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Carino 22-02-2014 10:00 AM

What's your favorite formula?
There are so many different formulas to help one work with the Law of Attraction! A lot of people seem to like prayer/faith, others meditation/visualization, etc! What's your favorite?

I'd love to know more about your daily practices and what LOA formula works best for you!

I know some people who only practice LOA techniques at a certain time in the night, as the mind is in a state where it's much more easier to manifest. I found this very interesting!

moretocome 23-02-2014 08:32 AM

Hello Carino!

Interesting thread. :smile:

The following are three methods that I have used successfully:

1) Manifesting through BELIEF (This is what I used to manifest nearly $1,500,000)
2) Manifesting through the LAW of GIVING & RECEIVING
3) Manifesting through FOCUS

I suppose my favorite would be Manifesting through BELIEF. The following provides the specific steps I use:

1) Specifically ASK for the understanding, experience, money, etc. that you wish to acquire. You make the specific request to Source (or the Universe, God, Consciousness, etc. - Use whatever label you resonate with). With regard to money, I ASK for a specific amount.

This could also be called ‘SETTING THE INTENTION’.

2) Completely LET GO of the desire or intention. In other words, SURRENDER it to the Universe, Source, etc. Trust that it will come to you in the perfect way AND at the perfect time. In other words, you choose the WHAT, but you leave the details (the HOW and WHEN) to the Universe.

3) Express THANKS and then simply WAIT for your guidance, money, etc. to come to you. (At this point, you can even forget about it.) You do not need to go out and actively seek it. Trying to ‘make it happen’ through your own efforts will only serve to delay your manifestation (This is because trying to ‘make it happen’ shows that you have doubts that it will manifest).

DETACHMENT is a Key Ingredient-

In my experience, a vital KEY is one's ability to completely LET GO of the desire / intention (i.e. Surrender). You may have to SURRENDER your desire over and over again (until the fear and worry is completely released). The balance lies in being completely detached from the OUTCOME while not giving up on your INTENTION.

Naturally, everyone has their own way to manifest, however, as you've mentioned, it's always interesting to hear about others' methods, etc. :smile: Thank you for your thread / post!

Miss Hepburn 24-02-2014 03:39 AM

I agree with moretocome.
The detachment was new to me....I know and expect "it" to happen.
I don't think of being attached to "it"....I know it simply is going to happen...period...

So many things do but for me ...someone gave me $100k to pay off my mortgage.
I knew I would never have this stupid mortgage.

My formula is like the above post pretty much....I ask, I receive...very simple.

NatalieJay 27-02-2014 01:49 PM

Hi Carino

I have only dabbled with a little of LoA, but I tend to find my subconsciousness will smack me in the face with it, when my mind goes in to a negative spiral. I find that I automatically question why something is happening the way it is and then correct my thought patterns if I am not happy with the flow.

My belief in LoA is that you need to believe that you can manifest something on a subconscious level, not just on the conscious level.


cydonia1978 05-03-2014 03:41 AM

Please excuse a possibly silly newbie question.. So with LoA you would phrase it exactly like any request? Like, "May I have $5 please?" I'm used to affirmations which usually take on a specific way of wording.. positive and current (no future/past tense).. So it would be more like "I have $5.".. then the same believing and detachment, knowing it will become true.

moretocome 07-03-2014 08:58 AM

Hello Cydonia,

That's actually a great question! It's funny because I started a website showing the steps involved with manifesting nearly $1.5 million (WhatAmIHereToDo.com). I tried to provide very detailed info regarding the process I used, but I never explained the exact words that I now use in order to "ASK for a specific amount". LOL. :smile:

In any case, everyone resonates with different wording, phrases, etc. I've also found that my wording has grown simpler as I have gained more trust and belief over the years.

For me, here's an example of the current wording I use:

"I ask the Universe (or Source, God, etc. - whatever label resonates for you) for $5. I ask and know that it is given. I don't know HOW or WHEN, but I know that it's taken care of. And so it is. Thank you so much!"

Then, I forget about it. When the Request crosses my mind again, I mentally express gratitude. I also reaffirm my inner knowing that it will manifest at the perfect time. I then forget about it again. (NOTE: Each time you peacefully forget about it, you’re achieving the equivalent of completely letting it go again.)

Just speaking for me personally, I tried using current tense many years ago, but I could never gain an inner belief that it was true. For example, I could never gain the necessary belief in the statement, "I have $1,000,000", when it clearly had not manifested yet. Again, everyone's different. That's just my own limiting belief (at least for now).

I hope this helps a bit! :smile:

With Love,


Moonstar84 29-03-2014 12:16 AM

Hi moretocome, thanks for your LOA tips. I also checked out your site/e-book, it looks like a good read, I'm going to download it. Thank you. :)

Wandering_Star 31-03-2014 03:17 AM

I'm all for keeping it simple, but my biggest, most miraculous manifestations come when I do two things:

First, I become willing to do whatever it takes to get what I want.

If I want something really big, that is very different from my current experience, I accept that I might be called upon to work long hours for months or years on end; break old habits of thought and behavior that get in my way; end relationships with people I'm no longer in alignment with; deal with short-term cash shortages; move to another city; cultivate new relationships; ask favors of other people; improve my appearance; take on some short-term debt; get in better physical shape; get additional training or education; etc.

These may not be things I want to do, but if necessary I am willing to do them.

I always make it clear that I'm also seeking the highest good for all involved, with others benefiting and thriving along with me. So "Whatever it takes" does not extend to immoral, unethical, or criminal activities.

If I really want that Big Thing, it will be worth doing whatever it takes to get it. If I'm not willing to do whatever it takes, I re-examine whether I really want Big Thing in the first place. Often, a much humbler goal with lower potential demands turns out to be good enough, after all. Sometimes, pursuing an intermediate goal--one step on the way to Big Thing--feels more do-able, so I pursue that, and take the next step when I'm ready.

So I make my declaration of what I want--and I mean it. I declare that I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get it--and I mean it. And then I just let it go.

Second: When I am called upon to take action, I do it.

I said I was willing to do whatever it takes, and I meant it. So when a clear course of action presents itself, I follow through, no matter what it is.

And I say all this because here's the crazy thing: The more I am willing to do in order to get what I want, the less I actually have to do when it comes.

Ten years ago, I took out a private mortgage loan from a very wealthy individual to buy my current house (that in itself was quite a feat of manifestation!). When I discovered, in late October 2010, that my lender was not such a great guy and potentially dangerous, I set the intention to pay off my mortgage and free myself from his influence. I had no idea how I was going to do it, but I declared myself willing to do whatever it took--and I absolutely meant it. I didn't care how hard I had to work or what I might have to do without; I was determined to be free of him.

Less than six weeks later, I owned my house free and clear without having to pay him one more dime.

A week after I vowed to do whatever it took, he called me. As it turned out, he needed to take another $1million in losses before the end of the year to avoid an immense tax bill, and the easiest way for him to do it was to forgive the handful of mortgage and business loans he'd made. So not only did that completely wipe out the $240,000 I still owed him, but other people benefited as well! And the only thing I had to do was send back the paperwork with my signature!

If I'd had to figure out the "how" of getting what I wanted, having the loan completely forgiven was not even on my mental radar screen. I assumed I was going to have to come up with the full amount, somehow, and I decided that was okay; I would willingly do it. Later, I realized that my willingness to do whatever it took meant I was putting up no resistance--so I was able to get a "miraculous" result at top speed.

It works on small things, too; just this week, after several futile attempts over the past month to buy a pair of shoes I really wanted, I decided I was willing to do whatever it took to get them. They were sold out in my size on every website that carried them, but I found a pair on eBay as a Buy it Now for full retail ($110). I was on my phone when I found them, and decided I would go ahead and buy them once I got home and onto a real computer. I'd tried to get them at a clearance markdown price, but finally decided that yes, I was okay with paying full retail (plus $15 shipping!) if I had to.

Once I got home, I pulled up the eBay listing on my laptop and the shoes were still available. Before I clicked on Buy it Now, however, I felt a nudge to check one site that had carried them, but was completely sold out in all sizes. And what do you know? They had ONE pair back in stock, in MY SIZE, for $45, with free shipping! They're sheduled to arrive tomorrow. :)

moretocome 02-04-2014 07:56 AM


Originally Posted by Moonstar84
Hi moretocome, thanks for your LOA tips. I also checked out your site/e-book, it looks like a good read, I'm going to download it. Thank you. :)

You're very welcome Moonstar84! I hope you enjoy it.

Many Blessings to you & your family.


Visitor 02-04-2014 10:48 AM

All my needs are being met from within.

Originally Posted by Carino
There are so many different formulas to help one work with the Law of Attraction! A lot of people seem to like prayer/faith, others meditation/visualization, etc! What's your favorite?

I'd love to know more about your daily practices and what LOA formula works best for you!!

Throughout my life I have tried the LoA in many various ways, without realizing it. Most of the time it was about getting assistance in one form or another, but rarely about directly attracting financial gain. Over time I have learnt a few valuable lessons from practicing LoA.

Pleaded and bargained with God. Trying to blackmailing God did not get me anywhere with LoA.
Prayed to God. LoA was dependent on my point of reference. The more I was greedy over needy, the lower the LoA worked. And even then, LoA seemed to work more towards the needs of others than towards me, but that was not case. For instance, I might wish to attract wisdom and correct guidance in helping another person, then LoA seemed to work very well for both of us.
Lengthy self-talk to God as to why I needed assistance, and then pleaded for God's mercy. Here I am taking one step back by explaining my needs, as if God did not know the truth. Then a take two steps forward by pleading mercy for my ignorance.
Affirmations. Found this to be very tricky. If I ever used words that pointed towards my past, LoA did not work. I found affirmations are more powerful when I only refer to the 'now'.
Subliminal messaging. This was also tricky for me. It was as if I had accepted that I alone could not activate the LoA. And as a result I never seemed to attract accurately.
Doubtlessness. Now this was a very powerful lesson for me. I found it extremely difficult to be doubtless. For me it is about shutting down all thoughts directly after pointing to where I was not. Note, I did not say 'requesting', or what I 'needed' - they are words of doubt. Also, shutting down thoughts seemed impossible, and it may be so. But my experience is best described as putting all thoughts on 'pause' for a while - just enough time to not use opposing thoughts to cancel things.
and Faith. This one, for me, is paramount. But this too has its cancelling attributes. I found that faith has no room for patience (waiting and expecting).

All the above is about me trying to get unfulfilled need met. After nearly dying a few times, lost the house and my car in two separate fires to a fires, I grew tired of it all. Today I just accept. Each day, regardless of my situation, I try to accept everything that does not go my way. I still have goals and I am very proactive. Many unexpected setbacks still happen. I just accept it, be grateful to be alive, and then move on with as little delay as possible. Yes, I do grieve, but only need to do that until I can accept the loss. Acceptance is the key to nullifying 'need'. I may have nothing to 'show' externally, but I have a lot to 'offer' internally. Meaning, that all my needs are being met from within, regardless of what is not going to plan outside. And for me, that is all that matters.

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