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merlinonline 03-06-2015 11:06 AM

Dark side to a ley line!
A few years ago I was invited to Kits Coty in Kent by a couple of friends who are mediums. Very interesting site and the visit gave me an interest in dowsing. Kits Coty is a fascinating place it was the site of a Neolithic chambered long barrow now long since destroyed but it had a stone entrance (same stone type as the outer circle of Stonehenge), these stones are known as Dolmens or Megalithic. It is a site that is believed to be an ancient battlefield with the bones of hundreds of warriors buried there. Kits Coty itself is a crossing point for ley lines.

Kits Coty is located at Blue Bell Hill, a place notorious for its road ghosts, a young women was seen to throw herself in front of cars, an old hag holding sticks in her hands as also been seen and also two young girls who mysteriously varnish have also been seen in the area. The area is know for its road accidents both on the dual carriageway where the young woman is seen and the nearby motorway (M2). The area has been quiet for a few years since the farmer stopped ploughing the area around Kits Coty.

I was careful when buying my rods, I brought them from Cornwall where they had been energised within the Hurlers Stone Circle, which just happens to be a crossing point of the Michael and Mary Lines!

I was born literally within a stones throw of the Michael Line and grew up in a village that had the Mary Line running through it, as I still lived nearby I thought what better way to learn how to dowse with rods then by dowsing both lines.

First off ley lines when dowsing are never straight, The Michael and Mary lines are known as the serpents because they twist and turn and occasionally cross each other normally at a site of significance, you can however use a ruler on a map and see that these sites are all in a straight line on a map!

I stuck to dowsing the lines in Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire in England. I brought a dowsing map to check that I was actually on the right track. The thing with ley lines, is they are energy lines powered by the earths magnetic core and influenced by the sun and moon. The biggest surprise is they can move slightly and also the width varies, when I dowsed the Michael line coming off Deacon Hill (known locally as Pegsdon Hill) it was about a foot wide, it crossed a road where the map said it should stay south (although heading in the same direction) at the end of this field I found it again and found its width to be over a 100 feet!

I checked to see if any other lines intersected with the Michael Line and I found one which run in a north south direction towards the Mary Line which is some 5-6 miles south at this point. I dowsed this line to St Mary's Church at a small village called King's Walden where it crossed the Mary Line right through the Church tower!

Mapping this new line out I made a discovery, the line goes through a village called Great Offley (named after a Saxon King of Mercia) the line appears to go through a big country house (some parts date back to Tudor times). The story goes that hundreds of years ago (possibly 17th Century) the owners daughter committed suicide, as the house is a hotel the room has a reputation for being haunted.

Almost across the road is another large house (by today's standards) but not as large as the mansion across the road! Sometime within living memory the previous owners son committed suicide in his bedroom, the owner bricked up the bedroom window, back down the road opposite the village church is a newer house built in the 1970's. Here again another young person committed suicide.

It is not just suicides though I have found road accidents occurring near to where this line crosses them and also in 1944 a Lancaster bomber (LM616) crashed into a farmhouse killing the crew and three women in the farmhouse. LM616 was shot up over Normandy with no navigation aids and finding itself lost in fog.

The plane crashed through trees at Birkitt Hill before impacting on the crashing and sliding into the farm where there was a massive explosion and fire

This line I have dowsed goes right through impact site. The line then heads off down the hill in a westerly direction to another large house which was formerly a Victorian vicarage, however in recent week there was an accident at the bottom of hill where a horse rider was thrown and then crushed by her horse, she survived but needed the air ambulance to get to hospital.

After leaving the large Victorian house the line heads north taking in a an old bell shaped well before it goes across fields to a large Jacobean mansion at Little Offley, which is where the horse rider I just mentioned lives!

From here it is just a couple of fields away from Deacon Hill at Pegsdon.

One thing I did notice is that the line appears to head north west off Deacon Hill and through the site of another Second World War Lancaster bomber crash site (same squadron as well!).

All of this could be coincidence but its my knowledge of Kits Coty which is making me think otherwise.

yellow 04-06-2015 05:37 AM

Wow interesting history. May I ask, and forgive my ignorance, what exactly does dowsing do? Do you derive any benefit from the energy?

(Yes I could google probably :D , but as you are writing this topic, would be interested to know.)

CrystalSong 04-06-2015 03:30 PM

How interesting! It segways with what I've been gathering about energy lines also and have developed a theory about.
Ley and Key lines, Nodes and Vortex's and Sacred spots are all places where energy is magnified or collects and flows stronger right?

Jumping to the effects of the Full Moon which is another type of energy which is amplified. We know well now that society doesn't always do well with Full Moon energies, Police staff extra personal for it, so do Hospitals and Emergency Centers and schools know some kids will act up or go emotional, and the same with prisons and retirement homes. Humans do weird things with that extra energy, sometimes beautiful profound spiritual things and sometimes stupid things or acts of desperation - depending on the reaction and state of mind of the person feeling the energy.

It's like the energy just amplifies whatever the resonant energetic of the person is.

As a result and after experiencing various power spots/let/key lines for myself in a variety of mental/emotional places I've come to the personal theory that it's not what the energy does to us from these energy dense places but where we are psychologically/emotionally when we encounter it or live in a dense field area. Meaning it's not the ley line itself but our reaction to it that determines any effect we experience.

Tanemon 04-06-2015 07:54 PM

merlinonline, that is a fascinating post. I've heard of ley lines, of course, and known the barest little bit about them. My focus is more in the areas of meditation, energetic/spiritual healing, and the dynamics of human teamwork. But I've lived in the countryside for most of my life, and have at times experienced some sensitivity to places other than those in which I've lived.

I'm afraid I'll be one more person here whose response may possibly be a tangent to the main direction of your post. My apology. However, I can't resist asking you: how did the founders of the various old churches: 1) determine the course of the ley lines through the land; and 2) determine the specific place along a ley line where they intended to build a church? Is it known if they used a dowsing-like technique, or is it known or thought to have been something different? For instance, did the British Christian patriarchs always build on old pagan-worship sites?

Everly 04-06-2015 09:48 PM

Merlin, you might find Paul Devereux's work regarding ley lines interesting. There are others, too, but he's as good a place as any to start.

CrystalSong 04-06-2015 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by Tanemon
how did the founders of the various old churches: 1) determine the course of the ley lines through the land; and 2) the specific place along a ley line where they intended to build a church? Is it known if they used a dowsing-like technique, or is it known or thought to have been something different?

Military bases also are on junctions of ley/key lines.
I found that fascinating, you can almost figure out via Google maps as to where they are based on churches, Megalithic sites and structures and Military bases world wide.

We've always had those among us who can feel where the lines are, through a variety of methods - divination being a particularly well used and ancient one, the body itself is a divining rod also, in times were sticks were outlawed due to them being used for divining possible water well sites by the Lords who wouldn't have gotten their coins for their water witches being used, people learned to use their hands and body to sense underground water.
It's a fascinating history really. :)

merlinonline 08-06-2015 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by yellow
Wow interesting history. May I ask, and forgive my ignorance, what exactly does dowsing do? Do you derive any benefit from the energy?

(Yes I could google probably :D , but as you are writing this topic, would be interested to know.)

Hi Yellow

Yes and no, it all depends on the line! There are positive ley-lines and they help enhance the energy of their environment and any property placed upon or near them.

But there are also negative lines and they can produce Geopathic Stress.

Geopathic Stress lines can take the form of energy lines, underground water/streams and so on and these can create a negative energetic effect on anything on or near it.

I'm not that advanced on that part of dowsing but there are dowsers who claim to move negative energy.

The problem is your property could in theory have several lines passing through it some positive and some negative, the negatives ones some claim can effect a persons health, for example you don't want your bed where two negative lines cross.

Dowsers use a variety of tools, including rods, pendulums, sticks, some are so in tune with they need no specific tools, I also have come across people who have built electronic meters which can measure the magnetic energy of the line.

merlinonline 08-06-2015 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by CrystalSong
How interesting! It segways with what I've been gathering about energy lines also and have developed a theory about.
Ley and Key lines, Nodes and Vortex's and Sacred spots are all places where energy is magnified or collects and flows stronger right?

Jumping to the effects of the Full Moon which is another type of energy which is amplified. We know well now that society doesn't always do well with Full Moon energies, Police staff extra personal for it, so do Hospitals and Emergency Centers and schools know some kids will act up or go emotional, and the same with prisons and retirement homes. Humans do weird things with that extra energy, sometimes beautiful profound spiritual things and sometimes stupid things or acts of desperation - depending on the reaction and state of mind of the person feeling the energy.

It's like the energy just amplifies whatever the resonant energetic of the person is.

As a result and after experiencing various power spots/let/key lines for myself in a variety of mental/emotional places I've come to the personal theory that it's not what the energy does to us from these energy dense places but where we are psychologically/emotionally when we encounter it or live in a dense field area. Meaning it's not the ley line itself but our reaction to it that determines any effect we experience.

Blue Bell Hill/Kits Coty is an interesting place on this point, the nearby roads are prone to accidents including unfortunately a great deal of fatal ones. Are the drivers involved in these accidents prone to being affected by passing through energy lines. Kits Coty has its own Vortex.

CrystalSong 08-06-2015 02:57 PM

I can't say Merlionine, it does raise an interesting question though.

There is a place in the USA I've been to which has incredibly strange strange energy. It's called the Plains of Saint Augustine and it's in New Mexico on a very high remote plateau.
Something about the energy there makes one's body and senses go on high alert and body chills aren't unusual.

Many miles deep in the plains one can find the VLA "The Very Large Array, one of the world's premier astronomical radio observatories, consists of 27 radio antennas in a Y-shaped configuration" Each antenna is 25 meters (82 feet) in diameter and they are guided on railroad tracks and can be spread out and combined to form one massive radio telescope measuring 22 miles across.
It combines with other radio telescopes in the USA and also the ALMA in Chile to become truly massive.

One could say this accounts for the very odd sensations one perceives once they drive up on top of the Plains of Saint Augustine, (all those high powered radio signals) and perhaps it does. But one travels for a very long time on the plains before they reach the VLA, and the VLA is pointed out to the stars not across the plains - so I have my doubts. It could be some gas leaching from the soil .....but I personally think it's built on a negative Key line.

It's not hard to imagine as one's hairs stand on end from whatever it is up on the Plains, that one could over react to a rabbit or squirrel crossing the road and flip their vehicle. There's something spooky about the Plains of Saint Augustine and it's fertile ground for over reaction.

merlinonline 08-06-2015 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by Tanemon
merlinonline, that is a fascinating post. I've heard of ley lines, of course, and known the barest little bit about them. My focus is more in the areas of meditation, energetic/spiritual healing, and the dynamics of human teamwork. But I've lived in the countryside for most of my life, and have at times experienced some sensitivity to places other than those in which I've lived.

I'm afraid I'll be one more person here whose response may possibly be a tangent to the main direction of your post. My apology. However, I can't resist asking you: how did the founders of the various old churches: 1) determine the course of the ley lines through the land; and 2) determine the specific place along a ley line where they intended to build a church? Is it known if they used a dowsing-like technique, or is it known or thought to have been something different? For instance, did the British Christian patriarchs always build on old pagan-worship sites?

First off with regards to where I am, before there the Romans conquered a land they called Britannia there were these mystical/magical islands called Albion, people confuse a lot of the megaliths here as being Bronze age and somehow involved with druids when in truth they are much older, go back further to Neolithic times (there are some stone circles that date from the later bronze age though!).

People back then would have almost certainly been used to walking around barefooted, so would have grounded with the earth. The human brain operates by sending electrical impulses around the body. I believe this same energy is the connection between humans, their surroundings and their earth mother. I've already mentioned that I have come across people who can see ley lines and go back 6 or 7 thousands years I'm sure people back then would have been more attuned to their surroundings.

The thing about the Michael and Mary Lines is that both will go through churches that have their respective names (St Mary’s at Kings Walden for example) so what came first, the chicken or the egg?

Do the electrical impulses from the combined masses attract energy/ley lines, after I’ve said they do and can move slightly, well where the Michael Line goes through Letchworth in Hertfordshire, it passes newer churches built in the last 60 years, but you won’t find any activity to dowse, one church was described as dead. It is not uncommon for old buildings particularly churches to be built on the site not only one but sometimes several previous buildings.

Dowsing around churches can be a bit iffy as dowsing is frowned upon in Christian circles, more so in Catholic ones but equally ones belonging to the Church of England, so how have Churches that are on sites that have been in use since Saxon/Norman times been named after the very Ley line that passes through them?

"Dowsing became to be viewed with suspicion by the Church in the 16th century in Europe and it became discredited as the work of the devil and was made illegal in England under the Witchcraft Act of 1562"

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