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Jenw74 07-05-2019 07:09 PM

Dreams or OBE the last few days
I have been having vivid dreams the last few day since i bought my mums ashes in to my home on the 30th April my mum passed away April last year and we only got her ashes March 17th 2019.

I never remember the dreams i have but two dreams iv'e had i have remembered them clearly some people have said it could be OBE.

The first one i had 3-4 days ago i was in my front room where i meditate and to speak with my guides and loved ones i have asked my mum and loved ones to visit me in a dream and to show them self to me in any form as i felt ready.

The first dream I was in my front room during the night it was total darkness i found myself looking at a large orb in the shape of a adult figure moving in front of me.

I found myself watching as it moved slowly in front of me as it was watching me to.

I din't receive any message like you get when you have a visitation dream the feeling i felt was like it was normal to me no uneasy feeling at all.

The second dream i had was last night i dreamed of floating through a tunnel at the end was a large round tree with a waterfall below it the sky was bright with many colours.

I found myself looking down at the tree from above in the skyline when i seen this i was pulled back to where i started falling down in the tunnel where i came from.

I have never remembered my dreams so to remember these is a first for me.

I know i have visited places never been and seen my dad who is alive outside.

Is what i seen in both a dream or a OBE as i don't know as both times there has been a feeling of sinking

ThatMan 07-05-2019 07:43 PM

Nice experiences!

When you have an OBE, your awareness is active, in other words, your know that you have and OBE and then you start doing things, you can go with the flow or you if your will is strong, you can do what you really want.I give you one example, most of the time I fly like superman, this happens when I go with the flow, but when I am fully aware and my will is strong, I seek the Creator, this is my intention, my own action, not an spontaneous action like flying.Maybe you had a lucid dream, in these dreams, you awarenss is there but you don't have fully control on what you are doing..

Maybe this is the beginning of your spiritual awakeness, maybe your mother is helping you to see the truth, I remember that after my grandma died, I had one of the most amazing dreams in my entire life.I saw my grandma and the whole environment was surrounded by this amazing and warm light ( my grandma too, she was alive and full of peace and love towards me ), she gave me three signs that she was not dead and because I was crying like a baby she said to me: "I am not dead!; and these were her last words to me...

I am not good to interpret dreams but know this, if you continue on this path of spiritual awakeness, you will find great and amazing things.

Aethera 08-05-2019 01:08 AM

I think they were lucid dreams, cause I see notions of you being aware of what's going on, thus making a lucid dream and making you being able to do more and having more control over certain things that can change the scenarios of what you are able to do and see. Vs an ordinary dream which you aren't able to do the same things vs a lucid dream.

Yaoughta 08-05-2019 01:42 AM

These are not OBE's or even lucid dreams, but rather, just dreams. I say "just" dreams, but they're more like "special" dreams in that they were a combination of special things that can occur in dreams, such as a visitation and a gift of insight as to what happens after one passes. At least, that is what this sounds like to me. When you have an OBE, more often than not, you're conscious of leaving your body, know where your body is at and go where you wish to go. This doesn't seem to be the case here. I suspect that with receiving your mother's ashes, you were thinking of her a great deal, or certainly more than you have been and she paid you a visit in the form a pure energy (the orb) and then showed you what she experienced after passing. That is why you went through a tunnel to the tree and the waterfall. I also suspect that you will dream more often now as it sounds like your Mother came to give you a special gift in the form of opening your energy and expanding your inner sight.

Jenw74 08-05-2019 04:21 PM

That's what i thought my mum showing things of what it was like where she has gone to.

I have been aware who is around me as each has a different energy feel to them and some emotion when i'm awake this last year when i began sensing things and seeing flashes after my mum passed.

I have seen a large orb during the day at my dads in March two days before my dad got my mums ashes iv'e only seen it once.

When i was very little i knew spirits were around when i was 6 possibly younger but i just forgot about it as i got older as i grew up with my mum being a clairvoyance medium.

I have been over shadowed by spirits a few months ago which i dint know i did it until i was told.

And the same night i overshadowed at my circle i was told i did overshadowing when i was 6 as my mum seen it i never knew about it until a few months ago when i told my dad about being overshadowed at my church circle he told me my mum seen me age 6yrs.

I was also told by two mediums who ran a workshop one asked if i have ever done trance work and the second said i went in to a light trance i believe that is what i'm meant to do especially if i was at the start of trance when i was 6.

I have also been given gifts one was a crystal ball from my mum i got as message from some one at one of my circle my mum giving them a crystal ball to give to me which i have now with my crystals and the other was a golden ball of light with space within it from my Egyptian guide i believe a symbolic meaning for Scrying

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