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-   -   Just witnessed my frist trance mediumship demonstration (https://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=147340)

Bluto 02-09-2023 08:20 PM

Just witnessed my frist trance mediumship demonstration
I've recently been attending a spiritualist church. Sometimes I go and watch mediums deliver messages to a crowd. Other times I attend an open circle (and have successfully given names, places, and circumstances that make sense to others). But tonight I witnessed something different, and I'm not sure what to think.

A medium went into trance, then began speaking in a different voice. We asked questions, deep ones, and the answers were quickly returned, deep and profound, and full of deep wisdom. They were always delivered succinctly, without any "er"s etc. The wisdom was on par with Chanelling Seth. Altogether 4 different voices came through over the hour, one was dominant.

The dominant one gave his name, and where he lived and worked during a certain historic event. It's high profile. But I cannot find any account whatsoever of him ever existing, which casts doubt in my mind. I'm plagued with thoughts that he just faked the whole thing. But I don't want to think that. I have no gut feeling. I'm 50/50.

I don't know what to make of it. The energy in the room was intense, and several people were feeling it a lot more than me. I felt it in my usual way (my ears go red hot).

Does anybody have any experience with this? If so, what are your experiences, thoughts, and beliefs on trance mediumship? Any trance medium here?

Miss Hepburn 03-09-2023 09:28 AM

Why be plagued with thoughts of whether this is fake; you said there was profound, deep wisdom expressed.
I say, Take the wisdom! Control your thoughts.
There are many mediums here, btw.

My thoughts on when I went to a medium or a psychic? FUN stuff! :glasses9:

Bluto 03-09-2023 01:10 PM

Because I usually ask critical questions about everything, and he might have been a very philosophical and intelligent man who could act the part.

I want to believe it's true, but I have found life is a little healthier defaulting to cynicism (especially when money is involved), and working forward from there.

Anyway, even if it was fake (I sway more towards it not being fake), the fact I'm considering the answers is in itself adding to my spiritual growth, so I got a lot from it.

Miss Hepburn 03-09-2023 01:26 PM

I've been skeptical about some things, not cynical exactly, so I get it. :)
Cynical doesn't look good on me.

I could not imagine HOW on earth little Flower Essences (Bach are the most commercial),
could possibly do what people said. I mean.. how?

Well, my socks were blown off - first when I saw the change in a friend, then when I tried them for a BIG issue...
and in 3 minute the issue was gone!
I think when the medium speaks to you personally you will be able to tell way more.

Have fun :smile: Me? My gut can tell once I exp something personally.
Ever read the book ''The Gift of Fear" ?
Well being wary and checking things out can be a gift, also, imo.

Spirited 03-09-2023 02:01 PM

I have watched trance mediumship twice. Once at a local spiritualist church which I found very convincing, but much like yourself afterwards I found myself asking questions and wondering. The second time I had the privilege of watching a trance medium who was a spirit doctor, this was during a weeks residential course on mediumship. He had a hospital bed which people could lay on and he would simply walk around them while in trance and pinch them....each person walking away saying they felt healed. There was an elderly woman on the course with us all week who walked with a bad hunched back, he asked her to lay on the bed and she explained how she has seen doctors and chiropractors for years to no avail. 10 minutes later of this medium simply pinching her in various areas with 2 fingers she stood up almost entirely straight. Much to all our astonishment! My only explanation is if it wasn't true she'd have had to be in on it... but we spent the week getting to know her and I just don't feel she was. An amazing experience.

Miss Hepburn 03-09-2023 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by Spirited
The second time I had the privilege of watching a trance medium who was a spirit doctor....

Anyone know one of those in America? :smile:

Native spirit 03-09-2023 06:59 PM

I have written about this before I used to attend a Healing sanctuary it held closed circles. the main person who ran it was a Trance Medium.
On more than one occasion he would go into Trance his Guide was a West African chief his Name was Zulas.
The medium was a man in his late fifties at the time lost most of his hair
until Zulas came through he looked really tall big build he had a spear.

Sometimes he would come through and speak in his own Language when He came through he looked directly at me then went to another couple.
I understood every word he said.

When i went to speak to them to tell them what he said they Broke down as it was a Message they had been waiting for.
That is just one instance.


BadMedium 04-09-2023 10:30 PM


Originally Posted by Bluto
The dominant one gave his name, and where he lived and worked during a certain historic event. It's high profile. But I cannot find any account whatsoever of him ever existing,

Then this is a big tell :smile: I would be skeptical too.

I do believe that some people - non-intoxicated people - can go into trance at will. Why not?

However, the explanation to those voices can be diverse. They may not be as a result of mediumship act but the mind playing tricks while in trance. Dreaming of a mental movie and letting four actors to talk aloud.

From an occultist point of view, the guy could be just voicing some thoughtforms.

In the end, proving given historical record wrong is debunking. I don't mean closed case. So far, debunked.

Bluto 05-09-2023 12:00 AM

BadMedium, he actually said "You won't find my name in any books", so covered that one ha ha.

I know trance mediumship is a real thing though. I've been lucky enough to have a personal friend who has showed me so much of the other side, as she's a super gifted person. I've seen angels with my own eyes through her. But I've never before had a direct 2-way coherent and intellectual conversation with a spirit like I did a few days ago. This experience was filled with some real deep stuff. But I'd not considered that it could be his own mind playing tricks, and enough so that he himself believes it. He had ran a 6-hour workshop before the demonstration, but I didn't go to that, I just went to the demonstration. The ones who did go to the workshop were full of praise, and apparently one or two managed to channel a spirit or two. Also, the energy in the room was insane and it took me 24 hours to come down from it. My ears were on fire, which is what happens to me when energies flow a little too heavily through me.

I dunno. I've come away from the experience with more questions and confusion than I entered with.

BadMedium 06-09-2023 12:20 AM


Originally Posted by Bluto
I've seen angels with my own eyes through her.

Can you describe them to me, please? Size, shape...

Originally Posted by Bluto
My ears were on fire, which is what happens to me when energies flow a little too heavily through me.

What do you mean? Something like tinnitus?

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