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wozniack 05-03-2018 05:00 AM

Signs from the universe or the other side?
Ever since my childhood, I have had a connection to the numbers 9 and 11. When I was 11-years-old, I won a $500.00 bingo game, and two contests at a local store. Number 9 was called on the bingo game, and guess what number I won on at the store? 11. I picked the same number twice, by the way, and won both times!! Ever since then, 9 and 11 have always been my lucky numbers.

I didn't think much of 9 and 11 until after I turned 20. My parents and I were riding home one night when our car caught fire. Thankfully, we got out in time, and a police officer drove us home. My mom and I were pretty shaken up that night. We had been discussing what happened when I noticed our kitchen clock was blinking "9:11." I pointed that out to her and she exclaimed, "omg!" After that, the numbers kept appearing more and more.

What prompted me to write this is that it has gotten more frequent and I am 34 now. Every night without fail I see 9:11 on my clock, and I have been seeing 11:11 a lot more. It doesn't stop with the clock either. For example. The other day I was going down a list of numbers, and saw "911" in a long list of numbers that were like "27835." The same thing occurs with 11:11, and sometimes, 1:11. I'm thinking it may be a message from the universe or a spirit guide, wanting me to charge of my life; I have been thinking a lot about my future and have been actively outlining the necessary steps to reach my goals.

Could the increase in seeing these numbers also be a sign from the other side? How often does the other side, if at all, play a role in seeing these numbers? I ask because I've had some communication (letters and readings) with someone who crossed over in December. About a week ago, something strange happened. I was alone in my room playing dominoes online before bed. My room was pitch black except for my television and computer screen. My wall lamp, which is above my monitor, had been off for hours. All of a sudden, it comes on by itself and goes off!! It stayed on for about 10 seconds, too. No breaker had gone out, and the appliances and everything else were still running. Never in my life have I had a lamp come on by itself and go back off. I also had seen 9:11 that night and it was 9:38 p.m. when this incident occurred.

My mom said she once had a candle relight itself after she blew out the flame. The house that candle was in had a family of ghosts living in it. I was reminded of that after what happened to me with the lamp. I also had been thinking about the person who passed at the exact time it happened.

LostintheLore 11-03-2018 01:15 PM

I see 9:11 frequently too. My old neighbor mentioned it to me about five years or so ago and I have been seeing it ever since. 11:11 is a popular one as well. With many synchronicities, from what I have read and heard from others, it is a sign you are on the right path / sign of expanding consciousness. If you are tapped in, you probably are in communication with the other side. Exciting stuff!

wozniack 16-04-2018 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by LostintheLore
I see 9:11 frequently too. My old neighbor mentioned it to me about five years or so ago and I have been seeing it ever since. 11:11 is a popular one as well. With many synchronicities, from what I have read and heard from others, it is a sign you are on the right path / sign of expanding consciousness. If you are tapped in, you probably are in communication with the other side. Exciting stuff!

I really do feel that I am communicating with the other side!~! It's exciting for sure. I haven't experienced a whole lot of activity since this post, but that may be because I am missing signs; my mind as been on so many other things that I haven't noticed anything. I will say though that over the last day or two I have felt some sort of energy or presence. So my antennas are back up again, lol. :smile:

Starman 19-04-2018 06:43 PM

I have often heard people say that they were looking for a sign from God, or the universe,
our deeper selves, etc., and I do believe, and experience, that we do receive messages from
beyond this physical realm. The communion and communication that we have with the pure
divine can come to us in many various ways. But we need to be sure about such messages.

I have shared here how I have had problems with my eyes most of my life, and recently
I had to go through eye surgery yet once again, although this time I did not know if my
eyesight was going to return or not, and the doctors could not say one way or the other.

I was lying in bed, quiet inside, with a patch over my left eye wondering if my eyesight
was going to return when suddenly a wave of positive energy, more like love, swept over me.
I took it as a sign, an answer to the question that I was wondering about. Now weeks later
my eyesight is gradually returning. Some might say how did I know this was a sign, a message
or answer to my inquiry from beyond.

I know because in that wave of love which swept over me was a very deep positive feeling
of my question being answered. Messages from beyond can come to us in all sorts of ways
but I think most people look for messages to come only in the spoken word. I was not really
looking for an answer, just wondering about it, and what came to me was so simple that if I
were looking for a sign, an answer, I might have missed it.

People who hear voices are often diagnosed as mentally ill; especially those who say
something like “Jesus” told them to do something or other. If it does not involve harming
oneself or others than whether the message is genuine or not may be a mute point.
I believe the universe communicates with us continually and that communication may come
from within ourselves or it may be external, happening on the outside in our daily lives.

This communication, in my opinion, is like guideposts that help us along the way,
but there are also mischievous entities that can lead us astray. This whole thing, for me,
is learning to trust your self, connecting with your deeper nature, beyond thoughts and emotions,
and trusting that nature. But how do you know? The knowledge, which comes from our deeper being,
fills our entire being and we experience that wholesome fulfillment without any doubts,
at least that is my experience.:smile:

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