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Spirit Guide Sparrow 07-10-2010 05:38 PM

Doorkeepers, Spirit Guides and Angels.
Namaste - Love and light - hello and blessings.

I take this opportunity to speak briefly on the subject of spirit guides and other aids. It is to be understood that many people will come forward with their own experiences and interactions with what they believe to be spirit guides, and that is appropriate. Spirit guides come in all shapes and guises, so too do those who come forward with stories of them.

I present you today with my own version flavoured by my own role as a spirit guide. This is not to be interpreted as an egotistical or fantasy formulated ideal, but of known and lived truth. It is not a belief I aspire to fulfil, nor is it some belief some other has bewitched upon me. It is what is. With this said and understood, I can move forward to speak of the nature of Doorkeepers, Spirit Guides and Angels in a general sense, and their function and activities they subscribe to.


Firstly, I will clarify, Doorkeepers, Spirit Guides and Angels are not the same thing.
Doorkeepers are those in the spirit world who walk your life journey with you. They watch over you and protect you. They oversee your development and progress through the physical journey of human life. They make observations and studies of your intentions and actions upon the physical platform. They see to it you get the help you need. It is they who hold the lifeline for you, and hold the keys for you to return back into the spirit world, back to your divine spirit. They are your guardians, gatekeepers and guiding light.
They typically have had physical lifetimes as you have, and thus they will revert and embrace the knowledge and wisdom brought from that to aid you in yours.

Spirit Guides.

These are varied and of different backgrounds and functions. You will find each guide you have in your current energy space brings something unique and different to the table. Some will originate from your soul group in order that you may continue the work you have been doing for thousands of years. These will have significant bonds and affections for you, since it is these that are often misinterpreted as soul mates and twin flames. Their energy is so in accord with your own that you mirror one another.
Some will originate from affiliate soul groups that share a common ancestry or experience pathway. To strengthen bonds and potentials between different soul groups, your own soul will forge friendships and roles which bring you together. Particularly if another soul group specialises in something which you aspire to advance within and broaden your experience of. A representative then will act as one of your guides to assist you practice, pursue and play out potentials with aspired outcomes.
Some guides may step forward out of service to you simply out of their fondness for you. Perhaps you have shared a past life experience with them, or a shared inter-dimensional history, particularly where other species are concerned. That bond between you will create a desire for service to one another.
Depending on the nature of the purpose for you to seek out a physical life, other guides will stand forward to serve you. If you will be working with a specific type of energy for example, you will have guides assigned to you, or who become attracted to you through the work you are already doing, who are practitioners or masters of the same. In this scenario they lend their experience and insight to you during your physical journey.
It may be that you choose to work within music, or communication, or in science. If this was your initial aspired choice for coming to Earth then you will have guides that are experienced musicians, communicators or scientists. So too if you aspired to do healing work, you will have a mixture of guides to perhaps facilitate energy flow, and perhaps one who is a practiced channeller or a biologist; all working together to assist you. Many guides work together as a team. This is what is known as your ‘spirit team’.

So it is to be understood that some guides are assigned to you prior to your physical birth, because this was the aspired direction you wished to pursue. This was the work you had hoped to develop. It is also to be understood that some guides are not officially assigned to you by agreement, but who are drawn to you later on in life. Through some circumstance that has manifested, or through some potential that has drawn the attention of the spirit world, some beings may volunteer their skills and resources to nurture new pathways in your life that you were previously unaware of. Not everything in physical life is planned and organised, most of it is created spontaneously as you go. For one cannot plan for a future destiny he or she has not yet written himself, or herself.


These are those beings who work in the background behind the scenes, who tend not to have direct associations with human beings whilst in the flesh. They are those who hold high seats of responsibility in the workings of the spirit world and the physical one. There are different experiences of Angels, depending on how you interpret their identity. Some originate from your own soul group. Some originate from another dimensional universe as a different species. Some are gardeners of the cosmos and universal laws. Some are energy runners, who weave energy streams from one place to another. Some are facilitators of sound and colour, or of emotion or feeling. Some are actually what is understood as ascended beings who just look like an Angel. Though ascension is infinite and one should not assume it is the highest seat of Godliness. Angels are many different things, many different beings from many different origins. Those that write books on the categories of biblical Angels and give them ranks and human names still have a long way to go to understand what they are dealing with. If a current belief works for you in the circumstances you find yourself in, then use it, but always remain open to new interpretations of what and where that energy comes from.

From the wisdom of my council to yours.

Xan 07-10-2010 06:47 PM

It's interesting, Sparrow, that we have different views of the role of spirit beings in our lives, since clearly we both have had long-term experience with them. It shows how each person's relationship with "those above" is unique to us in some ways.

There is most certainly a broad range of the spirit beings of various kinds and at various levels who guide and support us... who know us better than we know ourselves and have a much broader view of us and our potential than we could possibly have in our limited human perspective.

In my experience from trance channeling and automatic writing for 7 years, some years ago, a Gatekeeper assists in the process of entering the type of trance required for that work, and in the phasing in and out of the body by spirit beings.

I also know Angels to be very involved with some of us at a deeply personal level. In my understanding it is Archangels who are generally involved with broader principles and less with us on a day-to-day basis, although I know of exceptions to this also.

Some spirit guides are Loved Ones who crossed over and remain accessible to love and support us in some specific ways, others are Lifetime Guides - or many lifetimes - who oversee and support our continued evolving and growing; some are Specialists for developing certain relationships, abilities, skills and artistic expressions; some are from our Council of Elders who assist us not only following and previous to taking birth but support us during significant shifts in our spiritual advancement here; some are highly enlightened Spiritual Masters; and still others are aspects of our own Higher Self.

Developing conscious communication and relationships with high
bright spirit beings is so valuable it cannot be described. As for me, I can't imagine living without their constant presence, their intimate guidance, teaching and unconditional love.


Enya 07-10-2010 06:54 PM

I can completely resonate with your words, Sparrow, especially those about angels. I have known for a while that they are 'not what they appear to be'. Know them by their energy.


earthprowler 07-10-2010 08:40 PM

So it's the door keeper that lead you on the path that you are supposed to be on? Or no? Or just synchronicity? Can you call to them for help the way you would a guide or an angel?

sunny shine 08-10-2010 03:24 AM

Good one Sparrow :smile:

mArIya 08-10-2010 03:36 AM

Higher Self versus Guides
I am aware of Spirit Guides, Doorkeepers and Angel presences in my life.

I have taken notice of the different energies that come through at times of personal growth spiritually, the changes and ways of revealing themselves to me. I dont deny how they have shown me - through various mediums - what it is I need to know or how they might take me off for a lesson during sleeptime, or Ill "see" things, or suddenly just "know" things. They all work in amazing ways to get my attention.

However, I have this undeniable faith in myself - or higher self - and tend to trust that more than anything, in fact I often wander why my doorkeeper even has the time and patience with me to stick around as such, although I know I am guided - at times of connecting and reading for someone - because of them - Im sure. Im sure its because of them that I get to "see" bits and pieces of information the come forth when reading.

Higherself - the all knowing "old" me - my soul exposed to me and a guide I rely upon heavily to steer me right, Ive always referred to that as my inner radar or detective - I instinctively connect to that aspect of myself and to be honest - cant remember what it feels like not to do this or use this as my guiding light.

Is it just a matter of needing many helpers outside of HS - am I confusing you with what Im saying at all? LoL - I havent quite formulated the question I want to ask, but can you elaborate on the purpose of Higher Self please?

Thanks for the your time and efforts with this thread - much appreciated and well informative.


GoldenEagleIndy 08-10-2010 03:40 AM

Pretty sure that my door keeper is my joy guide Rainbow, she's who lines people up or guides when I am trying to do something.


Spirit Guide Sparrow 09-10-2010 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by earthprowler
So it's the door keeper that lead you on the path that you are supposed to be on? Or no? Or just synchronicity? Can you call to them for help the way you would a guide or an angel?

You do not have to adopt the outlook that you are supposed to be on one path or another. You have free will to recreate yourself as you so choose. All paths lead to the same destination.

Your doorkeeper walks your journey with you, goes through what you go through, experiences what you experience. Your doorkeeper tries to keep you on the path you have chosen for yourself and keep you aligned with your ancient spirit.
You can of course call upon them to help you in a specific way, whether it be to find you a car parking space, or to comfort you during a loss of a loved one.
Despite the many forms of help they can provide, I always advise people to learn to develop and practice their own spiritual gifts, and gifts of wisdom first and foremost.
Your guides and doorkeeper can then facilitate the flow of these gifts to work for you.


Spirit Guide Sparrow 09-10-2010 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by Xan
It's interesting, Sparrow, that we have different views of the role of spirit beings in our lives, since clearly we both have had long-term experience with them. It shows how each person's relationship with "those above" is unique to us in some ways.

There is most certainly a broad range of the spirit beings of various kinds and at various levels who guide and support us... who know us better than we know ourselves and have a much broader view of us and our potential than we could possibly have in our limited human perspective.

In my experience from trance channeling and automatic writing for 7 years, some years ago, a Gatekeeper assists in the process of entering the type of trance required for that work, and in the phasing in and out of the body by spirit beings.

I also know Angels to be very involved with some of us at a deeply personal level. In my understanding it is Archangels who are generally involved with broader principles and less with us on a day-to-day basis, although I know of exceptions to this also.

Some spirit guides are Loved Ones who crossed over and remain accessible to love and support us in some specific ways, others are Lifetime Guides - or many lifetimes - who oversee and support our continued evolving and growing; some are Specialists for developing certain relationships, abilities, skills and artistic expressions; some are from our Council of Elders who assist us not only following and previous to taking birth but support us during significant shifts in our spiritual advancement here; some are highly enlightened Spiritual Masters; and still others are aspects of our own Higher Self.

Developing conscious communication and relationships with high
bright spirit beings is so valuable it cannot be described. As for me, I can't imagine living without their constant presence, their intimate guidance, teaching and unconditional love.


I do not as such view our perspectives, if I have ready correctly, to be totally dissimilar. I would not hesitate to agree that there are no set rules in place, or set relationships which are confined to one role or another. Each soul or spirit being has something unique to bring to the table. What you have really said is much to the same song sheet as I have used, simply using different words.

When it comes to trance and working with crossing energy pathways between the physical state and the spiritual, several different beings tend to facilitate this process handling different aspects of the procedure. Though often times a person will only be consciously aware of one of them, for only one of them may communicate with you. It is necessary for communication to be limited to just one being at a time so that the human being does not become overwhelmed. People will tend to find instead that different beings speak through one being who stands to represent all of them at that time. A lot of the time energy from the human presence within the room will be borrowed by the spirit team to help bring about this form of inter-dimensional communication.

My emphasis on what human beings call Angels, would be that most human beings misinterpret their own guides and other beings of light for Angels. An Angel is really a very loose term and can be used in multitudes of scenarios. Most beings in the spirit world don’t actually refer to ‘Angels’ as Angels. Those beings with much broader responsibilities in the realms of spirit, or with totally different origin and energy tend to work in the proximity further away from human beings, but that they are still aware of human activities. The problem with these kind of ‘Angels’ is that their energy is so potent that it can actually have adverse effects on physical beings if they get too close. It is the same in the spirit world, where the proximity of such grand beings can only be accessed by ascending your vibration more in alignment with their own. This is not to say that there are not beings, as you say, that work with human beings on a deep personal level, for there are a great many. The problem one has with using names and labels with the spiritual experiences they have, is they immediately limit and confine it to that outlook or understanding. I would really go as far as to say, anything spoken or written about spirit beings in human language is inaccurate and inadequate.

Yet, we must all begin somewhere, and at least attempt to bring understanding closer to its original form. Your words and mine work to facilitate a greater connection to the original truth, which must truly be experienced on all levels of the Self.


Xan 10-10-2010 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by loveyduck
I havent quite formulated the question I want to ask, but can you elaborate on the purpose of Higher Self please?

lovey... Not speaking for Sparrow but we might just as well ask, What is the purpose of our human self? ... because our Higher Self is our true self as Spirit, and this human body-mind is merely a vehicle It uses to interact and learn in this world.

Becoming aware in your Higher Self is like coming home.


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