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Ewwerrin 14-03-2022 05:04 PM

Does The One experience something?
For awareness, there seems to be a necessary preference of experiencing something as opposed to nothing, and that preference is thus evidence of its separation from itself as The One and All being that experiences nothing outside of itself.

Deeming it temporarily less preferable to experience nothing and instantly from its awareness creating thus a temporalness of separation from its totality of being into self awareness of endless halves of itself that it becomes aware of duality within itself as a mode of freedom or the ability to experience something from within itself as opposed to nothing. Vibrationally. And necessarily dualistically, hence every experience being a self contradictory illusion. And every believe invested in it can thus only be temporal and fake.

Does this mean that the Ultimate Being that we are, experiences nothing, and that awareness itself is part of the illusion?

JustASimpleGuy 14-03-2022 05:25 PM

What if God got bored - Alan Watts https://youtu.be/ckiNNgfMKcQ

Ewwerrin 15-03-2022 12:05 AM

Weird how easy it is to recreate this dream. But changing it even slightly or creating something new, through years of deliberate focus and not even affecting the trajectory of this dream not even a tiny little bit! Like.... just one nano inch...

God's focus is so powerful and all of my suffering is part of that EXTREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEME DESIRE OF GOD SOURCE! THAT HAS BEEN FOCUSING FOR BILLIONS TO THE POWER OF BILLIONS TO THE POWER OF BILLIONS TO THE POWER OF BILLIONS TO THE POWER OF BILLIONS of years.... On its intention and desire and preference for me to here and now experience this suffering and get to experience this suffering, because it knows without a SHRED OF A DOUBT, FOR BILLIONS TO THE POWER OF BILLIONS TO THE POWER OF BILLIONS TO THE POWER OF BILLIONS OF YEARS, IT HAS KNOWN RELENTLESSLY all along... this desire... , its desire for me to suffer, focusing it for so long into being and becoming, so that I get to experience suffering again and again and again and knowing THE VALUE of that.... The great wonderful value of MY SUFFERING.

I'm like.... WHAT THE F IS GOING ON HERE?! SOMEONE HAS TO KNOW SOMETHING! I have been focusing for so long to exit this suffering and nothing happens, I cannot change what GOD has focused upon for BILLIONS TO THE POWER OF BILLIONS TO THE POWER OF BILLIONS TO THE POWER OF BILLIONS of years... WITH THAAAAAAAT AAALLL OF THAAAT MOMENTUM! HUUUUUUUUGE BIG POWERFUL MOMENTUM. That preceded me, and is preceding me ongoingly and will continue to follow after me and is with me here all the time.

I am an absolute NOBODY. The succes of God is SO ABSOLUTE. And yet... It is fake. It is meaningless. And a duality. An illusion. A trick up the magicians sleeve. It does NOT even exist... It is SO MEANINGLESS that it does not even exist. It is SO MEANINGLESS that it voids itself AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN faster than time itself.

You gotta be a madman to believe in reality at this point. When you witness the evidence throughout every single particle in the entire universe. HOW CAN YOU EVER BELIEVE AGAIN?! HOW CAN YOU EVER AGAIN FALL INTO THE TRAP OF BELIEVING THAT ALL OF THIS EXISTS?! THAT ITS REAL. THAT IT HOLDS ANY POWER OVER YOU.

Like.... HOLY MOLY TOTAL KAPOLI. Pling plong de pam pam padoli!
And somewhere in there exists your entire universe smaller than the eye can perceive!?

And you worry about things that language have told is bad? Well, my experience is that suffering is bad. And its not about words, but the pain which has no physical EQUIVALLENT! There is NOTHING to compare it to. How can one even ask for help? If you know, that that pain exists, and you are eternal and you will not even be able to retain your memory of it. So that everytime you enjoy tea while sitting next to the brake lever as the train goes 500 mph towards a brick wall the size or mount everest. But the person who build that wall and focused it into being is not able to help you?! WHEN YOU ARE TOO BUSY DRINKING TEA?! Hahahaha! :D

Well, I'm taking a brake. Write soon.

Greenslade 15-03-2022 07:25 AM


Originally Posted by Ewwerrin
Does this mean that the Ultimate Being that we are, experiences nothing,

In a word, yes.


Originally Posted by Ewwerrin
and that awareness itself is part of the illusion?

It's not an illusion, it's an hallucination. The world around you exists, just not as you see it because your senses are 'designed' for survival and not Spirituality. You can be aware that the sky appears blue and that there is no sky to be blue at the same time. What decides if something is an illusion or not doesn't exist.

The One doesn't experience nothing it experiences itself, the same as we do.

Greenslade 15-03-2022 07:32 AM


Originally Posted by Ewwerrin
Weird how easy it is to recreate this dream.

The problem with using the word 'dream' is that so many people don't seem to understand the word at all. The dream and everything you perceive yourself to be have the same source - you are the dream that dreams it is the dreamer.


Originally Posted by Ewwerrin

Stop breathing, stop eating, jump off a high place that doesn't exist. The air. the food, the high place you jump off and the hard place you go Splat!! on - none of it exists. Does it?

Ewwerrin 15-03-2022 11:46 PM


Originally Posted by Greenslade
In a word,...
... same as we do.

The One is All that there is, and more. It is an expansion and evolution of The One that We all are. And More, because we are more than what we are told we are. Thus, we are an evolution of what we are Told what we are. Thus, there is a two-fold paradigm/paradox between self and Other than us.

We are Who we are, and what we are. We are More than What we are. And so, there is a two-fold paradigm/paradox between What we are and Who we are TOLD THAT WE ARE, NOT. And so, there is a two-fold paradox/paradigm between who we are Told that we are, not, and what we are Told that we are, not.

Whatever we are Told that we are Not, is Not what we are told that we are, Not. That being is, thus, Not what we are told that we are Not, but what we are Told, is that being that we truely are being and becoming. It is a vibrational being and becoming, and it is eternal and infinite evermore here and now in our evermore here and now being and becoming ALL THAT WE ARE NOT BEING AND BECOMING EVERMORE HERE AND NOW. And thus, it is not through our mind that we can Know who we are, but through our hearts that we can know that we are One Being of evermore becoming.

Thus, we are Being and Becoming the ALL THAT THERE IS, NOT. And thus, we are More than what we are Told that we are being and becoming evermore here and now, Not. So here we got, Not, the Knot between Our being and Your being Becoming One And All Both At the Same Time.

Therefor, there is a two-fold paradigm/paradox between Our Being and Becoming Who We Are Told that we are, Not. Not believing that we are That which we are Told Not. Because the two-fold paradigm/paradox between Our being and Becoming ALL THAT WE ARE NOT, KNOTTING ITSELF WITH THE UNKNOTTABLE EVER BEFUDDLING BEFUDDLERS OF ALL BEFUDDLING BEFUDDLEMENT BEFUDDLING THE EVER BEFUDDLING BEFUDDLEMENT BEFUDDLING THE EVER BEFUDDLEMENT OF EVER BEFUDDLEMENT BEFUDDLING THE EVER BEFUDDLEMENT between Our Being and Your Being that is forever being and becoming One and All that is Not Being and Becoming ALL THAT WE ARE NOT BEING AND BECOMING. FOREVER, BEFUDDLING THE EVER BEFUDDLEMENT OF BEFUDDLING Be here and now. And then you shall, see what is here and now, Becoming what is Not here and now. Even tho, this is not possible for the eyes to behold the engangement of evermore becoming and being all that we are not being and becoming.

How this is done through complex interaction between all the individual parts is not capable by Your and Our mind to behold. But we can Behold the Truth between Our being and Your being becoming One Being. That we are all becoming here and now. Thus, it is not that we are Not who you are Told that you are, Not. But that we are All evermore becoming that which is unknowable by your senses, so, look within and you shall see what your eyes cannot see, and this Being and Becoming is what we are all being and becoming. And it is That Being that we are All Truely being and becoming, who we are Told that we are Not being and becoming. Even tho We are Already it... We are All Allready IT, THAT IS TRUELY WHO AND WHAT YOU TRUELY ARE. Even tho you are Not who and what we are told that we are, and so there is a two-fold paradigm and paradox between who and What we are told that we are, Not, and We are Not what YOU ARE TOLD THAT WE ARE NOT. IT IS FOREVER A UNIFIED PARADOX BETWEEN OUR BEING AND BECOMING AND YYYYYYYYYOUR BEING AND BECOMING, THAT WHICH WE ARE NOT WHO WE ARE NOT TOLD THAT WE ARE NOT TOLD THAT WE ARE NOT, BEING AND BECOMING, EVERMORE HERE AND NOW NOT THAT WE ARE NOT TOLD, WHO AND WHAT WE ARE NOT TOLD THAT WE ARE NOT, BEING AND BECOMING NOT WHAT WE ARE NOT TOLD THAT WE Cannot Become that which we are not Being and Becoming Not.

So we are all being and becoming Not that which we are Not told that we are not. Your Beng and Our Being Is One and the Same Being and the same Becoming That We are All Becoming Here and Now, All, That we are all Being, and becoming, Not that we are Not Told that which is not being told that which we are not told becoming the not told part of our becoming our being that which we are not told, which you are aswell Not being told that you are not Being and Not Becoming that we are not Told from your point of view, who and what we truely are, Not, being told who are Not.

Ewwerrin 16-03-2022 12:12 AM

So Who am I?

You are the Being that We are Not becoming, and your being and our being is not what we are affiliated with to tell you who and what we are not being and becoming.

But can you then tell me who you are, instead of who you are not?

I cannot tell you who you are not, I can only tell you who you are Not being told that you are not being told who you are not.

So I am you?


Oh I am exploring myself. What about outside of myself? What exists there?

You are who You are Not Being Told Who We Are. And We Are Not Who You Are Told That We Are Not Being Told Who You are Not.

So there is nothing outside of myself?


How do I change myself?

You Are Not Who You Are Not Told That You Are Not.

So I don't need to change myself?


But that is boring! I want to experience some freedom to explore different versions of myself more freely.

You are doing so, right now. What is wrong with this exploration? Yes, this exploration.

It feels not so vivid and I feel like I don't got allot of ability to enjoy it or get more out of it. Does that make sense?

Yes, it does. And you are Not Who You Are Not Told That You Are Not Told Who We Are Not. So simply BECOME THAT WHICH YOU ARE NOT TOLD WHO WE ARE NOT TOLD THAT YOU ARE NOT.

How do I become this if I am not this!? You make it sound as if it is easy...

You Are Not Told Who We Are Not. So Simply Do It.

Ok thanks. I understand. I make it more complicated than it has to be. I guess I can enjoy what I want to enjoy. Thanks.

pixiedust 16-03-2022 06:22 AM

Help, Ewwerrin


Thanks. :smile:

Busby 16-03-2022 08:49 AM

Thanks Erwwerrin

It somehow didn't work with the quote:

Absolutely how it is. Our awareness is a window which allows the Oneness to be aware of itself in all aspects. The names we give to things are fallacies and deceive us into thinking that an objective reality exists outside ourselves. We as part of the NOW Oneness are in a continual feedback with what we call the universe. Everything, even the smallest living thing is a sender and receiver of feedback.

hazada guess 16-03-2022 09:17 AM

Thank's Busby.

*Our awareness is a window which allows the Oneness to be aware of itself in all aspects*.

I've been worrying about this all night. I logged on to try and fathom it out.Yours was the first post I read and suddenly,my mind has been put to rest after reading the above quote.:D

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