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Adrienne 02-09-2012 07:54 AM

Curious about channeling
Curious to know ~ did you sit down with the intention and just decide to channel ? or did it just happen, kind of on its own ?

Dream Angel xx

Nameless 02-09-2012 04:15 PM

If it was that easy, everyone would be doing it....:). I believe there are people out there that just come into the physical knowing they have these abilities, then there are the rest of us...If you weren't born knowing this -

You have to have the thought of an idea before you can create anything in this world, then you have to have the desire for the idea and if you desire it with all your heart, you can get whatever you want.

So, my answer would be no, I did not consider myself psychic in any way, so I didn't know I could learn to channel.

Then I read, Seth Speaks. If you are curious about learning to channel, I would suggest that is a good place to start. It's like a jumping off place into whatever you want to create. But, alas, it is not instantaneous. I think if it was, for me anyway, it would have creeped me out, because I had a lot of fears before I started reading that book.

There is an analogy a guide told me once. We all have the capability of instantaneous manifestation. So, if you wanted to put your physical hand through a wall, and believed you could do it, and put it through the wall, what if half way out of the wall, you suddenly believed you couldn't do it and your hand got stuck in the wall? So there is a time lapse that usually happens with manifestations that I think applies here too.

But that's just me, and I didn't know I was "born this way"....so I may have been late to the party.


Quintessence 02-09-2012 04:39 PM

I suppose the first time it was completely unintentional. The vast majority of the time nowadays it is very intentional and as easy as breathing. Either I have a "gift" or it really just isn't as hard as folks make it out to be. I lean towards the second explanation: it really isn't that hard. Note that I would call any sort of communication with the otherworlds "channeling" regardless of the subject involved. If you meant specifically talking with dead people, that's not my game and I have no interest in it.

Nameless 06-09-2012 03:28 AM

Me either. I am So not talking to dead people, unless they are my guides :). It took me about two months from beginning to learn about channeling to actually start channeling - and I think it is very different for everyone - that was the point I was trying to make that didn't quite make it. I do believe anyone can channel, if they have the desire to learn how. Once you learn, it is simply a matter of relaxing and breathing.

Henri77 06-09-2012 04:58 AM

Like nameless, I had no thought I might be psychic, though was pretty sensitive
at reading peoples character.

Yet there are lots of forms of channeling

Mozart was obviously a channel, as were most good composers, creative writers,
many painters-artists, class clowns, some dancers and others I can't think of.

(According to Kryon, anyway) all creatives are channels ,and most creative ideas as well originate outside the individual

But assuming you mean only metaphysical channels. (as I've done all the above , minus class clown)

I was fortunate to be taken to a spiritualist church by a dancer friend.... and learned there.... slowly , bit by bit .... (not that I wanted to channel)..... but respected the minister as a great soul. and that's what she taught, (and psychic development/healing) which more interested me.

A decade prior, my wife was lying , resting ...and suddenly someone was talking through her. A visiting spirit... this happened frequently... visitors, teachers, would pop in and talk to me briefly.... and thus I found out what trance channeling was.... which I've never done or sought to do, but rather mental channeling.

anyway that's my little story.....

Adrienne 06-09-2012 07:52 AM

Very interesting replies Nameless, Quintessence and Henri.

Nameless ~ I should probably read the book then, " Seth Speaks " so many people speak about Seth this and Seth that, I really should find out what it is all about. I should probably read the book, before asking this question... but what is so important about Seth ? why him and not someone else ?

" I am So not talking to dead people, unless they are my guides :). " ( Nameless )

" If you meant specifically talking with dead people, that's not my game and I have no interest in it." ( Quintessence )

Interesting ~ curious to know, what is the matter with talking to dead people ? I don't mean just anyone, but isn't there a loved one or a friend that you really miss and want to keep in contact with ?

and one more, I should read before asking question, lol... who is Seth ? isn't he a dead person ?

Dream Angel xx

Nameless 06-09-2012 12:40 PM

Ah, but that would be giving it away and he explains that in the first chapter, so I will leave that to him. Jane's introduction is quite long, but interesting, but if you prefer you can skip it and go back and read it later. If you go onto Amazon, and pull up the Quick Look feature of the book, you can read the first chaper for free! and decide if it calls to you. I found it fascinating and freaky in about the same quantity, and I don't know if I was compelled to read it, but found I kept picking it back up and continuing on. He has a way with words...but it is very esoteric, once he gets going, and I found what I didn't understand I just read and sort of ignored, because at some point it did become compelling and I couldn't put it down (but for me that took a bit of doing). I think this book, you read at your own pace, because there is so much information that is technical about reality and how it really works and science was not my forte in school, and a lot of it went over my head, but that didn't seem to matter and for some reason, it didn't bother me...I just kept going. Of course, this is the book that jumped off the shelf at me in the bookstore :).

I will say that as I read this book, in certain places, I could feel sensations in my brain shifting. I honestly, really believe that these were the baby stages of opening myself up to channeling. This book is written in layers of communication that we can't understand with the physical, so it is a "trip" all the way around.

I think you will enjoy it. I know it changed my life.


Adrienne 06-09-2012 12:56 PM

Nameless, thank you for such an interesting intro .. you have my curiosity awakened, not sure about the techy science part, wasn't my favorite subject in school either. I will check out this book. Thanks again

Henri77 06-09-2012 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by Dream Angel
Nameless, thank you for such an interesting intro .. you have my curiosity awakened, not sure about the techy science part, wasn't my favorite subject in school either. I will check out this book. Thanks again

I posted this before, but the video is really cool

Watched this a while back ,and figured some here would enjoy this informal documentary.

6 well known trance channelers share their stories in interviews, including informal footage of them demonstrating their counterparts.
(about 90 min, in 9 parts)

Kryon - Lee Carroll
Bashar- Darryl Anka
Chief Joseph- John Cali
Torah- Shawn Randall
Tobias- Geoffrey Hoppe
The Pleiadian Collective- Wendy Kennedy


at youtube

Adrienne 06-09-2012 08:43 PM

thank you Henri, I will try and view the links... sometimes viewing links are so finicky (issues with my computer ) !

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