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lunarfox 18-03-2012 07:19 AM

Come here to change
Hello. My name is Caelan, and I am and Indigo. I recently turned 18. I know why I came to Earth. I came here to lead Humans into true peace. I have a divine soul. I have unmeasurable intelligence (taken several different High IQ society tests, scored over the testing range, which is 210+ IQ). I took an advanced adult IQ test when I was 13 years old, and scored 161 points. I am only telling you this so in the event somebody honestly reads this, they know more about who I am. It brings great fear to me the way the Human race is being controlled, abused, and altered evilly by our own supposed 'leaders', if you want to give them the luxury of calling them that. I'm not talking about the same views that the completely useless Occupy Wall Street 'movement' has. I am talking about a much deeper subject.

[A side note. As I just finished this sentence, I heard my named called twice and I couldn't understand the rest. I took off my headphones (as I was listening to music) and could still hear it. My father's girlfriend, who is a Star child as well, and mastered her ESP abilities, came into my room and talked to it for about 3 minutes. I don't know what about.]

Anyways, the subject I am talking about, is not nearly as simple as being a subject in itself -- the 'subject' is everything. Invisible government. Inhumane wars. Humans not living free of worry or pain. This is absolutely RIDICULOUS AND MUST STOP. I am not an emotional person, but when I talk about this subject, I become overwhelmed with anger and hatred. I know we cannot solve these issues without violence. We need to understand that first of all.

[Side note: I now believe low/evil frequencies are trying to delay me. Typing this, I have now almost blacked out twice. My dad's girlfriend instructed me to do a 2 minute meditation (equivalent to a face wash). She says she feels the bad frequencies as well.]

I can continue on, but I don't want to spend my time typing if it does not conjure a response.

Please reply. I know my "Side notes" may sound stupid, or fake, and I do apologize for being so vague on the topics that I bring up. What I say/said may sound controversial, or fake to some. I can assure you, I am no internet 'troll'. I would absolutely love to talk with anyone interested. Please get back to me.


Natalia 18-03-2012 07:48 AM

Oh you will get some responses. Heh.

I admire your energy. Now get out there and get her done!
You're amongst many like yourself, many amazing and beautiful people; But are we really the audience you need. Most of us are quite aware. Don't allow hatred to trip you up. There is no room for that. Have we not had enough of that already.

Speak your voice out to where it needs to be heard or use your smarts in another way (subtle):wink: :wink:

Stillness_Speaks 18-03-2012 08:00 AM

I wish I was young and had this energy. May I suggest that you direct it towards something that you want to grow and the world needs more of, do not fight against something with hate and anger. It does not work.

lunarfox 18-03-2012 08:12 AM


Originally Posted by Tinks
Oh you will get some responses. Heh.

I admire your energy. Now get out there and get her done!
You're amongst many like yourself, many amazing and beautiful people; But are we really the audience you need. Most of us are quite aware. Don't allow hatred to trip you up. There is no room for that. Have we not had enough of that already.

Speak your voice out to where it needs to be heard or use your smarts in another way (subtle):wink: :wink:

Thank you, Tinks. I've been browsing the forum for the past couple hours, and I can tell they are my brothers and sisters. They are the audience I am most comfortable with, not necessarily the audience I need. An ideal audience would be the entire human race.


Originally Posted by Stillness_Speaks
I wish I was young and had this energy. May I suggest that you direct it towards something that you want to grow and the world needs more of, do not fight against something with hate and anger. It does not work.

Thank you for the kind words. I've learned to turn anger and hate into progress. I don't know whether it still effects me subconsciously or not. The fact that is such a radical change in the Human race would require a type of violence. Although it may not be something that we all want, it's unknown to me of any other way. I guess that's what journeys are for.

RoxRiotouS 18-03-2012 10:00 AM

Dear CaeLan :D hue hue......
Ur not alone, homie, all is being prepared for.............

:P da correct "path" way, is made clear, we just need 2 hold on.................

^____________^ Gno, that thee art never *aLone* 4 we art aLLone <3


WhiteWarrior 18-03-2012 11:26 AM

Intelligence is a tool. Your spiritual talents are another. Your life goal is admirable. But... you have no idea of how to achieve it, do you? :) Who exactly told you that this is what the meaning of your life is?

I do believe you, by the way. Welcome to us; maybe we can be of help to each other. We all have much to learn. Feel free to tell more about your talents.

Mystic Blaze 18-03-2012 03:49 PM

Hello and welcome to the forums.

I can relate well to much of what you said. I still, though I've been in this life longer and of course should according to many 'know better,' see the terrible situation humanity is finding itself in. I see the whole Earth full of people tricked and altered and programmed emotionally, so that what we is wrong is now right and right is wrong. We are taught to hate one another and to hear where really we should love and trust instead. Food is a right and humanity is told to think it's a privilege that must be worked for or we should go without. I know this has nothing to do with the original post but I was inspired to share a few opinions of my own.

I never did have that highly advanced IQ level, but I was intelligent once. From an early age society and the systems within it decided to deny mainstream education at every turn, until my path was altered drastically by the new course of action. After a childhood of that I've retained enough to still seem smart enough to count for something, but still, so not the point of course. That feeling though of wanting more and of knowing I should have been more leads me to agree that there are indeed lower beings, powers or frequencies out there trying anyway they can to stop us... to silence us... make us give up or question ourselves.

I'm not sure how I feel though about violence. On pone hand it seems like trying to fight fire with fire and therefore causing an even bigger blaze. On the other hand though I do think of course a person has to defend themselves. It would be impossible to face men with guns for instance and just offer to talk things over in an effort to understand each other.

lunarfox 18-03-2012 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by WhiteWarrior
you have no idea of how to achieve it, do you? :) Who exactly told you that this is what the meaning of your life is?

I do believe you, by the way. Welcome to us; maybe we can be of help to each other.

No, I do not know how to acheive it. That's why I came here, to seek guidance and help from my spiritual brothers and sisters. All of the psychic/star readers I've been to have all said this. My dad's girlfriend knows as well. She is the only one in my household who really has an understanding AND wants to help.

Thank you for the welcoming. I know we can be of help to each other.


Originally Posted by WhiteWarrior
Feel free to tell more about your talents.

I played in a progressive rock band as a backup guitarist and lead singer for about 3 years, but when I was 15 I switched over to Electronic music. I am a 'professional' I guess you could say.

I have not astral projected, but I'd like to think that one day I will. I went to the section of the forum on this, and peaked my interest. Another talent includes ignoring emotion to think rationally.

I barely ever go outside, just to sit in my room all day making music, playing video games (which I did professionally for a little while), thinking, wandering my mind to the many possibilities of what I could even just hope to accomplish in a human's short lifespan. I know what depression is, and I was depressed once. I am not depressed currently.

I just woke up, so I could be leaving out some important points.


Originally Posted by Mystic Blaze
Hello and welcome to the forums.


I'm not sure how I feel though about violence. On pone hand it seems like trying to fight fire with fire and therefore causing an even bigger blaze. On the other hand though I do think of course a person has to defend themselves. It would be impossible to face men with guns for instance and just offer to talk things over in an effort to understand each other.

I think I am not a violent person, but I have ended a life before. It was in complete defense for my friend, who had a knife to his throat for a total unknown reason. I had absolutely no choice (what made the decision easier was the fact that I knew my friend is important, and the other man was a waste of life) but to do what I did. I snuck up behind him, quickly snapped the huge knife back at him, into his chest, into his heart. I was sure I was wearing gloves, because I hate dealing with the Police, and I have before.

We can take the above story in consideration when thinking about the big picture. Sure, it may not be happening to us, but it's happening to our friends, family, co-workers, lovers. We need to take what they are throwing at us, and throw it right back at them. They don't expect a rebellion. I was thinking about starting a rebellion cause, but I have no idea going about doing that.


but I was inspired to share a few opinions of my own.

Which I love seeing. I can tell you are highly wise and intelligent.


From an early age society and the systems within it decided to deny mainstream education at every turn, until my path was altered drastically by the new course of action.

Yes. I dropped out of high school in Grade 11, because I knew it was meaningless. Pointless.

Sorry for the long post.

SpiritCarrier 19-03-2012 12:59 PM

I was wondering, after reading what you wrote about the incident with the knife, how did that action make you feel inside? (Considering all the outcomes that could have happened)

I would like to tell you what I believe and you can take it for what it is worth to you as an individual.

I believe violence should be a last effort. I also believe that far to often it is the first course of action in order to force a reaction. One thing I have learned is that a forced reaction is never a lasting one. Radical change is required but unless it is permanent then it is futile. In order to accomplish complete, permanent change it must be proven that what you or anyone else intends as the solution is unequivocally and undeniably the right course. You may say that is an impossible task, but it is not. For someone of your intelligence it is not impossible. You must simply focus your mental and spiritual capabilities in the right direction and you my friend would and could make the difference the human race needs.

I would like to share a couple of examples with you of change that came upon the human race and you will see what I mean:

Jesus: He was a real man that walked the earth almost 2000 years ago. (I am actually speaking of the time he walked the earth as a man not when he was born which was a little over 2000 years ago) I am not a religious person but I lived during the time that he walked the planet and I saw the change that he accomplished. People flocked to him to just be near him, to hear his words. He influenced the human race and some of the changes he made are still seen today. Did he do so with violence? No he did so by example and love. Humans over the years have muddled his message but that doesn't take away from what he was able to accomplish in such a short time.

Hitler: He was a real man who also affect the course of human history for a time. His results, which were born along with violence, did not last. His message was one of violence and his world, the one he foresaw coming from his reign of terror, never got off the ground. The things he tried to accomplish, he did not. The lives he affected were not affected for the greater good of the human race they were not affected for the greater good of anything. What in effect did his reign of violence accomplish for the human race? Nothing good. Nothing lasting. He gave the German people a bad name, and those wonderful people have had to work many years to prove through their actions that not all Germans are like Hitler.

I hope that you can see my point. Someone like you, with the gifts you have been given, can make a lasting impact on this world. I am not saying to be a religious person and start a cult. What I am saying is you are smart enough to use your abilities for the greater good. To make a real difference. Sitting indoors and playing video games and watching the world disintegrate more each day is a waste of your talents and intelligence.

No one can make lasting change on their own but in order to command the respect and loyalty of anyone you have to show what you want to do and find those who can help you accomplish your goal. But how you make a difference is completely dependent on you and what you are willing to put into making your goals a success.

The human race has been waiting for someone to take the lead. To show us how to make and use energy so that we do not destroy the planet we live on. We are looking for someone to show us how to live peaceably with those who are different from us, how to have human rights upheld no matter where you live, and the list goes on. The task is daunting but someone like you could pick one area and find a solution that is workable. Then move on to the next. One step at a time and soon the world is a better place.

I am sorry to type so much, but this is something I feel passionate about and from reading your first post I see you are passionate about it too. Thank you for looking for a place to start, and thank you for being willing to make a difference.

I hope I have helped in some small way to show you that focus and hard work, not violence is the way to accomplish this task.

May you have Peace and Light,

lunarfox 19-03-2012 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by SpiritCarrier
I was wondering, after reading what you wrote about the incident with the knife, how did that action make you feel inside? (Considering all the outcomes that could have happened)

It made me feel horrible for about 10 seconds, got my emotions in check because I realized I needed to do it or my friend would die. I don't think about it much (having been 5 years since the incident), but when I do, I remember how willing and powerful humans can be. I channel that into 'bigger picture' thought and reform of planet earth.


use energy so that we do not destroy the planet we live on

Humans from around 2030-2050 are heating up the planet by coming back into our time, because an alien race known as the 'Min' want to occupy our planet, but they can't if it's too hot. If you could see half the satellites in orbit, they would be advanced human and advanced min technology (the min are trying to cool the planet.)


We are looking for someone to show us how to live peaceably with those who are different from us, how to have human rights upheld no matter where you live, and the list goes on. The task is daunting but someone like you could pick one area and find a solution that is workable. Then move on to the next. One step at a time and soon the world is a better place.

I have greater ideas, such as a society with no government, society with no control, no companies, no schools. I still don't know yet.


I hope I have helped in some small way to show you that focus and hard work, not violence is the way to accomplish this task

I've read every word you posted, twice. You've made me open to the possibility of an even different way, beside violence. One I haven't though of. I will continue to formulate.

Thank you.

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