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Remnantique 15-08-2012 11:51 PM

The Joy of... Satan?
Ok so the other night I randomly stumbled upon a website called the joy of Satan and was a site dedicated to worshipping Satan under the religion of Satanism. The thing which really shocked me is the whole website was explaining how life and Christianity have given hell and demons a bad outlook whereas demons actually are nice and care for the human race and only wish for us to develop spiritually.

What's more is it also suggested we had guardian demons and not angels, demons being good and not evil 'at all', furthermore it explained how the only god was Satan and Satan doesn't set out to punish, he only wishes for us to be honest and confident. Moreover, it suggested nothing about people suffering or burning in hell and even suggested Christianity is a tool to prevent us from developing spiritually as it rejects some aspects of what would be considered magic. It also says how Christianity have stolen some events wih as Easter which was originally astar or something.

It did mention there are lesser negative demons but the main hierarchy of demons was good. I don't know if I believe in what the website said but I was shocked to find that Satanism was depicting demons as good and hell was not such a bad place after all and implies that only christianity made it out to be bad. I wanted to know if any of what I said is possibly true as I'm shocked by the good nature demons were depicted as (angelic physical forms). I can't link the website though I don think cos it's not allowed.

Animus27 16-08-2012 12:40 AM

Be very wary of Satanic websites when it comes to history. They tend to be rather revisionist (like many religious websites).

Originally, the Greek word daimon (spelled daemon in Latin) was used to refer to beings and spirits that weren't mortals or full gods. They were mediators between humans and gods, and some were good natured, and some weren't. You have the Agathos Daimon, which is a protective household spirit that was offered wine at each meal, and then you have the Kakodaimones which were evil spirits that sent plagues on people.

By the time Christianity became a political power, many philosophers had already expunged certain oracles and modes of worship, since they were believed to cater to lesser spirits (daimones) instead of the gods themselves. Christianity, being largely formed in the Greek and Latin speaking Roman Empire, adopted the word daemon to refer to false gods and negative spirits, since they believed their god was the only rightful one of worship. As time went on the word was increasingly used to refer to beings belonging to Satan, the adversary of God's Goodness. Thus, since the Western World is a child of a Christian civilization, the word demon has unwholesome associations attached to it.

So while said website isn't totally off-center in claiming not all demons are bad, it can also be tricky, since from some worldviews, all spirits are dangerous to deal with. It all depends on your outlook.

And no, Easter is a thoroughly Christian holiday, besides it's localized folk borrowings. Regardless of people claiming it's some kind of pagan festival. :tongue:

seeker89 16-08-2012 04:59 AM

Hi Remnantique,

I used to frequent that website, and tried some of the practices that it has on there...All I'll say is please be very careful if you decide to do the same - Make sure you're in a very stable place, mentally, and make sure you really know what you're doing. I dabbled with that stuff and it caused more problems for me than you can imagine. If you feel called to Satanism as a path then I have no right whatsoever to tell you thats wrong, just be very careful and do a lot of research.

Maybe you're not even wanting to practice it, I just thought I'd let you know that that stuff can go bad.


Remnantique 16-08-2012 10:27 AM

Thanks for your responses! Seeker I bet you tried summoning a demon right? I dont like the idea of having to offer something and in following the religion you have to reject god and as I believe partially in both of them I can't go through with what it says on the website. What kind of experiences did you have seeker?

Edit) Animus!! Glomps*

seeker89 16-08-2012 01:40 PM

Hey, yes, I tried summoning a demon...It was a bad mistake and looking back on it I just shake my head. Lets just say that it opened up things inside me that should not have been opened up - I ended up with nearly constant auditory and often visual hallucinations, nightmares, thought I was going to die, etc. It was a combination of things though - I had been doing drugs regularly for several years and was beginning to get quite paranoid from that, and then when I developed an interest in black magick...BAM! All hell broke loose before my eyes one day.

Truth be told, I don't think I'll ever quite be the same having had those experiences, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. I learned some very valuable things, and now I seek peace, harmony, the light...

If you decide to try and contact spirits in this manner, please, for your own sake, do your homework.


Toolite 16-08-2012 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by Remnantique
Ok so the other night I randomly stumbled upon a website called the joy of Satan and was a site dedicated to worshipping Satan under the religion of Satanism. The thing which really shocked me is the whole website was explaining how life and Christianity have given hell and demons a bad outlook whereas demons actually are nice and care for the human race and only wish for us to develop spiritually.

What's more is it also suggested we had guardian demons and not angels, demons being good and not evil 'at all', furthermore it explained how the only god was Satan and Satan doesn't set out to punish, he only wishes for us to be honest and confident. Moreover, it suggested nothing about people suffering or burning in hell and even suggested Christianity is a tool to prevent us from developing spiritually as it rejects some aspects of what would be considered magic. It also says how Christianity have stolen some events wih as Easter which was originally astar or something.

It did mention there are lesser negative demons but the main hierarchy of demons was good. I don't know if I believe in what the website said but I was shocked to find that Satanism was depicting demons as good and hell was not such a bad place after all and implies that only christianity made it out to be bad. I wanted to know if any of what I said is possibly true as I'm shocked by the good nature demons were depicted as (angelic physical forms). I can't link the website though I don think cos it's not allowed.

Thats interesting.. I find it sad when others know where they will reside but, when they take other individuals with them.. If anyone was told that there is sorrow and pain in the end forever.. who would sign up for it?

All The Glory Belongs To God Forever!

immortal coil 16-08-2012 09:47 PM

All truth is within. You never need a book or some website to tell you what you already inherently know.

Be true to yourself, and remain open to all possibilities. Let the divine will flow through you.

Remnantique 16-08-2012 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by immortal coil
All truth is within. You never need a book or some website to tell you what you already inherently know.

Be true to yourself, and remain open to all possibilities. Let the divine will flow through you.

That...doesn't really mean anything lol If I looked inside myself I would not have come to the conclusion that Satan 'might' be good and not evil. I'm not saying I'm a satanist, I'm just interested in different opinions, religions and outlooks on life so I try to find the truth. That's something only I can decide for myself though.

immortal coil 17-08-2012 01:01 AM


Originally Posted by Remnantique
That...doesn't really mean anything lol If I looked inside myself I would not have come to the conclusion that Satan 'might' be good and not evil. I'm not saying I'm a satanist, I'm just interested in different opinions, religions and outlooks on life so I try to find the truth. That's something only I can decide for myself though.

Different viewpoints are fine, but realize that you're doing nothing more than putting labels on things.

All I'm saying is that no book, religion, etc. can tell you your own inner truth. So be weary of anything claiming to be so.

Remnantique 17-08-2012 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by immortal coil
Different viewpoints are fine, but realize that you're doing nothing more than putting labels on things.

All I'm saying is that no book, religion, etc. can tell you your own inner truth. So be weary of anything claiming to be so.

Yea sorry about that, i understand what you mean.

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