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ninjamonkey1014 28-01-2018 08:04 PM

Advice For Crystals To Assist With Grief?
Does anyone have any recommendations for crystals to aid with grief?

Lynn 28-01-2018 10:43 PM


Here are some suggestions but like all "tools" we have to do the work so at times talking things out helps a lot.

Apache tear, Tourmaline & Smokey Quartz

Apache Tear

Greif Banishing Stone – Obsidian

The legend dates to the 1870’s when Native Americans were re located to what is now as Superior Arizona. It tells of the Great Spirits were greatly saddened at the tragedy and that when the tears of the warriors loved ones hit the ground their teardrops instantly froze to become the stones we know today as Apache Tears. It is told that whoever carries one of these revered stones will never cry again, as the Apache women had shed enough tears.

Metaphysical Properties:

Known to relieve grief, alleviate sadness as well as allowing one to accept and receive forgiveness from themselves as well as others

Healing Properties:

Apache Tear has been said to have heightened spiritual and physical healing powers. Good for protections with psychic attacks –often referred to as psychic vampires.

Magical Properties:

Apache Tear has special grounding energies to the Earth before during and after energy work.

Energy: Protective
Planet: Saturn / Jupiter
Elements: Fire
Deity: Isis & Horus
Powers: Protective, Grounding, Divination
Zodiac: Aries & Capricorn
Chakra Classification: Base / Root


Stone of Complete Composure & Balance

Members of the Tourmaline family of minerals have basically the same crystal structure, but occurs in many colors, each with their own name and slightly varied chemical make up.

• Red or Pink Tourmalines are called Rubellite, these are the most highly prized.

• Dark Blue Tourmaline is called Indicolite, an is often heat treated to lighten it’s color and create a more attractive stone.

• Brown or dark colored Tourmaline is called Dravite, and it’s color is often lightened with heat treating.

• Colorless Tourmaline is called Achroite, it is particularly rare, but may be produced by heat treating pink Tourmalines.

• Watermelon Tourmaline are pink in the center and green on the rim, or vise versa.

• Black iron rich Tourmaline is called Schorl and it is very common.

• Yellow Tourmaline or yellow-green is often simply called by it’s color.

• Green Tourmaline is called Verdi lite. The green form of this stone was often confused with the emerald until the 18th century.

Mystical Properties:

All Tourmalines are said to enhance understanding, increase self-confidence and amplify psychic energies.

Healing Properties:

In general Tourmalines are said to enhance flexibility, objectivity, compassion, happiness, serenity, balance, positive transformation, healing, strength, tolerance and understanding. It is told to be an excellent channeling stone for communication with the higher forces.

Magical Properties:

Each color of this stone holds it’s own magical attributes, some crystals possess two or three hues, so read carefully.

• Pink (energy: receptive, element: water) this stone draws love and friendship, to be worn to promote sympathy towards others.

• Red (energy, projective, element: fire) is worn to lend more energy to the body promote courage and strengthen the will; it is also to be used in protection rituals.

• Green (energy: receptive, element: earth) Use this stone to draw money and success in business, it is worn to stimulate one’s creativity.

• Blue (energy: receptive, element: water) this stone is best worn for peace and restful sleep as well as to de-stress.

• Black (energy: receptive, element: earth) this hue is used for grounding purposes and as to represent the earth in spells relating to that element. It is protective, and it absorbs negativity when charged for that purpose through visualization.

• Watermelon (energy: projective and receptive, element: fire and water) this gemstone is worn to balance the male and female energies within one’s body, it is also a love stone and works best for this purposed when used by one who is balanced.

Energy: Various
Planet: Venus & Mars
Elements: Various – See Colour
Deity: Venus & Mars
Powers: Love, Friendship, Peace, Courage & Astal Projection
Zodiac: Libra

Chakra Classification:

Specifically green, pink, red and watermelon Tourmaline are for work on the 4th, Heart Chakra, Black on the 1st, Root/Base, and Blue on the 5th, Throat Chakra.

Other tourmalines would be associated with the Chakra of their coloring.

Smokey Quartz

Mystical Properties:

Smoky quartz is a grounding and stabilizing stone, bringing calm and centering. Emotionally, smoky quartz is excellent for elevating moods, overcoming negative emotions, and relieving depression. It brings physical, protection, psychic protection and protection from negative energy.

Healing Properties:

Physically, smoky quartz is said to treat all kinds of problems associated with the lower torso including kidneys, abdomen, pancreas, reproductive organs, menstrual cramps, fertility issues. Smoky quartz also removes toxins from the body and helps the adrenal glands to function more readily. It is also very helpful for regulating all other body fluids and relieving fluid retention. Smoky quartz is excellent for dealing with hyperactivity, and attention deficit disorder.

Magical Properties:

Worn during rituals or in spells it is a grounding stone that will offer one wisdom and discrimination; allowing one to be more firm about exactly what is necessary and what is unwanted. Helping one rid oneself of unproductive people, or parts of one’s life; attracting and removing emotional energy blockages.

Energy: Receptive
Element: Not Noted
Powers: Not Noted
Zodiac: Capricorn and Sagittarius
Planet: Sun
Chakra Classification: Root

ninjamonkey1014 28-01-2018 11:49 PM

Thank you! Very helpful :smile:

FairyCrystal 29-01-2018 01:09 AM

It depends on what kind of grief and how it affects you, there is no default answer.
For instance, I've given a high vibrational tumbled celestine to my stepmother to help her when my father had passed away. And it DID help her tremendously. (it wasn't the default quality).
I chose it intuitively for her for that purpose.

I myself have gone for white jade to aid me during my breakup and the pain resulting from that. White jade is excellent when it comes to emotional stuff.
I also use my rough hemimorphite. Same thing, also helps with emotions.

Green jade can help and sooth as well. I put a tumbled piece directly on my heart chakra at times. Works a treat, does help to calm you down and feel better.

Amazonite can also be very helpful in more acute cases. It works slightly different from green jade, not sure how, lol. When I was in an acute state of stress and despair and grief I found it worked better than the green jade even. It helped me calm down almost right away when I put it directly on the skin, on my heartchakra.
I feel green jade is more of a rescue stone (like amazonite), when you are in acute state of grief, almost desperate, whereas white jade is very helpful when you are in pain, but when it's not so acutely desperate or panicky (anymore).

That's why i said, depends on the kind on grief, the stage of working through it, and how you handle it and so on.
There is no default.

I also find it helpful to carry a grounding stone on me, and I intuitively went for mookaite. It does help me, I think grounding is important when you're going through troubled times to keep you stable.

Now that I am a bit further along my process of letting go and grieving, I like to hold either one of my purple chalcedonies. I sleep with one each night. But when I was still more 'raw' it was a bit too emotional to have that near me. During that stage white jade is better. I sleep with my white jade skull as well. So both that and my large tumbled purple chalcedony (almost as large as the skull). The skull near my heart, the chalcedony in my hand.

ninjamonkey1014 29-01-2018 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by FairyCrystal
It depends on what kind of grief and how it affects you, there is no default answer.
For instance, I've given a high vibrational tumbled celestine to my stepmother to help her when my father had passed away. And it DID help her tremendously. (it wasn't the default quality).
I chose it intuitively for her for that purpose.

I myself have gone for white jade to aid me during my breakup and the pain resulting from that. White jade is excellent when it comes to emotional stuff.
I also use my rough hemimorphite. Same thing, also helps with emotions.

Green jade can help and sooth as well. I put a tumbled piece directly on my heart chakra at times. Works a treat, does help to calm you down and feel better.

Amazonite can also be very helpful in more acute cases. It works slightly different from green jade, not sure how, lol. When I was in an acute state of stress and despair and grief I found it worked better than the green jade even. It helped me calm down almost right away when I put it directly on the skin, on my heartchakra.
I feel green jade is more of a rescue stone (like amazonite), when you are in acute state of grief, almost desperate, whereas white jade is very helpful when you are in pain, but when it's not so acutely desperate or panicky (anymore).

That's why i said, depends on the kind on grief, the stage of working through it, and how you handle it and so on.
There is no default.

I also find it helpful to carry a grounding stone on me, and I intuitively went for mookaite. It does help me, I think grounding is important when you're going through troubled times to keep you stable.

Now that I am a bit further along my process of letting go and grieving, I like to hold either one of my purple chalcedonies. I sleep with one each night. But when I was still more 'raw' it was a bit too emotional to have that near me. During that stage white jade is better. I sleep with my white jade skull as well. So both that and my large tumbled purple chalcedony (almost as large as the skull). The skull near my heart, the chalcedony in my hand.

Thank you!! I really appreciate this info.

FairyCrystal 30-01-2018 12:14 AM


Originally Posted by ninjamonkey1014
Thank you!! I really appreciate this info.

You're welcome!
In a way it's finding out what works for you and for that it could be helpful to either go to a crystal shop or to go through the assortment of a good crystal shop online and see what calls you.
It's an intuitive/feeling thing, you cannot choose mentally.
A good example of that: I purchased a rhodochrosite (also not default quality). I was truly drawn to it, even went back to get it after I'd decided to leave it as it was quite expensive.
Yet, when I carried it on me during my time of grief after breakup, I kept losing it. About 3-4 times. Couple times indoors, once outdoors. Thank goodness it was on my own premises still, right behind my wooden gate. But it had been there for some 2 days before I found it again. I was so happy!
But I acknowledged that clearly it was not the right stone to carry on me, even though it does help with heartache. I respected the stone having a mind of its own, hihi, and haven't touched it for weeks.
Then the other they it suddenly seemed to call again. So I now occasionally hold it, but I daren't carry it on me anymore :tongue:

Just to illustrate there are no defaults... YOu can come a long way if you tune into what's bothering you and feel for what colour stone comes up. That might help to narrow it down. Think of a pink crystal, and feel with your inner being. Is it a Yes or a No. Do the same with yellow, blue, and so on.
Another way to test is to look at a stone you think may be helpful, put your hands on your Solar Plexus as you look at it. Allow it in, breathe it into your Solar Plexus. If you feel yourself move forward, it's a Yes, if you move back it's a No. (Not actually stepping back, but as if you're gently pushed without moving your feet).

Good luck!

SierraNevadaStar 31-01-2018 07:16 PM

There are some excellent suggestions listed above. I truly concur with the amazonite recommendation in this regard. For me, just holding it feels so pacifying and 'right.'

I also wish to add rose quartz to the mix. It is a highly soothing, nurturing stone which also vibrates on the fourth (heart) chakra. A reiki practitioner whom I saw once referred to it as, 'The Mother Stone' because it can be quite comforting and pacifying to use. It has helped me to mend some of my own emotional wounds so I can speak from experience.

A friend of mine has worked with malachite to help soothe the heart and mend a break. It is another heart chakra stone. I actually have yet to work with it - or even own it, however.

Lastly, I find sodalite incredibly calming and relaxing in all stressful, or even shocking situations.

"FairyCrystal" has given you some wonderful advice on finding the right crystal and color which works for you. It's a learning process and can be a beautiful, insightful one at that!

Good luck and I hope you find peace!


Melahin 31-01-2018 07:22 PM

My initial thought was something green, as that connects you to your Heart center. Maybe even holding some broccoli might help?

Lavender Quartz 23-03-2022 12:39 AM

To help heal your breaking heart, try Chrysoprase, an apple green stone. It helped me enormously after 9/11.

Cally31 23-03-2022 07:35 PM

Rose quartz alongside Apatches tears are my go to. Really help me with processing.
Everyone connects with Crystal's energies differently, so you may need to go to a shop if you can and hold some different Crystal's in your hands to see which you feel more comfortable with. There is no one go to that fits all.

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