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shakeithbaker 21-08-2016 07:03 PM

Cremation. Good idea or bad
What do you all think about dying and being cremated. I was told that it is the worst thing you can do.
I was even told that you won't be able to cross over if you have been cremated. What are your thoughts?

metal68 21-08-2016 07:56 PM

In the near 100 odd books I have read re the afterlife, I have never seen even a single sentence that posits cremation as a negative. Sounds like ill judged superstition, my friend

One of two things happen, either we simply cease to exist or we don't and consciousness leaves the body. Irrespective the body is no longer required and it makes no difference whatever happens so long as its respectful

Personally, I prefer cremation - I have a fear of being buried alive!! So that will make sure!!

I am far more comfortable with the idea of my mum and dad's bodies reduced to ash than I am them in coffins decomposing BUT at the end of the day, this is more for me than them - 'They' certainly aren't there - they are nowhere or they are elsewhere but they are not in their remains!

Blue Tiger 21-08-2016 08:50 PM

Seeing as our physical remains do not accompany us to the afterlife (if they did there wouldn't be any remains to deal with, would there?) it hardly seems to matter what becomes of them.

I personally prefer cremation. The thought of slowly moldering in the ground with worms and crawly stuff decomposing me... that gives me the creeps :( So cremation for me. Scatter me to the winds, at sea, or wherever anyone cares to scatter me. I'm quite sure I'll cross over regardless.

wolfgaze 21-08-2016 08:57 PM

I think someone was trying to feed you their own superstitious (and misguided) beliefs...

I will request to be cremated and I do not want any remnants saved by anyone....

I do not identify with my physical body anymore, even while I'm still physically alive. So I certainly will not have any attachment to it after physical 'death'... I do not want any type of burial place or marker as I see no use or reason for one (for me)....

Oh and in my WILL I will request that my surviving relatives plan out a big party to get together, celebrate life, and have fun...

metal68 21-08-2016 08:58 PM

I agree Bluetiger, I think exactly like you - I just was trying to avoid the more gruesome stuff LOL

knightofalbion 21-08-2016 09:21 PM

Yes, I too will choose cremation. Spirit to Spirit, elements to Mother Earth.

Starman 21-08-2016 09:24 PM

The key to a smooth transition is to let go and not be concerned about what you have left behind. In ancient times cremation was the most popular method in disposing of a corpse; primary because it was though to be a way of not having the corpse spread disease. But like Jesus (Yesuha) sometimes the corpse was placed in a cave and the cave was sealed.

Today in most parts of Europe, and in North & South America, people who are buried are put in an ornate sealed casket, and their corpse is slightly mummified (embalmed) to preserve it if an open casket service is requested; which does not allow for the natural immediate decomposition of the body, or have the body decompose and blend with the earth. Countries like those in Africa and in the Middle East use a plain wood box which is not air tight and decomposition more readily occurs.

Cremation has its’ pros and cons, i.e. if you are murdered and then cremated they can not dig up your body for future reference of evidence. But I do view cremation as a preference, with my ashes scattered in the wind, because too much land is taken up for cemeteries, land which could be used for something else. At the time of human death how you deal with your own mind has more relevance than how you deal with the death of your physical human body.

Fact is, there are people who die and they never find their body; so that person made plans to be cremated or buried but there is no body for others to do that. A person can die in many ways where their body is not found, like in a plane which crashes in the ocean, etc. So there may not be a choice in how your body is disposed of after death.

BMD.KKS 23-08-2016 07:07 AM

According to the parts of the vedas dealing with death and metaphysics, if one has become very attached to ones body, one may linger as a ghost after the body has died (the soul never dies), due to that attachment, until the individual has let go of that attachment. If the body is cremated, then there is nothing left to be attached to and the soul can continue to its next destination, wherever that may be. So cremation is a good idea and has positive metaphysical implications.

Robinski78 23-08-2016 07:49 AM

Life ends...
In the final countdown, we have two alternatives... A grave concern or a burning desire...

Take yah pick... I know which way I'm going!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


shoni7510 23-08-2016 09:35 AM

I do not believe that if you are cremated you won't be able to cross over. The body is no longer needed after death and it matters not what happens to it for the soul that is returning home. Personally I do not care how my body is disposed of but if I had a choice I will choose a funeral because I love flowers on my grave.

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