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SpiritualNovice 24-10-2017 07:30 AM

What is hell?
Is hell real?
What happens to Spirits after they die and are going to hell?
What happens in hell?
Can you get out of hell?
What resides in hell?

Revya 24-10-2017 09:31 AM


Originally Posted by SpiritualNovice
What is hell?
Is hell real?
What happens to Spirits after they die and are going to hell?
What happens in hell?
Can you get out of hell?
What resides in hell?

1.Hell is a name for a series of dimensions designed to inflict divine retribution on wicked souls.
2.They go to hell obviously.
3.The descriptions vary from religion to religion but all texts agree that hell is a place of suffering inflicted by a person's karma.You suffer basically.
4.Religions vary on this. some religions state that hell is a place of eternal torment with no escape.Others hold the posistion that hell is a temporary state of being and will only last as long as it takes to rectify your karma.
5.The baddest of the bad and the maddest of the mad dogs.The killers of kings and the destroyers of worlds. and timothy, who is a chronic masturbator.

sky 24-10-2017 10:00 AM

I would say hell is a state of mind... as everything is of course.

Tobi 24-10-2017 06:39 PM

Yes "Hell" is a state of mind.
But it can be hard to appreciate that when a dreadful condition is imposed on a person, through no fault of their own (or not apparently anyway.)
There are many people and animals already living in "Hell" in one way or another; in terrible conditions where disease and starvation are common, where there is pain and darkness for them. Sometimes the cause is just simply the environment they happened to be born in....or their genetics....

As for the Other World "Hells" -yes they exist. Some are far darker and weirder than we can even imagine. I feel there is no punishing god who takes some there. They are encountered for many different reasons; not always because the hapless traveller is an evil person!
Sometimes they are encountered because a Soul has a mission of service. That is only for the very pure and the very strong.

My opinion is that it is good to be somewhat interested and curious about how things operate. But it is not wise to spend valuable consciousness contemplating "Hell" for most Souls.

Colorado 25-10-2017 12:01 AM

I think hell, based off what I know from my NDE (keep in mind, I didn’t see a hell) but I did see energy, different levels of vibrational frequency for energy to travel. I kinda agree with the poster above, who said it’s a state of mind...it’s a level of energy that ones energy might be attracted to. Again, it’s not like what you read in the Bible, however, it can be if that is your belief. Hell, is a frequency, where one who has a very low energy level....and I would assume that like the other levels, that it would be where your worse fears are. Energy always changes, we can all have a bad day/week/year....and create our own hell. I would say that’s why people think that suicides and other people who are in a not so good place emotionally, might see a hell when they first die. Energy always changes though, we do not go through life with one emotion or energy, our energy fluctuates through out the day, happy, sad, mad, bored, ecstatic, surprised, funny, etc, ...all these emotions are energy...and they all have their own frequencies....and energy is not solid matter, it’s somewhat like water.... it’s flowing.

But if you can imagine, somebody who passes over from suicide, is in great pain emotionally...so they may see a hell, of their own energies making, or a lower level. But, that’s not everybody, it really depends on their energy and how well they can let go of such emotions and move on from that state of energy. It could be two seconds or forever, If they are that stubborn, however....most souls would ask for help if they were scared enough. I know there is help, because I was greeted by a deceased loved one and what “I believe” was an angel...and my NDE was what a I would call, accidentally induced. Your beliefs, what you think and feel, is what you are. Guard your thoughts and feelings above all.

All the afterlife is, is energy. It is what you make of it....much like life, but easier. In our natural energetic state, we are like a clean slate. That’s how a I felt, but I believe there are people who have such high and low levels of energy, that even in a clean slate...their highs or lows, might over-shadow that neutral or happy clean slate...a,d they may need some help.

Also, keep in mind...that it’s not the same experience for all of us....my hell, would be much different than your hell, and your hell, would be different than somebody dy else’s hell....the reason for souls seeing a burning lake, demons, Satan, etc...is because the Bible and other religions is read by the masses, you have been told this, and so, it is a mass belief....and your beliefs do shape your life, afterlife, energy and feelings...and so you would create that experience, from what you heard or had been told.

My hell would be flying and falling from heights, that’s my worst and greatest fears....I could give two ****s about a lake of fire, but put me in the sky or off the ground, and I will be praying to God, Santa Claus, or Ghandi, in complete and utter fear.

Tobi 25-10-2017 12:10 AM

Great post Colorado! You just found words for what I was feeling.

CrystalSong 25-10-2017 12:34 AM

Thanks Colorado! Again you've saved me from typing out the same thing in similar words :)

Lumpino 25-10-2017 05:32 AM


Originally Posted by SpiritualNovice
What is hell?
Is hell real?
What happens to Spirits after they die and are going to hell?
What happens in hell?
Can you get out of hell?
What resides in hell?

I thin that something like Hell is real. Some people do evocations hells demons, see for example Magia naturalis at innaturalis by Johannes Faust, or Claviculae Salomonis. Books are free on net.

Colorado 26-10-2017 12:14 AM

Almost all of the possessions and demonic possessed I have seen, are people who were disturbed, and had religious doctrine crammed down their throats at a young age. I do believe that negative intentions and energy can affect us, from both living and dead. Energy is energy, but you will almost always find, those kinds of people have been severely broken, and traumatized in life, either as children or through life. You will also find religion in their upbringing. Many of these, being highly spiritual evolved souls....the higher they go, the harder they fall...however, not all of them, some of them are just bad choices and selfishness by souls.

Lumpino 26-10-2017 05:09 AM

I think that possession could be by lower astral beings, not demons. Often the creations of the human mind. See Initiation ito hermetics by Franz Bardon.

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