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mysticalee 15-12-2011 11:35 AM

Asking for signs
I ask for signs all the time to help guide me through different issues and trust what I have been given. For a long time now, I have been asking for signs on a certain issue that is very important to me but I just wasn't receiving anything, or at least nothing that was obvious to me. So I guess I was losing a little faith and worrying that I was bothering the higher power. Feeling a little lost, I asked again and explained why I needed a sign. And then they came.....think and fast. I got 6 signs in a row! After the first 4 I still wasn't convinced so in jest I said to my guides that they might have to put it on a billboard for me to believe it. And so they did!! In black and white, big bold letters on a billboard was exactly what I had asked to see. I was soo thankfull for receving that last sign. Trouble is, this issue is so big for me and I waited so long and asked in many different ways that I am having trouble trusting what I have been given. I was given such a great, big, obvious sign, would it be ungreatful of me to ask for further confirmation?

Flora 15-12-2011 01:15 PM

I think it's all about trust. Why don't you trust in all those signs?
Just have faith and go on.

Adrienne 17-12-2011 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by mysticalee
I was given such a great, big, obvious sign, would it be ungreatful of me to ask for further confirmation?

If you aren't going to believe in the signs that you receive, why bother to ask ?

Dream Angel xx

mystical 18-12-2011 11:42 AM

you sound alot like myself even share the same user name lol , i too use to ask for lots of signs , and when they came i always wanted more to validate the last sign i had been given ,. u need to trust that the universe is speaking to u , but mostly trust in your own intuition , the problem is in this life is we always want more , no matter how much proof they give you , learn to accept these signs as guidance and surrender to the universe and know that you are never alone , the universe is like one big guardian angel and will always be there for you , so embrace it :)

A peaceful mind. 18-12-2011 02:18 PM

You want a sign try to read me thread: The world is your teacher.

Try it and let me know how it goes :O)

Peace and love form me to you..


A Peaceful Mind

mysticalee 31-12-2011 09:18 AM

Dream Angle, I know you are right. I was put off a little at first by your comment, but you're right. I am very lucky to have been sent them and so clearly. There's no point in asking if you don't believe. I've trusted in the universe every other time and it never lets me down so I'm doing the same again and just waiting to see what happens. I tried your meditation Peaceful Mind and it really works! I was given further confirmation all day. I am starting to see things manifest around me now. It's all pretty exciting really. x

A peaceful mind. 31-12-2011 11:14 AM

In the end: Its about being aware that you are aware - accepting that there are no circumstances in life, is the first step to fully being aware and ready to understand.

I am glad that you liked it.

You could also use it to ask questions that you need answers to

With love and peace from me to you


A Peaceful Mind

dreamer12 17-01-2012 03:12 AM

Like what the others said I think you need to have trust in it. I always do the same and ask for signs. But sometimes people try to look at small things and interpret as its a sign. But yours sounds pretty spot on!

I say go for it and trust your intuition.. good luck :)

IsleWalker 17-01-2012 04:05 AM


I really did LOL when I read your post---because I did exactly the same thing. I would go on walks and think I was feeling guides or my Dad around. I would get a squeaking tree. I would ask again--nothing--until I walked on further.

This went on for weeks. I began to call it the Talking Tree. And each time I talked myself out of believing it. Eventually I just got pieces of bark falling down when I asked the question.

I finally said (in my head) "Is this the best you can do?? At least you could have dropped it on my head so I'd know it was you. "

The next time I walked I had just gotten inside the gate and a huge 20 foot section of tree came crashing down on the road and the tip of the branch landed gently on the top of my running shoe. Funny guys, they are!:D

Someone recently pointed out what skills and energy they have to exert to do these things for us in just the right way at just the right time.

No one can make you be certain. Just try to stay open. Later it will seem really funny to you that you doubted.

Good luck in your journey (and watch out for falling trees!).

IsleWalker - Lora

mattie 17-01-2012 04:44 AM

Connecting With Spiritual Team's Messages
Often when we ask for signs we unintentionally limit what these signs should be. Often there are many other signs already coming in that we are overlooking. Removing as many criteria for signs as possible opens us up to perceiving much more than we might have initially.

You aren’t bothering your spiritual team by asking. They have the wisdom to have infinite patience & have long since fully mastered distanced observer. It is impossible for them to be annoyed by your seeking answers as they see these are the same steps they took too.

You seem to have uncovered what is one of the really BIG issues in connecting w/ our spiritual team’s messages, that of TRUSTing your own perception. There are soooooooooo many messages, both by organized religion & others that have told us we are inept to connect w/ important spiritual messages. This is utter disinformation. Some of those telling us this may genuinely believe it, but I suspect that many others who are fully aware that we can make this connection just as well as those who seem to be authorized (spiritual superiors) to connect. This disinformation group (organized religion) doesn't want us to get confidence about making our own spiritual connections as they are justifiably concerned that this will lead to their obsolescence. There have been millions of messages for millennia that have told us we are incompetent to make this connection, but this is one huge bogusaurus of many outdated pieces of misinformation that people are moving past.

I’ve seen w/ my spiritual team that when I was getting used to their input & a little unsure that they would often accommodate a distinct confirmation, but if I continued to ask for additional confirmations this wouldn’t be forthcoming. They tend to be very succinct. After they have clearly delivered the message, if the issue is our moving into TRUSTing our own perception, at this point it is up to us to do the personal work of opening our energetic eyes, so to speak. They can’t do this for us. They can only help illuminate the path & help us establish the confidence to take empowering steps, not take the steps for us.

It is perfectly natural to be unsure of what to make of signs, particularly when they are subtle. Discernment is a learned skill. Reading too much into things, turning everything into a sign from above is as problematic as limiting one’s self to only accepting certain types of signs. This unsureness is a phase that we often move through faster than we may think. TRUSTing that you will handle your journey just fine is very useful. As we access new energetic experiences we learn how to deal w/ them. Have patience w/ self about this & KNOW you will sort things out just as others have. Don’t waste time or energy in beating your self up about overlooking signs. This is just part of the natural learning process that many go through.

Looking for tips from above is a useful part of the process in connecting w/ the Universe. We move increasingly to realizing that this inner wisdom is accessible much closer to home, through our own energies as our I AM state of BEing shifts into KNOWing. We move from seeking input from our spiritual team to establishing a constant connection where this is a constant & no real effort is required anymore. The connection is always there & has always been there, so the biggest hurdle is moving into TRUSTing that it is there for us & getting past any stigma that we are somehow not qualified to access it. We are. Many have.

Further along the expansive process this state of KNOWing will shift into a creator state. This creator state actually begins in mid-4D (1-12D) when we start to actively select our thoughts & emotions.

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