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Shivani Devi 31-01-2017 04:33 AM

The Shiva Forum

I am creating this thread, so that if anybody wants to ask me a question about Shiva or Shaivism they can do so right here.

People can ask me any question they like about Tantra, Shaivism, Agama Hindu Dharma, Laya Yoga, Esoteric Hinduism and anything in that genre or ilk and I shall do my best to respond as quick as I can.

This thread is going to basically be the only thread on SF I shall be posting in for a while. I have nothing to add further to the subject I haven't already said all over for all the time I have been here, so I shall take 'questions from the floor' now.

I am also posting this thread to gather an 'internet Shiva tribe' together. I'd like to see just how many Shaivites there are online, who can find this forum, find this thread and introduce themselves.

One day, I will make my own site totally dedicated to Shiva and the lost arts and rituals of Hinduism, but for now I am stuck in trying to find out what I am doing on this forum.

It is hoped that with the posting of this thread, that reason may clarify through either action (purpose) or inaction (no purpose). In this way, I shall know where I stand and when it is time for me to move on due to lack of interest here.

So, I thank you all for reading and I await any/all questions, responses or just introducing yourself as a devotee of Lord Shiva.

Aum Namah Shivaya

kralaro 31-01-2017 07:30 AM

Dear Necro,

Did you try emailing and/or messaging her:

I did some searches, i think:

there's an "Advanced Yoga Practices" forum:

Some subreddits:
or maybe u create a subreddit if u want to or i can create for you.

Partial quoting you from another thread:

I should really start posting my conversations with Shiva
So when conversing with Shiva, did you ever ask him to give you company (or contact details) of another Shiva devotee?

Shivani Devi 31-01-2017 07:44 AM

Thank you!
Namaste and thank you for all those links! :hug2:

That was very insightful of you, to provide me with alternate places to venture, instead of waiting on SF for something which may/not even eventuate.

It has taken me over a year to finally realise that my contributions on here can only be severely limited, so giving me alternate places to go, instead of exploding on here because of all the 'new-age spiritualism' things with which I have nothing to do, but it seems is the whole premise of SF, is very wise.

Nope, I didn't respond to that person for two reasons...first being I never saw that post and second being I would like people to seek me out for once because I am tired of chasing it. I am tired of responding to such posts and never ever hearing from that person again.

It's like certain people only join SF to ask one question and as soon as it is answered, they leave, without even as much as a 'thanks for that'...so nope, I don't chase it anymore.

...and whenever I ask Shiva about it, I just get the stock-in trade "be patient" or "it's not meant to happen yet" or the biggest, beautiful one of all - "why do you NEED people? Aren't I enough for you?"

Apparently, the answer to that is "nope, you are not enough, sorry."

Anyway, I hope this answers your questions and I shall be busy checking those links out.

I guess all I really wanted/needed was for somebody to post and say "here is a Shiva Forum - have fun".

Aum Namah Shivaya

kralaro 31-01-2017 08:26 AM

Okay i sent her a PM giving link of this thread.


I shall be busy checking those links out.
I think: you may not be impressed with those subreddits :( but you may find some substance in the "Advanced Yoga Practices" forum though.


"here is a Shiva Forum - have fun"
Now my reply is seeming little cold to me :D But it was written with affection.


I think: you may not be impressed with those subreddits :(
But hey, i think: you can be subscribed to multiple subreddits at the same time so that your news feed (reddit front page) gets content from multiple subreddits.

Shivani Devi 31-01-2017 09:48 AM

I am enjoying the commentaries on Saundarya Lahari at the moment...

However, I also found this one:

...and of course I could return to Sanatana Dharma Forums:


Aum Namah Shivaya

kralaro 31-01-2017 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by The Necromancer
...and whenever I ask Shiva about it, I just get the stock-in trade "be patient" or "it's not meant to happen yet" or the biggest, beautiful one of all - "why do you NEED people? Aren't I enough for you?"

Then how about asking him to free you from that desire? What did/would he say to that?

kralaro 01-02-2017 12:36 AM



Vinayaka 01-02-2017 01:00 AM

These links are pretty focussed on what's termed Puranic Saivism. It may well be the most common school, but other schools like Kasmir Saivism, Virashaiva, and Saiva Siddhanta are also common. Just like in Hinduism generally being vast, so too is Saivism itself. Readers would be well advised to remember that, just so they don't believe that whatever they read applies to all.

kralaro 01-02-2017 01:23 AM


Originally Posted by Vinayaka
These links are pretty focussed on what's termed Puranic Saivism.

I think:
Quora is a general question-answer website open for public and the 2 links showing some questions and answers that have been posted on Quora. Like if Necro wants to post any question/answer regarding Shiva there. The first link of the two is "Shiva (Hindu deity)" tag on Quora, kind of up to public that what discussions they do under that tag.

shivatar 02-02-2017 04:35 AM


lol i joke. I'm not really Shiva.. or am i? lol no, no im not.

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