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InAnotherLife 02-10-2014 04:23 AM

House dream, my subconscious, advice
I know dreams about houses are a representation of ones subconscious. I need some help though with this one. I had a dream about being in another families house. The house was large, high ceiling, new home, bright lighting and an open layout where the living room, kitchen, dining room are all one big room. It was night outside and the whole house was lit up just all the lights on. Tom (re-accuring man in dreams) was in the kitchen. Tom made eye contact with me, but seemed to be finishing something up in the kitchen. I moved to the first basement. Tom's two boys were wrestling and playing and didm't seem to see me. A few more steps down was a storage floor with sections of storage, and Tom's wife was down there moving boxes around and organizing. She (Tom's wife) didn't seem to even know I was there at all. I followed her around the house like a ghost watching her pack and move boxes. She was moving all around the 2 levels of the basement and I tried to make small talk with her and tell her she had a beautiful home and she didn't seem to even hear me. I never saw her face, only her back. I decided to move to the boys bc I wasn't getting anywhere with Tom's wife. I didn't get the feeling that they couldn't see me, they were just way too busy playing to care. Then I went back up to the main floor, and for a moment saw Tom in the kitchen and he looked at me and gave me a reassuring smile like, "don't worry, it'll be over soon, hang in there" kinda smile. He quickly averted his eyes, almost embarrassed when his wife came up the stairs still on an organizing mission.Tom seemed to be making himself busy also distracting himself in the kitchen I stood in the living room and watched. I knew I wasn't supposed to leave, like I was supposed to be there, but felt like Tom's wife wasn't happy about it. Like she would rather I wasn't there, but also knew I had to be there so she was going to keep busy to forget I was there. She started packing a suitcase that was right by my feet where I was standing. She (tom's wife) would run around the house and periodically come back with clothes to pack in the suitcase. I stood there by the door, still getting that reassurance look from Tom and stayed in the house standing there watching, waiting.

Michelle11 03-10-2014 12:07 PM

Who is Tom to you? A just a dream character or a real friend, someone you want to be romantic with or is it purely platonic? A little background on him would help since you were in his world of beliefs.

InAnotherLife 03-10-2014 02:48 PM

Well I met Tom a year ago IRL. He's my physical therapist and I've had more then a few tissue injuries due to an autoimmune disorder that compromises my tissue. I've spent many hrs with him at the clinic. Short version, the very first time I met him I had a strange experience, something happened to me that's never happened before. I do have a belief in my gut he is my twin flame but I feel we met early to help me heal (but maybe him too). In reality, no I don't want a romantic relationship with him bc we are both married, and happy. But in a dream world, yes I would like to be with him. I would love to be able to be friends, but the nature of our professional relationship limits that too. I dream about him all the time. I keep a dream journal, and about every second dream is with him in it. The funny thing is, I just found out he's left for a holiday with his wife. I called in to make an appointment and he's gone. Would that be anything to do with the packing of the suitcase? Or is that just coincidence? I had no idea he was leaving for a trip.

InAnotherLife 03-10-2014 02:50 PM

I guess I understand why one would dream about packing a bag and organizing their own home, I just don't know why I would be in someone else's house watching THEM organize and pack a bag.

Michelle11 03-10-2014 06:33 PM

Ah, this is a tough one when other people are involved. It sounds like this is something that has had your attention for a while. You are subconsciously (basement) trying to sort it out. You are aware that this man very well has a beautiful life and marriage. The wife at this point is unaware that there may be this attraction between you two. But I think the point of the dream is to ask you if you want to be responsible for the break up of the marriage. Her packing was at your feet suggesting that your presence could cause her to leave. You are attracted to this man but how would you handle it if you were to cause the end of his marriage. The end of your own for that matter. Sometimes in life we run into people who we have very strong connections with but that doesn't mean we are meant to be together with them. Sometimes we have other agendas to tend to and meeting them is just a chance to remember we are not alone. In the whole scheme of things those we feel a connection with are people we are connected with in the afterlife. That won't change even if we do not get together in this life. We will just reconnect with them when our show is over on earth so to speak. But basically I think the dream is asking you to look at the beautiful life this man has and decide if you want to be the one who breaks it up. How would it make you feel to be responsible for something like that. If it isn't something you can live with then it may be time to let any future with this person go.

InAnotherLife 03-10-2014 06:58 PM

First of all, I want to thank you for responding to a not only this dream post but also others of mine. I really feel new, or young, to this dream thing which seemed to explode after meeting Tom. So thank you, it means a lot to me. On that note, I also had a thought as to why in the dream Tom's wife didn't realize my presence in the lower levels of the house, but noticed me on the main level. When I was in the organizing room, the lowest level, she seemed to not be able to hear or see me even when I attempted to talk to her. Also, I def know that we're not meant to be together in this life. I've come to be ok with that, so it's strange that I should have this dream now when I feel I've finally found a good groove where I feel calm and complete with what has happened, what my situation is IRL. I feel I've "moved on" in a sense though one never moves on from such a strong bond, but I feel I'm moving forward and onto the focus of my own life with my SM. We also never spoke aloud about these feelings Tom and I IRL, we've never been anything but professional. There has been some flirting, that seems to have gone now, he always seems just as happy to see me as I feel to see him, but that's as far as it's gone IRL.

Thunder Bow 04-10-2014 05:30 PM

You are busy reorganizing you life right now, and you are also reorganizing yourself, inside as well, at all levels. You feel comfortable doing this, and you know you will be OK with the outcome. New adventure awaits you soon.

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