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-   -   I am terrified of death. (https://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=30564)

Wolf Heart 14-02-2012 11:41 PM

I am terrified of death.
I am so afraid of death that when I think about it my mind throws itself into flurries, my stomach knots, and I break down into a panic attack.

I've had this fear since I was 13, I am now 23. It haunts me no matter how much I try to ignore and escape it.

I am terrified of the idea of "forever" and I'm also afraid that when I die I won't exist at all. I'm afraid of never seeing my children or my husband again.

So many unknowns, it terrifies me and I don't know what to do to become at peace with the idea of dying.

Spitfire10 15-02-2012 12:16 AM

I am terrified of death as well, sometimes I will be sleeping and all of a sudden I would jump out of my bed panicking about death but I just tell myself there is nothing I can do to stop it and know that although my body will be gone, my spirit will live on. Not really sure what the afterlife is like but I say to myself I can see my loved ones again once I am gone and go into a nice place to rest for eternity. Everyone exists when they go and everyone who has gone will be able to see there loved ones in the spirit world and living, from my experience this is how I see it and this is what I tell myself :)

CatChild 15-02-2012 05:07 AM


Originally Posted by Wolf Heart
I am so afraid of death that when I think about it my mind throws itself into flurries, my stomach knots, and I break down into a panic attack.

I've had this fear since I was 13, I am now 23. It haunts me no matter how much I try to ignore and escape it.

I am terrified of the idea of "forever" and I'm also afraid that when I die I won't exist at all. I'm afraid of never seeing my children or my husband again.

So many unknowns, it terrifies me and I don't know what to do to become at peace with the idea of dying.

One of the sciences behind our existence is the electricity of our life force. We are electrical among other things, and that is a fact. When you think of what happens to electricity when you turn off a light switch, you're reminded that it doesn't just disappear. Rather it takes on another form be it that of even it's sheer potential to return again to bring light to a room. It changes into another direction of electrical energy. It is simple. You will not just go away. You can't- it doesn't make any logical sense to me. I hope you can find some comfort in that, I know I did when I was younger and thinking about what my mortality would be like.

psychoslice 15-02-2012 05:19 AM

if you want to abide always and always, you have not lived the moment. One who has lived his life truly, authentically, one who has enjoyed it, is always ready to die, is always ready to leave. One who has not enjoyed and celebrated, one who has not lived the moment, the life, is always afraid to leave because “the time has come to leave and I am yet unfulfilled.” The fear of death is not the fear of death, it is a fear of remaining unfulfilled. You are going to die, and nothing, nothing at all could you experience through life — no maturity, no growth, no flowering. Emptyhanded you came, emptyhanded you are going. This is the fear!

The search for the permanent shows that you remain unfulfilled. The search to have a permanent self is a clinging. You know that death is going to be there, so what to do? The body will disintegrate, disappear; now you have your hopes that some permanent self must be there which will go on and on and on. Remember: those who are afraid, they always believe in the eternal soul.

Mr Interesting 15-02-2012 06:05 AM

Wolfheart,the trouble with fears is that they are irrational which means no amount of factual/rational information is going to make them go away... so embrace the irrational!!!

Life doesn't make much sense, trying to make it do that is kinda pointless, so all that stuff like letting go, going with the flow, letting expectations drift away is all sort of about embracing that irrationality... the senselessness of existence... and just letting the senses take a bit of the lead. It does get you somewhere worth going too.

But to getting to a higher rationality you have to go through irrationality...

See if you can find an old movie called 'Harold and Maude'... that'll help!

sesheta 15-02-2012 06:55 AM

To WolfHeart
Do you have any firm beliefs in an "afterlife"? I think maybe the fear is worse if you don't really know what you believe, or if you can believe in anything.
As for myself, I firmly believe in reincarnation, so I am quite sure I'll be back again...and again...and again....that allows me to be much calmer about the thought of 'dying', because I know that I'll see everyone I love the next time around.
Maybe your fear will be lessened when you discover what you truly believe.
Just my two cents worth...hope it helps!

nephesh 15-02-2012 02:53 PM

Most people fear the unknown you’re not alone a lot of people are afraid of death maybe not to the extent that you are experiencing. (i.e. having a panic attack just to think about it.) Its good try and remember that death is just a part of the cycle of life. We are born … we live and we will die at least physical death.

I also believe in reincarnation as well so I feel nothing ends once a person soul has coming into being it exists forever be that on the other side or having physical reincarnations.

Shabby 15-02-2012 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by psychoslice
if you want to abide always and always, you have not lived the moment. One who has lived his life truly, authentically, one who has enjoyed it, is always ready to die, is always ready to leave. One who has not enjoyed and celebrated, one who has not lived the moment, the life, is always afraid to leave because “the time has come to leave and I am yet unfulfilled.” The fear of death is not the fear of death, it is a fear of remaining unfulfilled. You are going to die, and nothing, nothing at all could you experience through life — no maturity, no growth, no flowering. Emptyhanded you came, emptyhanded you are going. This is the fear!

The search for the permanent shows that you remain unfulfilled. The search to have a permanent self is a clinging. You know that death is going to be there, so what to do? The body will disintegrate, disappear; now you have your hopes that some permanent self must be there which will go on and on and on. Remember: those who are afraid, they always believe in the eternal soul.

You are way too wise for this plane ; )

Shabby 15-02-2012 03:05 PM

No one will ever experience death. In order to experience death...one has to be present....if there is life beyond this physical experience which we call life...then you will not experience death but the soul continuing it's journey. If there is no life beyond this experience of life on earth then you will not be present and you will not experience death either.

Everything that has a beginning has an end and an end only means the start of something new. As I see it true life has no beginning nor end as true life itself is life and life has no part in decay or death.

Celeste 16-02-2012 01:08 AM

I would say you probably had a violent death in another life. I work at a nursing home, and I talk to the bedridden who can't go to activities. Some of them are partly in this world, and partly in the next. So they say unusual things. One lady was talking about how she is afraid to die, that she feels it is a surrender issue. Some of the people hang on for a very long time, even though they are in extreme pain, because they are afraid to die. And yet, "they say" that it is harder to be born, than it is to die. I got to telling her that I am afraid to go under for surgery, and we discussed how this is a surrender issue, too And what is that, but a fear of dying, while having surgery. Now, I don't know how to remedy it, and if anyone knows, I would be interested in learning, too. I would say there is a block in you (probably like me, as well) that won't let the truth come in, which is, God/Higher Spirits/Universal good that we are all connected to, that loves and keeps us now and in eternity.

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