in old pagan ways was about reincarnation. It's not how things are seen per say.

Empowers 21-06-2018 12:42 AM

Just to give you another perspective, my sister is highly christian and practices with a charismatic church. Besides the Bible and dogma, the experiences she describes when they are "rolling in the spirit" feels much like the energy I have felt when super connected. I think that a spiritual connection is possible but it depends on the philosophy that drives the organization.

But I've never embraced her belief so I can't say for sure.

thespiritual1 21-06-2018 08:41 AM

I believe every person should invent their own prayers and rituals and ways to connect to God/their higher spirit, or whatever you want to call it for a sense of peace, love, and guidance. But that's just my believe and it might not suit others.

I notice that in a group of people following the same religion, each person focus on a different aspect of the religion as compared to the others. One would focus on obtaining heaven, another would focus on avoiding hell and some would not be concerned with either but still follow the religion as a precautionary measure, in case it is true. So basically, each one has his own unique principles that he likes to prioritize.

Molearner 21-06-2018 02:42 PM

[quote=thespiritual1 I think meditation and spiritual practices prepare us for the afterlife. What do you guys think?[/QUOTE]


Not so sure about this..........Personally, I think we should view meditation and spiritual practices as preparing us for this life. Jesus said in John 10:10....."I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full". Is anyone really prepared for the afterlife? NDE's provide us perhaps the closest examples of perhaps what the afterlife might look like. In most cases it is reported to beyond all expectations often leaving people almost without the ability to properly describe it. I seriously doubt whether anyone enters the afterlife and exclaims..."This is exactly as I thought it would be!" Even in this world we are unprepared for many events(the death of a loved one, winning the lottery, etc.)

I am reminded of Deuteronomy 29:29......"The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us..."

Shivani Devi 24-06-2018 05:43 AM


Originally Posted by thespiritual1
Islam, Christianity and many other religions lack spiritualness. They have all kinds of practices, like prayers, fasting, rules and orders, how to be good or bad, etc, but they do not make a person feel anything spiritual like a meditation would make us feel. I know there are many religions with good meditative practices but many religions have hollow practices like they just chant some religious words or offer prayer everyday like a machine. These religions are supppose to guide us in life and prepare us for the afterlife but I wonder if they do that. I wonder if the people who just habitually offer prayer and have fasts get any benefit out of it. Although they believe that they will be rewarded for this in the afterlife in the form of heaven. But still I wonder what benefit will it do them in this life or even in the next one. I think meditation and spiritual practices prepare us for the afterlife. What do you guys think?

The "danger" with any religion becoming too liberal, is that many will start to think for themselves, question the teachings and ask priests too many questions they either do not have answers for, or don't wish to answer them.

I belong to the most " liberal" religion of all... Hinduism which gave rise to many of these " new age" beliefs and practices, but Hinduism as it is practiced today, is a far cry from how it was practiced a thousand years ago...or even forty years ago.

Less emphasis is being placed on the individual consciousness and more on the collective unconscious and it is illustrated by the fact that most age old traditions have given way to book learning, recitation of Shastras and philosophy.

Prayer and fasting is awesome, but if one doesn't understand why they are doing it, or doing it for some kind of selfish reward or goal, then it is better if they don't do it in the first place...The same for chanting mantras, going to Church/Temple and so forth.

Just as Faith without works is dead, so are works without Faith.

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