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asearcher 21-04-2022 07:18 PM

you who hear things
Hello, those of you who hear things, voices that are not real in this reality can you shut it down and open it when you feel like it or is it always on?

I was a child when my parent thought something was wrong with me (besides from the usual stuff, hi hi) as I would hear stuff that was not real. The other parent would then do something that I can not remember to shut me down (silence the sounds etc). This parent would defend me before and tell me my grandparent had the same thing and was not suffering from a mental illness.

Few times as an adult I have heard stuff I am sure were not real sounds. I still have tendency to look at others, wait to see if they react as I am afraid it will be a non-real sound I am hearing, but they always react.

I remember the parent would always tell me "There is nothing wrong with you". But I knew i had to pretend I did not hear stuff.

I suspect my luv has a very sensitive side to him and that he could potentially be more open than I used to give him credit for. He hear things that I too hear but the sounds make no sense (example steps) and should not be happening at all. He always go and check. Especially at energy spots, remaining energy sounds come from, we've noticed. If it is from the other side can we both hear the same thing even if it is not a real sound from this reality or will it come across as different or maybe that only one can hear it?

Thank you for reading all this stuff :) Lend me an ear and let me know what you think (I know, dry joke, couldn't help myself).

BigJohn 21-04-2022 07:44 PM

I have heard a voice since childhood. It was not a problem for me because I never told people about it till recently. Also, when I was a child, I saw my first UFO. That happened on a Sunday. The next day, the newspaper claimed there were a lot of UFO sightings the previous day, Sunday. Even with that, I some how knew not to tell people about it till later in life.

There was one time, I 'gave up' everything but only to see it 'appear' in other suttle forms.

FallingLeaves 21-04-2022 09:23 PM

I can shut it down, if I decide to go ballistically negative. Otherwise it is always there and just a matter of how seriously I want to take what is being said. It took me a *long* time to decide I don't *have* to take it seriously lol!

Izz 22-04-2022 03:26 AM


Originally Posted by BigJohn
Also, when I was a child, I saw my first UFO. That happened on a Sunday. The next day, the newspaper claimed there were a lot of UFO sightings the previous day, Sunday. Even with that, I some how knew not to tell people about it till later in life.

Thanks for sharing

I wrote in another thread about how only if humans have a more openness overall in the allowing vibration frequency, that more open alien contact can be established

asearcher 22-04-2022 03:40 AM

yes thank you everyone :)

I think there are layers to the sounds - the sound is the primary you hear but there is another reason for it if one can tap into it somehow. Just as me feeling, there's a layer to that, so much knowledge/information about something through feelings alone.

JustBe 22-04-2022 10:41 AM

I think listening is something a lot us have to open too differently to reconnect to our true listening. By true I mean the listening that’s beyond just what others or society deem as normal.

These little openings support you to listen differently, listen beyond your normal ears.

Listening is holistic not just your ears picking up on sounds and words.

The art of deeper listening is often inclusive if all of you.

So these times your describing are often to remind you, there is more to listening and tuning in than others or the world says is..

Your world is unique and so is your listening.

FairyCrystal 22-04-2022 01:37 PM

I heard voices when I was a child. Not during the day, but when I was in bed, not sleeping, but maybe already in Alpha brainwaves.
There was a group of people and one of them a woman. The woman was addressing the group, like a group leader or something.
I could not make out what she was saying and I wanted to know so I began to scratch at the polystyrene sheet that was above my head against the roof. In the end I had made a big hole in it, looking at the wood, hihi, but I still couldn't hear the people/woman.
I remember the wonder that they weren't there while I heard them so clearly, but just too far away to understand what was being said.

My parents didn't know what to do with the info, and they told me it were the pigeons on the roof. I knew that wasn't true at all, but in the end I shut down my clairaudient side.
In retrospect I think maybe it was my Soul group. They felt close, like family, a group that I was part of.

Occasionally I still hear something, usually a sweet bell sound. But that doesn't happen very often.

FallingLeaves 22-04-2022 06:31 PM

to me, cadences, intonations, inflections, all has meaning. It just flies by most people, or they get so distracted by what they are being told they don't stop to see how they were told.

The more obvious meaning is with the words themselves, but even then you've got multiple dictionary meanings and the soundalike meanings, then on top of that you have the 'esoteric' meanings.

so I had a conversation with my neighbor yesterday; we talked about a car that had stopped up the road, the fact it wasn't raining, and the fact that she wintered in florida... all of which is a rather obvious and mundane conversation... except, all those topics have esoteric meanings so I found myself balancing two separate conversations at the same time. Sometimes makes me wonder if I'm going crazy lol!

asearcher 23-04-2022 08:59 PM

Thank you everyone :) Been, is so wonderful to read your experiences, replies. Just wanted to "say" that.

Greenslade 25-04-2022 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by asearcher
Hello, those of you who hear things, voices that are not real in this reality can you shut it down and open it when you feel like it or is it always on?

Spirituality and schizophrenia light up the same areas of the brain, and what many people won't tell you is that hearing voices is very common. Some think it has to do with the two hemispheres of the brain interacting. It's quite normal and not considered as 'dangerous'. When the voices become paranoid, that's when mental health kicks in with all the images that produces.

The voices are 'you' or an aspect of you. We still don't know enough about how the brain works but what we do know, especially from Jungian psychology, is that there is always an interaction between the conscious and the unconscious. Those two are in an 'always on' symbiotic relationship. Dreams are the unconscious 'communicating' with the conscious and personally I suspect hearing voices are in the same vein.

In terms of energy spots and the like, it depends on the individual as to how they are sense, if at all. I get the shivers while my friend's titanium plate in his head vibrates. It's all vibration after all, and so is hearing. We also have microtubules in the brain that are quantum-capable and it's not so far-fetched that this could be the cause. European swallows navigate using the earth's magnetic field and quantum-capable 'sensors' in their eyes. So yes, maybe a 'real' sound after all.

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