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CNC 11-06-2012 07:38 PM

My OOB/AP adventures...
I never write any of this stuff down so I am going to keep track of it here on the forums :)

I'll just start with the most recent which was last night... 6/10/12

Fell asleep on the couch watching TV for a few hours then around midnight I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep for several hours. When I started getting tired again around 2am I thought it would be a good time to try to AP.

Well, pretty much instantly I had sleep paralysis. For me sleep paralysis usually just feels like I am wide awake but blind and unable to move. I usually try to scream and am overcome with fear but now that I understand it better I try to "get out" and last night I was successful. I was out! I just kept repeating "I'm out, I'm out, I'm out!" and started to get overly excited.

I did a quick lap around the house but my first agenda was to look in a mirror. I did this last time (a few months ago) and it did not go well. I just saw a bright flash, somebody suggested I may have traveled "in it" ? but whatever happened, I didn't like it. This time I looked in the hallway mirror and I just got very bad astral blindness, couldn't see anything. I immediately went to the bathroom mirror and could just barely see my face but it was really hard to concentrate and I could see the blindness setting in. It was strange what I could see though, I looked different...but the same...if that makes sense, lol. For some reason I am unable to see myself in the mirror well, any reason for this?

Well, I didn't want to waste any time so I moved on to my second agenda, leaving my house. As expected I could not get through the front door, whack, slammed right into it. I tried a few more times, tried to push myself right next to it and then push out but no luck. I was able to reach my hand through though so I ended up reaching my hand through and just slamming my body into the door, not pretty but it worked, I was finally outside.

I didn't really know what to do from here, I always just wanted to get outside but now that I was out I just kind of floated upward. I sat on the back roof of my house for a few seconds and just rested, it was pretty amazing. I decided to float down the street, had a brief thought about not being able to get back "in" made it a few hundred feet and then I felt the pull...things were wrapping up here.

Now, usually when I get pulled back I just snap right out of everything and I'm done...this time was a little different. I was pulled back to the house, but it felt like I was pulled a LOT further. I was only a few hundred feet away but it took awhile to get back. When I got back to the house it was different. A dresser was in the middle of the hall, a radio playing audible country music was on in the living room and the entire place had a different vibe. I wasn't dreaming, is this possibly the RTZ I hear of or maybe a different plane/etc?

I saw a person, who I immediately grabbed and demanded they tell me who they are. They seemed like they wanted nothing to do with me. Shortly after this I must have slipped into a dream. I could still recall things from the OOB/AP that I just had but I knew I was no longer in it and the dream took over for a little bit, then I woke up.

Well, thats it for this round. Feel free to comment or add anything you like. Until next time :)

Kontufuto 11-06-2012 07:46 PM

If you know you were aware when all this was taking place based on some of the detail I would say you may have been in another dimension! This is exactly what to expect as your frequency may have shifted you in a momentary state elsewhere than here! In any case, thank you for sharing!

CNC 12-06-2012 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by Kontufuto
If you know you were aware when all this was taking place based on some of the detail I would say you may have been in another dimension! This is exactly what to expect as your frequency may have shifted you in a momentary state elsewhere than here! In any case, thank you for sharing!

Yeah, at that point I was still having an OOB. So you say dimensional travel...thats pretty cool! I'll have to research that a little more since I know absolutely nothing about it. Too bad I couldn't make it last a little longer but maybe next time :)

Kontufuto 12-06-2012 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by CNC
Yeah, at that point I was still having an OOB. So you say dimensional travel...thats pretty cool! I'll have to research that a little more since I know absolutely nothing about it. Too bad I couldn't make it last a little longer but maybe next time :)

The author of this URL gave me this to read over about the different dimensions. You might as well get your feet wet too! Fascinating stuff!! :cool:


Summerlander 12-06-2012 08:52 PM


It was strange what I could see though, I looked different...but the same...if that makes sense, lol. For some reason I am unable to see myself in the mirror well, any reason for this?

Makes perfect sense. Sometimes your reflection is different. By the way, here's a suggestion: amplify your senses in order to get overall intensity of what you are perceiving.

You can do this by rubbing your hands and even blowing on them. You can also try to listen for the sound of them rubbing and try to detect the feel of friction and warmth. You can palpate your body and objects around you. To intensify and prolong the experience, it is wise for you to do this. I call it "deepening".

After I separate, I usually deepen by rubbing my hands. Deepening should be done as soon as you enter that world. Spend about 10 seconds on depening and count the seconds. You may stop and proceed to carry out your plan of action as soon as hyperreality is achieved.


Now, usually when I get pulled back I just snap right out of everything and I'm done...this time was a little different. I was pulled back to the house, but it felt like I was pulled a LOT further. I was only a few hundred feet away but it took awhile to get back. When I got back to the house it was different. A dresser was in the middle of the hall, a radio playing audible country music was on in the living room and the entire place had a different vibe. I wasn't dreaming, is this possibly the RTZ I hear of or maybe a different plane/etc?

For some people - and I'm one of them:hug3: - astral projection is nothing but lucid dreaming. It is worth noting that a lot of lucid dreamers comment that lucid dreams can feel real - very unlike an ordinary dream and have more in common with waking state experience.

I personally believe that OOBEs are nothing but wake-initiated lucid dreams (WILDs) where the illusion of separation from the body is conveyed. In fact, lucid dreams are dissociative too and can be thought of as "out-of-body" experiences as one perceives themselves to be elsewhere other than where the physical body lies.


I saw a person, who I immediately grabbed and demanded they tell me who they are. They seemed like they wanted nothing to do with me. Shortly after this I must have slipped into a dream. I could still recall things from the OOB/AP that I just had but I knew I was no longer in it and the dream took over for a little bit, then I woke up.

Slipping into a normal dream state - where one's consciousness dwindles and certain mental qualities are lost - can happen and it is natural. It is important to maintain lucidity by reminding yourself to maintain full awareness and you may also rub your hands in order to maintain the environment when you notice it evanescing before you.

Well done and thanks for sharing this experience!:cool:

CNC 09-08-2012 03:12 PM

Well, not much has happened the last few months. Even my dreams have just been a hazy blur. I had one very very brief OOB about 3 or 4 weeks ago but it was literally seconds and it was over, didn't get to do much of anything so not really worth recording.

Last night on the other hand was interesting. I believe this may have been a full blown NEG attack of some sorts and is worth writing down. I had terrible sleep paralysys kick in, haven't had one like this since childhood....

I try to think of anything I did differently during the day whenever I get a bad sleep paralysis attack. I was overly tired having only slept a few hours the night before. I had a migrane headache starting before bed so I popped around 600mg advil. Other than that really nothing out of the ordinary. Was just really run down and tired though, been working a lot/etc.

So, it started with me lying in bed and getting that overwhelming fear that something is with me, you know the drill. I've learned to ignore that, and actually turn it into an OOB but this time I saw a (cloud?) of energy just floating in my room. It almost looked like it was taking on shapes but nothing really signifigant, possibly faces? I was very near OOB, and I could have easily achieved it but that cloud started to get the fear going and I just remained completely still and made no attempt to "get out" I had the feeling it was unaware of me but every breath I took the cloud floated near me, with my breathing... I didn't like that and tried to hold my breath, that didn't work because I need to breathe so with a giant deep breath it was pulled right into my lungs (or so it seemed?) and thats when the real fear hit me.

I did not like this at all, something latching onto me like that just gave me a real uneasy feeling and thats when I tried to "run" During sleep paralysis this basically causes me to "get out" and have an OOB. This was not an enjoyable one though as the fear from this "cloud" latching on to me just gave me a panicked feeling. I made it OOB but felt weighed down, I got to maybe the door of my room before I decided I wanted to be done, it was time to snap back. It wasn't working, I was trying to break free but the paralisys was starting to effect my OOB as well and I just froze with fear. Now a total panic has set in, likely just what this negative energy wanted but I just couldn't help it.

I could hear my Wife and kid in the bathroom next to my room, they were taking a bath. The time was well past 11pm so they were long in bed but maybe this has something to do with the RTZ I hear about, maybe it was just a manifestation of my mind, alternate reality, slipping into a dream?...either way at this point I was desperate so I started screaming for them to "shake me" in hopes that I would be done with this. I know better, this doesn't work, nobody can "hear" you, nobody can help you, it's a totally different plane of exsistence...but I tried anyways.

I started to pray, asking God for help. My mouth was froze and I had to use everything just to try and audibly talk but as soon as I could do it, my voice started to sound like something out of a horror movie, likely another negative energy tactic to frighten me, it was working, at this point I was frightened.

Out of nowhere I was whisked back on the bed and back to full paralisys. I could once again see the energy cloud towering over me, growing in size and could even see another one forming to my left. I could almost definetily see faces but not sure if this was just a mind-matrix thing or what, nothing was solid or clear.

I remembered on my night stand I had the Robert Bruce book somewhere, I'll admit I haven't finished it or touched it in months but I knew it was there and thought it might help me break free somehow. I gave it my all to reach over to it but felt like it just shredded into pieces/etc, that wasn't working either.

I finally just fought and fought to move my body and snapped back. I usually get an immediate feeling of regret for freaking out so bad and just kind of laugh at myself for over reacting to sleep paralisys so bad but this time was different. I could still see a thick haze in my room, I had bad chills and no matter how hard I tried sleep was just over powering me. I sat up and was still dozing off, and could still feel a negative presence, strongly, this was weird. I almost slept with the TV on, not like me at all to get worked up like this these days, knowing what I know now about all this stuff.

Definetily one of the most (if not the most) intense sleep paralisys occurances I have ever had. Felt like 30 min or so but who knows. I would say it was definetily the longest one I've had. I still have an uneasy feeling today as well which I usually do not, probably because it was so intense and I can't get it off my mind...just to be safe I may imply a few "counter measures" not sure what all that was about last night but I'm open to any and all advice :)

Until next time!

nephesh 12-08-2012 01:06 AM

Thanks for sharing your experiences.

Dreaming-for-Tomorrow 12-08-2012 06:51 PM

Yikes! That second experience sounds pretty terrifying! I'm sure it's not all bad, but I wouldn't be sure how to act if I saw a cloud like that in my room. Have you any idea what it could be?

Kontufuto 13-08-2012 09:19 PM

Appreciate the post on your new experiences. I have no comment on your SP's. Never had them and don't know really what to say about them.

Keep us updated as things progress!

CNC 14-08-2012 07:12 PM

Thanks guys!
I am going to try and post everything I actually remember in this topic. I don't have a lot of stuff happen, seems to be consistant every few months or so (pretty much my entire life) but I'm just a regular guy that works a lot/etc and I'm not really very active on the spiritual/astral side of things.


Originally Posted by Dreaming-for-Tomorrow
Yikes! That second experience sounds pretty terrifying! I'm sure it's not all bad, but I wouldn't be sure how to act if I saw a cloud like that in my room. Have you any idea what it could be?

Great question :)

Short answer - no idea

Long answer -

Well, here is a little history on myself. As long as I can remember I have had involuntary OOB and SP episodes, even as a very young child. I mostly had "astral blindness" but just a dreadful fear of something evil in the room with me during the SP. In my younger years of OOB (where I could see) I figured it was sleep walking (another thing I have had a history of, mostly as a child) but deep down I KNEW it wasn't, I think I just told myself that to avoid freaking out. I can still remember running to the bathroom splasing water on my face and just repeating "that was no F'ing dream" over and over. It was terrifying but as days went by, the fear would pass and I wanted to know more about it...and have it happen again. Unfortunately due to them being involuntary I would lose interest until it happened again (usually every few months) and then the cycle would repeat.

As I got older, and the internet became available I started to research. I was convinced what I was having was Near death experiences. I had a lot of trouble with sleep apnea in my 20's due to unknown food alergies and I assumed I was basically "dead" for a short time due to not breathing. I figured it just wasn't my time to die so I was in kind of a halfway point between life and death. It wasn't uncommon for me to wake up gasping for air when I had the sleep apnea issues so I assumed that must be it.

Well, that "would" have been the solution except after I made the proper adjustments and eliminated my sleep apnea, it was still happening every few months....okay, back to research :)

The reason I kind of ruled out Astral Projection in the beggining was because you always hear about people visiting places, talking to people, throwing fireballs/etc.. My OOB were nothing like that. I had seen figures/etc during sleep paralisys on occasion but during a full blown OOB it was always my exact house, everything was the same, nothing unusual (until a more recent one but I'll get to that) except an overwhelming fear I was someplace I shouldn't be and a strong sense of negative energy/vibes...well, and the fact I was out of my body!!

During a recent OOB (about 6 months ago) I was in the sleep paralysis state and I felt something in my closet, something negative. While trying to turn around and look at it I "rolled" out of my body and darted straight to my closet. I was ready for confrontation and nothing was going to stop me. I was pushed back slightly and a very tall blueish figure walked right past me. This was the absolute first time I had ever SEEN anything out of the norm during an OOB. All I saw were the legs, I was far too terrified to look at the face and basically just froze in fear/shock. First encounter with a NEG during an OOB for me? Yeah, most likely...

The sleep paralysis I just encountered was different though. I got the impression the "cloud" was toying with me, almost enjoying the fear it was causing. It's hard to explain but I could almost feel it smirking at me, like a cocky bully thats getting satisfaction from it's victims suffering. My idea is that is was some form of negative energy attacking me.

The more I want to learn about it the more I feel I've kind of hit a crossroad with this stuff. Part of me wants to try inducing my own OOB with meditation/etc and see where it takes me, the other part of thinks I should just leave it alone. I see a lot of the people who post saying they are pyhscic or mediums, astral travelers/etc.. I'm not any of these, just a regular hard working family man that has OOB's and maybe I should just leave it at that? The average person would think I'm nuts if I told them half this stuff and while I appreciate the like minded support of people here on the net I feel I can't get too involved with these kinds of things or I'll start being that guy that gets to caught up with fantasy land and lets it start effecting day to day life (I have a tendency to get obsessed with hobbies/etc..) Not to mention, with the exception of a few recent OOB's (where I had the chance to explore a little) most of my experiences have a pretty strong negative energy presence, just feels like something I maybe should just leave alone...? Either way one thing is certain, they consistantly happen every few months so from now on I'll be keeping a record of them right here in this topic :)

Thanks for reading :)

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