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Alonso24st 12-06-2023 05:40 PM

How to find and connect with my guardian angel?
Can anyone guide how can i have communication and find who is my guardian angel,his name and how to get answers,advice,suggestions from him?

Daughter of Venus 88 22-07-2023 03:30 AM

Raphael popped into my head.

He may be able to help. He is fantastic to pray to if you have wounds to heal. He is the divine healer. Also the angel of Wednesday.

I'm not saying he's your angel, I'm certainly no expert on this stuff. Was just thinking who could help you and he came to mind...

Mine is Lucifer. Bringer of light. Shines light on my darkness and kind of reminds me not to get too proud or too arrogant.

Some people freak the F out when I say Lucifer lol.

Daughter of Venus 88 22-07-2023 03:56 AM

There will be something inside you that is giving you some kind of guidance. Meditate on that, think of its intentions and it's nature.

Could be an angel, could be an ancient god spirit or even a deceased ancestor.

For me, it was enlightenment that helped me find Lucifer. It was also female empowerment that lead me to Aphrodite. For a deeper understanding of the natural world I found the creator, in my search for the source of corruption I found the destroyer. Seeking for answers on where these spirit guides came from I found my late grandad.

These five came to me through meditating and trying to gain self awareness.

They are all spirit guides/guardian angels for me.

And that was my process. I even found Nadia in a shop window lol. Just a poster saying Nadia means hope. So when I need a divine source for hope, I channel Nadia.

I guess in a way, you could say I've got my own pantheon.

Sure you'll figure out what works for you and fits with your personal belief system. Sounds like you're taking the monotheist approach.

Sending hope

OldChap 23-07-2023 02:38 AM


Originally Posted by Alonso24st
Can anyone guide how can i have communication and find who is my guardian angel,his name and how to get answers,advice,suggestions from him?

Connect with guardian angels through pure intent to do so.

Yes, we each have more than one guardian angel, the same ones every time we return here to continue with our human adventure.

Angels, much like God, will very rarely speak to us directly. Instead they much prefer to guide us through heightening our intuition and synchronicities to make us experience certain things that will bring clarity to what we are asking.

They respect our free will. They will not intrusively interfere and negate the purpose of us having free will by directly telling us what we should do.

Angels are benevolent high vibration multi-dimensional quantum energies that are invisible to our human eyes, are without gender, and are all connected and entangled so human concepts of hierarchy and superiority will not and can not exist there.

No archangels that rank highest of all angels when they are all connected and entangled.

And when we think we are privately speaking to one particular angel, in fact all angels will know of the conversation.

Good that you want to connect with your guardian angels. They have been waiting patiently on the sideline for you to “shake hands” with them.

So many benevolent guidance systems and divine mentorship in place to help us grow up spiritually to high vibration energies that is love, compassion, benevolence, and joy.

And the further we move along that spiritual path, the more we could solve the puzzle of who or what we truly are and the real reason we are here. It’s all benevolent.

All the best!

AngelBlue 23-07-2023 06:40 AM

You just talk to them. They will hear.

iamthat 23-07-2023 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by AngelBlue
You just talk to them. They will hear.

This is true. Maybe the question is, how can we hear when they talk to us?

This seems to require a certain level of emptiness and receptiveness. Which implies a quiet mind. Then listen for the voice within.

If we cannot be in this state of emptiness and receptiveness then we are unlikely to hear the inner voice. In which case be alert to any external signs. If they cannot communicate with us directly then they may do so indirectly, such as finding a particular book in an unlikely location or a passing comment made in a random conversation.

I suspect that if such communication is meant to happen then it will happen. But sometimes we need to learn certain things for ourselves without any apparent higher intervention.


aiken 18-08-2023 05:05 AM

Hey Alonso! I must say...Have a little faith and be open to the possibility that there is someone there beside you who never leaves you even for one second, who wants to help you. Even if you are very afraid to do it, acknowledge your guardian angel and welcome them in. This is the first step. i hope this will help you!

Alonso24st 12-12-2023 05:37 AM

How to ddo channeling with my guardian angel,i need to ask guarian enfor mental health issues,please tell me how to connect with him.

Alonso24st 28-01-2024 05:42 PM

Give me please some directions,i just got level 2 attunement.

NewShoes 05-02-2024 03:02 AM

I found my angels name when I was looking for something completely unrelated to angels. I found it interesting because we both have very similar habits. I havent spoken to them though, Im nervous of what they may have to say or show.

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