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CassandraApollo 06-09-2023 12:42 AM

Reincarnation or memories from your ancestors?
At one time I did believe in reincarnation. That is because I have memories of past lives. Then one day I thought about how I inherited physical traits from my ancestors. Since we inherit physical traits, should we not also inherit memories of ancestors? Are these memories I have of their lives and not mine? Makes me go hummm.

iamthat 06-09-2023 07:16 PM

But what about memories of being in different countries in completely different cultures which have no connection to our ancestors in this physical incarnation?


PastPilot 12-11-2023 06:44 AM

No one has found any correlation between DNA and memories from the past lives of relatives. Several past life regressionists have written that people do not inherit past life memories from past generations within a family but instead remember past lives individually from their personal experiences. Even identical twins have their own distinct past lives separate from their twin. And as iamthat points out, we have had many past lives that span many centuries from lives in many different cultures.

However, I have read in several books, that we can experience from other souls' experiences. We can share our experiences in the spiritual realm with other souls.

FallingLeaves 12-11-2023 07:43 AM

another way to experience other peoples lives is to live them i think. It seems to me to be like buying a used car, when someone exits to go on to another life (which we call dying) someone else can pick it up from its 'beginning' like it was new and drive it around????

So then you get a lot of people claiming to have been the same person in the past and the reigning paradigm is that only one person can have been some other person so you call them all crazy and say it couldn't have happened.

When in fact any number of people can own the same car and drive it around for a while and the only real problem with the theory is that people at large have out-of-hand decided they wanted to believe something else entirely. A common problem, for those who try to figure out how things really work, it would seem...

Miss Hepburn 12-11-2023 01:09 PM

Hi, Well, you can think or ponder that, Cassandra - I don't myself.
These past life memories and also one when I was in the In-Between place, just before coming back here...
were 100% happening to my individual self.
Just my 2 cents. Good topic. :smile:

vortex 12-11-2023 04:47 PM

like you i questioned a lot things guides, reincarnation, extra, it was becoming a real mind ****

so l asked or channeled
the answer from memory went like
our minds relate to things and events not energy extra so your minds don't or can't comprehend how it really is

so we give it in ways you understand and relate to whats important is the message not how
as your understanding grows the more you will see how it really is

Karma_Eleon 03-01-2024 01:42 PM

I am wondering if it really matters.

Since I believe that we are all.part of One, here to have a certain kind of experience and learn certain lessons, to then go back to the All / One, I wonder if the remnants of things to learn from past lives are indeed our own, or fragments - from the great pool of lives lived - that need resolution.

And if it is ancestral, a chain of experiences that need resolution, then I wonder if we chose a particular chain to incarnate in so as to give it a try at resolving or learning?

Sorry if I am.just adding to the confusion :wink:

vibrations 23-01-2024 05:49 PM

Considering we only use 8% of our dna there are strands even scientists don’t know what their uses are. Eight percent of our DNA consists of remnants of ancient viruses, and another 40 percent is made up of repetitive strings of genetic letters that is also thought to have a viral origin from our ancestors.

I’ve had past life memories but was a giant and placed the Moai heads in Peru, I dont know how im to explain that one but it’s reoccurring and the moai heads could see everything I turned them to see for the light beings, maybe I wasn’t a giant as such but in the eyes of one to see how they got there, who knows

PastPilot 23-01-2024 09:49 PM

Several past life regressionists have studied identical twins by regressing them together or individually and carefully noted their past life memories. In all cases, the two have had completely separate past lives. The common factor is that they either agreed to have a life together as twins because they got along well together or had karma to work out.

The conclusion was that there is no evidence to support DNA carrying memories of past lives. Everyone brings an original set of past lives with them regardless of the family they reincarnate into.

Traveler 23-01-2024 10:33 PM

In each lifetime you have a set ancestral lineage that one can trace back through documents like birth and death records. Which means if you know who you were in a past life and have documentation of a name and birth and death records you could trace the ancestry of each lifetime. Our souls carry with them what they think is important to each life, I believe. In this lifetime I have an interest in herbal and other alternative healing. I believe developed that interest in a past life.

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