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AniSophia 15-10-2023 08:10 PM

Spiritual Experiences with the Night Sky
I am wondering if anyone here has had a spiritual or mystical experience while stargazing, watching meteor showers, viewing aurora, etc. Spiritual and mystical experiences may include non-duality, cosmic consciousness, profound awe, unitive experiences, etc.

I am hoping to interview a couple people as part of a Qualitative Research Study for my PhD program. This is meant to show the spiritual and overall benefits of star gazing, and how it contributes to humanity spiritual and physical health.

Please message me or comment if you have and are interested in being interviewed.

Later, my dissertation will focus on how Space Weather (solar flares and geomagnetism) contribute to dreaming, mystical experiences, spiritual creativity, etc.


Podshell 16-10-2023 06:13 PM

I had a memorable experience spotting a meteorite,doesn't translate as great as it should,but I just happened to be taking a rest on a long walk sat upon a hill gazing up at the stars and the occasional aeroplane,that is when I noticed some tiny distaortion in the inky blackness between the stars. my curiosity and attention was held trying very hard to fathom what it was,no light at this point,then a tiny pinprick of white light appeared,and it seemed like a tiny bubble at the bottom of a deep pond that was coming to the surface,and then the flecks of different colours started,wow I thought,what a privilge,loads of colours coming off it as it got bigger and bigger,perhaps almost tennis ball size and it seemed so close that I was expecting a bang as it landed,but my eyes had been fooled as it disappeared behing some distant hills-halloween night about 1983 Luzley Lanes on the Lancashire hills.(I see you also mention dreams in relation to the Earths magnetic shell,do you accept astral projection as fact?)

AniSophia 16-10-2023 07:54 PM

Was this experience also spiritual and/or mystical for you? Or cause a spiritual / mystical state of mind or presence?

Regarding your question about Astral Projection. Yes, I do accept it as fact. The term I use for my self is "immersion". I, myself, have had astral projection experiences through meditation and via lucid dream states.

Originally Posted by Podshell
I had a memorable experience spotting a meteorite,doesn't translate as great as it should,but I just happened to be taking a rest on a long walk sat upon a hill gazing up at the stars and the occasional aeroplane,that is when I noticed some tiny distaortion in the inky blackness between the stars.

Podshell 16-10-2023 09:24 PM

I believe that those things you mention such as solar flares and magnetism have an effect on the astral body when projected and so influence dreams,I also think the astral can sleep,dream and be half awake also influencing dreams in the physical.(I used to do a lot of walking and camping and always found I dreamt a lot more than usual,an explanation found in a book on projection was that this was caused by the astral body trying to return to a previous familiarer sleeping place ,so the extra stimuli on the astral)/The meteorite experience is one of a few I have had that made me realise the world is not as we are told or grow to believe,I think many of the ancients and some modern seers were/are much more adept at percieving certain aspects of natural phenomena,I feel I had a small glimpse into that world,there was some direct close connection between myself and the phenomena,I think my senses were heightened during it.

AniSophia 16-10-2023 09:57 PM

There has been so much research on Solar Flares, Geomagnetism, and dreams, telepathy, health, depression, and so on. It is an amazing subject to study. One researcher - Stanley Krippner -- equated the Geomagnetic field with the Akashic Field. I think he is onto something.

And it definitely does influence dreams. Quite a few researchers have done studies on that, as well. (Some of them, for the US government.)

Would you be interested in sharing your meteor story as part of a qualitative study? If so, let me know. We can do a video interview or I can send you a questionnaire. I would love to share it as part of the study I am doing.


Originally Posted by Podshell
I believe that those things you mention such as solar flares and magnetism have an effect on the astral body when projected and so influence dreams,I also think the astral can sleep,dream and be half awake also influencing dreams in the physical.(I used to do a lot of walking and camping and always found I dreamt a lot more than usual,an explanation found in a book on projection was that this was caused by the astral body trying to return to a previous familiarer sleeping place ,so the extra stimuli on the astral)/The meteorite experience is one of a few I have had that made me realise the world is not as we are told or grow to believe,I think many of the ancients and some modern seers were/are much more adept at percieving certain aspects of natural phenomena,I feel I had a small glimpse into that world,there was some direct close connection between myself and the phenomena,I think my senses were heightened during it.

Podshell 16-10-2023 10:56 PM

You can send me a questionairre,I will PM you my email address tommorow,there are a few similar incidents akin to the meteor one,but as I said I feel as if I have had only a few glimpses of certain things,I am sure you will come across those with more indepth stuff on SF.(In relation to the thread maybe worth looking into the gazing techniques mentioned in the Castenada books as that could key into some ancient traditions or end up a goose chase! I know they practised for long periods at gazing at things like cloud formations so maybe the stars and night sky are covered)

AniSophia 16-10-2023 11:13 PM

Thank you. If I do not hear anything by tomorrow 5pm PST, I will give you a nudge. :D

You have no idea how happy this makes me.

Also, I have read Castenada. :)


Originally Posted by Podshell
You can send me a questionairre,I will PM you my email address tommorow,there are a few similar incidents akin to the meteor one,but as I said I feel as if I have had only a few glimpses of certain things,I am sure you will come across those with more indepth stuff on SF.(In relation to the thread maybe worth looking into the gazing techniques mentioned in the Castenada books as that could key into some ancient traditions or end up a goose chase! I know they practised for long periods at gazing at things like cloud formations so maybe the stars and night sky are covered)

FallingLeaves 17-10-2023 12:38 AM


Originally Posted by Podshell
I think many of the ancients and some modern seers were/are much more adept at percieving certain aspects of natural phenomena

to be a little off-topic but still talking about stars, I heard once of someone remembering a past life as a cave man. This was before people could talk to each other in anything resembling a modern language.

At some point, for a brief moment in time they were 'awake' and felt 'connected with their surroundings'. Apparently that is possible, even if you don't have words to describe it to others!

But looking up at the sky in that moment, they were extremely dissatisfied. They felt innately the stars were wrong, things should be different. I think they might have looked like triangles or something? That was all wrong!

For whatever reason things changed after that, and the stars now look the familiar way they look today.

AniSophia 17-10-2023 02:08 AM

Can you locate the source for this story. I would like to read / hear it in detail.

Originally Posted by FallingLeaves
to be a little off-topic but still talking about stars, I heard once of someone remembering a past life as a cave man.

Podshell 17-10-2023 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by AniSophia
Thank you. If I do not hear anything by tomorrow 5pm PST, I will give you a nudge. :D
You have no idea how happy this makes me.
Also, I have read Castenada. :)

I have sent my email address via PM, can be a bit awkward on the phone by

which I usually access the site, which also can be awkward for the average post

sometimes.(Not sure if your device is putting the quotes below your reply, which seems a bit novel)

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