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-   -   How Trauma Can Make Us*Psychic (Interesting article here). (https://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=145572)

thecatsmeow 19-12-2022 12:38 AM

How Trauma Can Make Us*Psychic (Interesting article here).

Broken Open: How Trauma Can Make Us Psychic

Natalie L Dyer, PhD
August 26th 2018
If you have highly advanced intuition, prophetic dreams, or the ability to feel the emotions and intentions of others, you may have experienced trauma in your life.
Trauma can make us psychic. It makes evolutionary sense that experiencing life-threatening danger would result in increased vigilance and being more highly tuned to the environment.

dream jo 19-12-2022 09:18 PM

Yes from the past can cause a lot of things but I've been sighted all my life when I was a kid teachers only had time to look pretty kids and a kiss it was not kids like me alone but no I was worthless and I first years as worthless I started to my church I realise I am worth every penny realise
But yet I've been to try and hard things to go through a date then don't five minutes late because of cos nobody knows me nobody somebody is ugly as me because I am beautiful inside because if you ever make me not realise what a beautiful person inside and half and full of them but lately I'm getting slightly of people especially on the funeral home because because Dad's and then I'm a good person because they've got enough pretty well because I am a good person in and out

thecatsmeow 19-12-2022 09:37 PM

dream jo, I'm sure you're a beautiful person inside and out.

When you say you've been sighted, do you mean you're clairvoyant?

david collier 28-03-2023 12:05 AM

Au contraire!
It seems to me that childhood trauma leads to Freudian psychological shut-down, i.e., unconscious repression. Such a barrier works both ways, i.e. is a barrier to the unconscious and superconscious mind, the latter being 'psychic'.
Only an adult mind can work through this stuff and regain access to psychic faculties, but it is not an overnight process. And clinical/academic psychologists are mostly not in a position to help, having retreated from their own unresolved childhood trauma into their own intellects.
Such an aversion extends to degree courses in psychology that now exclude Freud and Jung from the syllabus on the basis they were not 'scientific' enough.
Arguably such denial has now been raised to a societal level: very few want to investigate their unconscious minds, sine qua non.

Redchic12 28-03-2023 04:37 AM

Funny Ive been thinking about this subject a lot lately and have been wondering if there is a connection between trauma and psychic ability.

Thanks for posting that link. I’ll have a read of it later.

thecatsmeow 28-03-2023 08:33 PM

You're welcome Redchic12 :hug:

Well, David, I reckon most people don't want to look too deeply into their stagnant stuff. Freud and Jung had plenty to say that began a revolution on the subject of the subcoscious but I reckon we've all come a long way since then.

This guy reckons it'll all become clear in another 10 years time and that many millions of people are now beginning to wake up and take a look at their personal **** and develop their psychic skills. Amen to that! :smile:


AncestralEchoes 20-04-2023 12:26 PM

Having been through both the shut-down/unconscious repression David refers to and a subsequent psychic awakening as I began to work through the repressed experiences as an adult, it seems to me that the hypervigilance and hypersensitivities that can occur because of trauma can open one up to layers of perception that others possess but are simply not tapped into. In my case I developed the ability to hear and see what I call “trapped or stagnant energy,” or know when even one person in a crowded room is disturbed or destructive even if they are not displaying any signs. I am also able to sense things in nature long before anyone else does. Are these psychic abilities or evolutionary self-protection mechanisms?

Because our brains typically only process a small portion of what our physical environment presents at any given moment, the fact that a disruption (trauma) may rewire perception is not too surprising to me. I might suggest that in addition to mental or developmental trauma - physical illness, accidents, curiosity, spiritual training, or unexplainable occurrences may also prompt the opening of abilities.

Ultimately whether these heightened perceptions are seen as mental illness, self-protection mechanisms, or psychic ability may depend completely on beliefs. The video referenced in the article posted by thecatsmeow gives a vivid example of the role of belief in how “hallucinations” are managed. I read another article recently (PM me if you’d like the link – not allowed to post one yet), which tries to explain the influence of belief (not very well unfortunately) on how psychic experiences are viewed. The article cites a study of spiritualists in the UK that concludes that belief in supernatural phenomenon paired with a high level of absorption (ability to focus or enter altered states) and early, positive, and “controllable” paranormal experiences may be the common denominators of psychic ability.

Having come from a background that labeled such things as either the voice of God or demonic – I suppose predicated on whether the message was uplifting or frightening – it took a long time to accept that I was neither crazy or possessed. I think I simply developed another layer of perception to help me survive.

Great food for thought - thanks for posting!

thecatsmeow 20-04-2023 04:11 PM

Your welcome AncestralEchoes. I enjoyed your erudite explanation of those concepts. :smile:

I believe we are all born with psychic/spiritual abilities and connections latent within us.
It’s up to each and every one of us to reach that potential in our own way
by carving our own path through the tangle of information that’s out there,
but more especially by going within to find the answers.

I was totally repressed in 1992 when I had a “nervous breakdown”,
since then I seem to have gone through cycles of
a breakdown of repression.
I had cut myself off from my feelings as a child in order to cope with abuse.
This was what happened when the repression broke down.
It began with an episode of crying (and I mean gut-wrenching sobbing for hours).
I seemed to be purging myself.

What followed was a psychic release from some dark stuff that was locked inside me
(a 4th dimensional encasement around my body cracking and floating away)
and then I felt relieved and much lighter.
I felt more connected emotionally to my own feelings as well as those of others.

I remember as a child separating from my body during an episode of abuse,
which, for me was just a natural reaction to the violence being perpetrated upon me.
Psychiatrist’s and their ilk usually label this as “dissociation”. To do with the mind.
To me this just brushes the reality under the carpet. As a soul I removed myself from my body.
I am not my body. I possess a body in order to experience physicality.
Everything that I’ve experienced happens in layers.
You remove one layer and another emerges,
until? I guess it’s until you experience oneness.

Redchic12 20-04-2023 04:50 PM

Catsmeow and Ancestral. I found your comments really interesting and learnt a lot from them. Yep they kinda make sense to me. Thank god you have both come out of that darkness and I admire you both for the work and effort that you have put in to get we’re you are now.

As we say in this country GOOD ON YA!!!

Native spirit 20-04-2023 07:36 PM

I would have to Echo what Redchic said good on ya


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