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FairyCrystal 24-05-2019 11:18 AM

Achieving your Goals vs Being Stagnant
For some months now I've been feeling stuck. I thought I'd found my path, then I didn't know anymore. It didn't feel like THE dream anymore.
This came at the same time my body decided it was time for pre-menopause and at first I thought it was just that. Now I'm beginning to see I needed this break, this seeming stagnancy. At first it irritated the hell out of me and I tried to force myself out of it, which of course didn't work.
Now, 6 months later, I see I needed this phase. I haven't been stagnant, I am growing and evolving like you wouldn't believe! It's a phase of absorbing things, meditating, learning, and so on. The downside is that my finances aren't doing so well, which is why I tried to get out of it. But that simply doesn't work as then I'm doing it with the wrong intentions: fear of lack.

In any case, when honest I must admit I actually enjoy this phase now! I'm busy daily with visualisations, I've read a number of great books that gave me so much more insight and wisdom and I really needed all that.
I also see now that what I'd started last year wasn't wrong, and not per say not my dream, but it was not THE dream, more part of it. And in a way I've known that all along, that something else would come from it. Something much bigger.
I think I've focused too much on 1 aspect, likely because that aspect was important to me, but what I really want/need to do is broader. And I'm beginning to feel that pull. The pull to do that.
I don't know the details yet, the hows and the whats. But I'm beginning to become more certain that that will come too.
I so hope -and expect- to find that one thing that totally lights my fire and for which I want to be 100% in. What I was doing did light my fire, but not to the point that I wanted to fully commit to it, go for it 100%. Meaning that deep down I knew it wasn't 'it'. Maybe part of 'it', but that I had to fine-tune it.

So finally, after 6 months, I'm beginning to see that I'm not really stuck. Problem is dealing with the outside world, like family, who likely does feel I'm stuck. But maybe that's just my own projection. I think so. I think they think I should get going. I feel I'm failing in their eyes. Hmm... interesting.

ANywho, I'm posting this as I read that currently more people feel stuck, don't have dreams, or not anymore, don't know what to do and where to go.
Maybe my story will help a bit.


FallingLeaves 24-05-2019 04:20 PM

yeah it was hard for me to see... but spirituality doesn't seem to be about 'building' things, it seems to be about 'growing' things. You give water and light and air and then it is up to 'it' to grow on its own for a while. :smile:

iamthat 24-05-2019 09:01 PM

From my own experience the spiritual journey consists of periods of growth and change followed by a plateau. This plateau is not necessarily a phase of stagnation. Rather, it is a time when we can consolidate what we have previously learned. We then enter a new period of growth, and this may involve going in a new direction. All is good.


Lorelyen 25-05-2019 11:00 AM

I come to realise I have one goal for being here - to find out who I was supposed to be all along. But I also realise that it's now about what I want to do, what I actually do, the challenges I rise to and hope to succeed and how I go about my daily life; always bearing in mind the needs and expectations of those around me, how I respond to them. More so, perhaps than exploring paths, tunnels, maps.

Perhaps it's past attention to spiritual matters through process and techniques that's calmed me down over the past half decade. It's been flow.

Greenslade 25-05-2019 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by FairyCrystal
I haven't been stagnant, I am growing and evolving like you wouldn't believe!

I was watching a Bashar YouTube quite a while back when he talked about something I found interesting. The idea is that we don't actually move through reality so there is no 'Spiritual Journey' as such, and I can understand that from Spirit's perception of 'everywhere IS' - there is no 'here' nor 'there', there is only 'here'. Anyway, Bashar's concept was that we are still and reality moves past us, the example he used is that it passes us at thousands of frames per second, rather like the framerate of a high definition movie. It flies past us so fast we see and experience continuous motion. Sometimes I become so engrossed in a movie that it feels as though I'm experiencing the motion I'm watching on the screen, so that's not a huge leap.

What we are looking for is looking for us, and sometimes we need to 'stand still' and let it find us.

FairyCrystal 25-05-2019 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by iamthat
From my own experience the spiritual journey consists of periods of growth and change followed by a plateau. This plateau is not necessarily a phase of stagnation. Rather, it is a time when we can consolidate what we have previously learned. We then enter a new period of growth, and this may involve going in a new direction. All is good.


I like this as it's as how I've always perceived it too. It goes in waves.
What was different for me now was that it didn't feel like stillness while integrating, but confusing, chaos, not knowing what to do, feeling lost.
I think for me what's been happening is that I'm growing and being 'uprooted' from 1 thing and are going to be 'plugged in' to a different track. I've been in an in between phase during which I had to integrate, slow down, do (seemingly) nothing in order to get ready for this move to the new.
Not entirely sure, wait and see, but in a way this feels right.

FairyCrystal 25-05-2019 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by Greenslade
I was watching a Bashar YouTube quite a while back when he talked about something I found interesting. The idea is that we don't actually move through reality so there is no 'Spiritual Journey' as such, and I can understand that from Spirit's perception of 'everywhere IS' - there is no 'here' nor 'there', there is only 'here'. Anyway, Bashar's concept was that we are still and reality moves past us, the example he used is that it passes us at thousands of frames per second, rather like the framerate of a high definition movie. It flies past us so fast we see and experience continuous motion. Sometimes I become so engrossed in a movie that it feels as though I'm experiencing the motion I'm watching on the screen, so that's not a huge leap.

What we are looking for is looking for us, and sometimes we need to 'stand still' and let it find us.

We all have our own teachers :) What you describe sounds too mental for me. Nothing wrong with that, I don't mean that. If it works for you it's wonderful, but it's not what resonates with me.

FairyCrystal 25-05-2019 12:36 PM

Thanks everyone for your replies!
I'm going to let it all simmer for a bit :)

Greenslade 25-05-2019 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by FairyCrystal
We all have our own teachers :) What you describe sounds too mental for me. Nothing wrong with that, I don't mean that. If it works for you it's wonderful, but it's not what resonates with me.

Yeah I thought it was a bit mental too but it set me wondering just the same. If you like resonating..... Rushing towards your goals means that you think they're so far away, and no matter how far forward you go your goals will always be 'over there'. You can use the word 'stagnate' if you like but that's out of resonation with your goals because of what the words mean to you - 'stagnant' can mean something like a smelly puddle of water. Not good, not something you want to be resonating with. Try something like "allowing the Universe to unfold" or "trusting the Universe to fulfil my needs when the time is right." That's when the cool stuff happens. Perhaps what you called 'stagnation' was the Universe slamming on your brakes so that it could catch up with you - it gave you what you needed even if you didn't realise it was happening at the time. The Universe resonates with interal calmness, not the rushing around of your head.

I use the 'Shout it and shut it' technique. I shout to the Universe that I need to know something, then shut it so I can listen for the answer in the Universe's own 'language'.

Moonglow 25-05-2019 02:06 PM


At times it is giving myself the time and space to process the information and find ways to apply to life.

To sort out what works or is necessary at present and what does not.

Mainly trust in my intuition and guidance given. To pay attention.

The kicker is to follow through. Sometimes it is not what I think and takes work. By doing something opens the opportunity to create something or have it manifest in my life. At times unexpected and just happens.

Mostly be gentle on myself. It is not a race. What is needed seems to come in due time. Up to me to pay attention and take hold of the opportunities, and allow those periods for rest.

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