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alcyone 10-07-2017 11:41 PM

Those that reunited?
So what did you notice before reuniting with your twin flame?

Right now I'm not sure she will ever come back, and I'm not really thinking about that anyway, but I've noticed recently for the past month about,my feelings have shifted. I no longer am scared of the intensity. I look 10 years younger which isn't necessarily good or bad lol. I look like I did when I was 17 literally.... All the signs are basically dead except for a random one on the clock.

I just feel like it's either a) I'm just getting healthier and am being reminded of my 17 year old self when my twin flame left me... Or the time for "that talk" is coming very close.

But for those that have... What happened before hand?

ssdm1 11-07-2017 12:06 AM

I had never heard of twin flames when he came back in my life after 20 years. I don't think there were any signs at all pointing to this happening.

I was watching an old movie on TV we loved when we were 17 on a snowy night and started thinking of him, which I had not done in a long time. A week later I got a friend request from him, we started texting, then months later saw each other in person for the first time in 20 years. We text almost daily now, talk on the phone and get together when schedules allow.

This is not a great romance with a fairy tale ending but we are best friends who reunited and are happy with that!

FairyCrystal 11-07-2017 08:37 AM

I didn't notice anything as like they say you meet your TF unexpectedly. So I wasn't expecting anything nor looking for anything. I was just living my life.
I was on a rather high vibration though, and had been for about half a year when I met him.
Someone had told me about Abraham Hicks in October 2015, I started watching workshops on YouTube, some of which 9 hrs long (weekend workshops). I was hooked and kept watching for weeks, months. Around January 2016 I was flying high, non-stop. I fell off due to a private thing that happened in February, but picked it up again.
I even managed to deal with my father's passing away in a great way due to Abraham Hicks and my spiritual beliefs.
Continued to work on getting empowered again, to get back on my high flying disk. And met him in July 2016.
We've been together since.

I think you can mostly tell odd occurrences, signs and coincidences afterwards, not beforehand.
Now I could think, had that woman not pointed out Abraham Hicks to me, I may not have been ready to meet him. Without Abraham, my vibration would not have been high enough.
That's the only thing I can think of. I wasn't looking for a partner, let alone a TF, hadn't even thought of TFs for almost a decade. Wasn't busy with the concept at all.

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